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Crypto Robinhood: Avraham Eisenberg, the trader who has claimed responsibility for the recent $116M Mango Markets exploit, has publicly revealed a potential way for highly capitalized entities to exploit the REN market on Aave V2.

According to Eisenberg’s proposed “trading strategy”, an entity would need to supply 100M USDC and borrow $85M worth of REN tokens against it. Then, with a different account, the entity would need to deposit the REN tokens and borrow 50M USDC, which would be used to buy more REN tokens. This process would need to be repeated multiple times.

The threat comes at a time when crypto investors are on edge about the potential for exploits and hacks in the space. Attackers have extracted $718M from DeFi protocols in October alone, making it the worst month on record according to Chainalysis. An exploit of Aave, one of the first and largest DeFi protocols, would further dampen confidence.

Thanks Sanjay for bringing to our attention. 


Mango Markets Exploiter Says Aave Could Be Vulnerable To A Similar Attack - The Defiant

Proposed 'Trading Strategy' Would Require Hundreds Of Millions In Capital Avraham Eisenberg, the trader who has claimed responsibility for the recent $116M Mango Markets exploit, has publicly revealed a potential way for highly capitalized entities to exploit the REN market on Aave V2.



You missed the import part. "Buying tens or hundreds of millions of dollars worth of REN would send its price soaring and allow the entity to borrow more against its deposited collateral. In case of a 10-fold increase in the price of REN, the entity would be able to borrow $500M worth of assets, while initially deploying only $100M, potentially netting $400M in profit." This type of exploit is possible on any lending platform where a low cap coin can be borrowed. The lower the cap the easier it is.


James any idea why sol is down again?


If you mean down as in "price", it's because we're in a bear market. The risky assets bleed on the margins first and then risk moves up hill... There can only be one King on the hill in a bear market. #BTC


Whoa 😮. A lil snippy are we? Haha. That’s the answer you asked for. You can read the same answer from James higher up on the thread. ALL L1s down my friend Probably will continue for a month or two. But you can ask James 🥴