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Tomorrow is a big numbers day and the market is going to move - the question is which way? Find out at 3pm PT 10pm UTC #Bitcoin #Disruption #PCE #JP #TheFed #JaksonHole 



JP & PCE means market is going to move - Q is which way?

JacksonHole #Fed #Crypto #Bitcoin #PCE #Oil #China #Germany #Disruption #Stocks



Which is it: 1) Student loans’ forgiveness is absurd when schools sit on hundreds of billions of dollars in endowments; or, 2) filing bankruptcy does not provide for the discharge of student loans, which facilitates a broken system, i.e. Schools that provide useless degrees and banks opening the floodgates of money for student loans, mortgaging the future of the current generation to the tune of $2 trillion? Has making student loans non-dischargeable in 1976 really succeeded in making America better, in lieu of competition that keeps every other business honest?


PCE came in slightly lower... 4.6