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Come join Rob, Ben and I for DCA Live on Ben's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ce9Fhq3-mtg


DCA Live! Crypto Contagion

The cryptoverse reeks of insolvencies and fraud right now. What comes next? Subscribe to Rob: https://www.youtube.com/c/DigitalAssetNewsDAN Subscribe to James: https://www.youtube.com/c/InvestAnswers



James handled it well so should we. But yes...I didn't like watching that. Don't worry James will end up on topand will still stay humble. Ben is always rolling his eyes. Just different views...he is having his time in the sun because of 3 macro events that no one could have predicted. Freaking Ftx is on a stadium.


Sooo u all love James I used to as well 1. Most high commissions via FTX 2. He promoted it and did a few videos of promoting heavily as the bat exchange 3. He has referral link to make money out of all of us 4. He did the same with Celsius while admitting live with Celsius sending over 10k of users huge commissions 5. He pretends to be authentic and transparent (do not fall for it as I did) 6. He pretend to donate to charity (don’t fall for it, ask for audited donations as well as fees) 7. He used to be a marketing dude (have proof) 8. How can u be objective when u make money out of ur fans? 9. He has fake accounts to attack the wake up ones like me to throw ash on ur eyes! Ohhh and thanking him as this one! Lol 10. Do you know anyone else pretending to be transparent and giving donations to charities ? I have nothing to gain from warning u guys of the truth. WAKE UP DO NOT REPEAT MY MISTAKE!


Anyone else notice Ben from into the crypto verse is just negative all the time!? Bringing his personal bitchie mindset is just annoyingly disrespectful … his anecdotal hate speech and bias discredits him. He literally just ignores facts!