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Hi Team

Just FYI - I share all I do. I just took all my BTC off of FTX. 

I did it in 3 tranches. 1st test hit. The others are taking time. My first test of 0.1 BTC happened in 10 mins (normal) the other two I am still waiting. It is a safety feature. 

"If you did not make this request, please change your password and contact customer support immediately. Withdrawals are processed within a few hours. You can find more information at https://help.ftx.us/hc/en-us/articles/360047164493-Account-Funding-Options."

I left some USDT SOL and ETH there for trading purposes. 



I too just withdraw successfully from FTXUS to ledger. I should have done it sooner, and luckily wasn’t bitten twice.


Aloha. I was able to take my money off of FTX just in time. I also had money from my LLC on Nexo and was able to take off too. I heard from Simon Dixon that Nexo may fall too.