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DCA Live! Bitcoin, Inflation, and the Fed

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The Titanic could not turn on a dime, and neither can the economy if the Inflation Reduction Act passes. How do energy prices reduce when the Bill places two different taxes on coal mining? Yes, gasoline prices have decreased, no thanks to draining the strategic oil reserves. That's due to global demand decreasing. I expect inflation to remain high as the economy slows = stagflation. Interesting to see how the Administration messages "we are not in a recession" to help the mid-term elections. Regardless, we are in trouble.


Great to feel like we are hearing rational honest views ..not all agreeing. The way you spit out the stats James..I am starting to think you might be half cyborg..in a very nice way HaHa..😄🛸🛸🛸


They are only reporting what the NBER is reporting. https://thehill.com/policy/finance/3579988-is-there-a-recession-only-the-national-bureau-of-economic-research-gets-to-decide/