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Jo Dough spotted this just now, $TSLA on the 4 hour - all items are aligned with the exception of the trend, which has not turned yet.  We have only seen a buy signal here once in the last 150 days. 

We face some serious global fiscal uncertainty with the Bank of England w severe problems again today. The cracks are hitting fit, fast and furious. We still await that big VIX spike moment where volatility spikes and I've been nibbling all the way down every $20 and this might be the level where I do something more exciting. 

Tesla has a lot of goodness coming down the pipe - and right now FUD levels are at all time highs. I am staying the course. We will find out real soon if Tesla is a recession proof stock - and I believe it is. 

Stay tuned. 




Tesla now near swing low of 206.86 (split adjusted) If that level doesn't hold - look out below. Tesla down 48% from ATH NDX (Nasdaq 100) down 36.8% in the same time frame Tesla also seeing more competitors. Chinese Electric/Hybrid car company BYD, now creeping up on Tesla in China. NFA


Did it break the monthly? And if so are we looking at picking up around 60?