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What a difference a day makes.... Bloomberg posted this yesterday - Today, the Fed sends Credit Suisse - ie bails them out to the tune of 6.5BN.  It is a spit in the bucket. 

CDS now rates the chance of Credit Suisse Default at 99%

There are more shoes to drop. As the fed hikes rates it breaks things. The wreckage is transparent from top-notch risk mgt banks like CS... can you imagine all the financial institutions we do not know about? 




Why give them 6B if they are going out of business in a week anyway? Aren’t we just lighting money on fire? Sidebar: what’s your all-in price for TSLA?


Thats my point of my comment above. Why should they have 6B?! For what? We can do a lot better elsewhere with 6B. Anyway...


No kidding. If there was any type of accountability for where our money goes, maybe there would be less waste. Just waiting for the day of 100% taxes.


Why would the USA Fed send a foreign bank money?


Because they serve the same overlords - you scratch my back I’ll scratch yours


"Sidebar: what’s your all-in price for TSLA?" For me? About $200, which we were close enough. I've been buying the dip all the way down from $275, 250, 225, 205 and now I'm riding the wave back up.