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People continue to degen back into Alts.... 

Performance has been impressive. All flying under the heels of ETH.... and POS 




Oh man. I just don’t understand why people are not staking sats and putting their money in alts. I’m on the other side of the horseshoe now and see the light. Lost a lot on alts that could have been staked in BTC. I’m in for the long game. No more speculation on alts.


We all have different risk tolerances, and biases, (among many other things). Some do it responsibly, strategically, and successfully.


True but newbies invest on hype. I did until I educated myself on BTC and crypto.


I got most of my Alt coins years ago so been sitting on them a long time….Only added some SHIB recently for shits and giggles. Will sell this time when they run. I m moving more to James’s idea of holding mostly BTC, SOL and some Matic. So much easier to manage and less stressful.