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A very large chunk of this 2.5M which has not budged in over 10 years may never see the light of day either. 




Why does the yellow line flat line until 2019?


I'm confused also, if the yellow is the bitcoin that didn't move , it looks like it moved a few years ago. we must not be understanding the chart


The yellow line is the amount of BTC that has been inactive (not traded, sold, or even transferred) for at least 10 years. Since BTC just came into existence in 2009, the curve has to be flat at 0 for those first 10 years. Then in 2019, the yellow line breaks upward, since a portion of the BTC that was acquired in 2009 has never been transacted. The line climbs steadily, based on acquisitions in 2010 and 2011 that were similarly held and not transacted. The slope drops off a little in 2022, either because less BTC was mined/purchased in 2012 or because people mining or buying BTC at that time chose to trade rather than hold it.


True because Alex Mashinsky stole many BTC and these are disappearing from the market it seems “lost”