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Hi Team 

as you know I am extremely bullish on Tesla and it's also my largest holding after real estate but I just wanna share some of my latest production estimates. 

I have been updating my predictions based on revenue and margin. Note all these numbers are completely sandbagged because I do not include any FSD any insurance any energy business any solar any RoboTaxi revenue.  All of that is gravy. 

The company should be priced at LEAST $341 by my models.  My new 2026 Target sandbagged if they continue to execute is $1176.

Note I have over 5 million vehicles targeted for 2026 in total production and the FSD Take Rate is nearly 9%. Take 5M x $15K x 9% = $6.75BN of additional gravy.

More on this later... but key point of buying Tesla at $206 today and even layering in all the way down in increasing sizes (as you know I triple by later eg $270 = 100 shares, $250 x 300 shares, $231 x 900 shares and today was a synthetic long when I sold the puts and bought the calls going out to Jan 2024.

Note these prodn numbers and prices come from a myriad of sources such as Gary Black, Twitter, Tesla, History, Wall St, Troy, ARK etc. 




Thanks for sharing this James! While your projected price is sandbagged, how would it be for a bullish case? Keen to hear your thoughts.


Tesla costs of production are already the lowest in the EV industry and are getting lower every year (look at the numbers). Competition is coming but the market is getting bigger also so if their market share only stays the same they will still sell more vehicles. Most legacy automakers will go bust or be forced to merge because they have left it too late to change, I.e. how can they still sell gas cars at the same time as ramping up EV production mmmm


Tesla can lose substantial market share and still grow like a weed as the market as a whole transitions to electric.