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Why #Tesla dumped Bitcoin - how much, at what price and why? https://buff.ly/3J0JJGk


Why Tesla Dumped BTC + How much at what price?

TeslaSellsBitcoin #Bitcoin #Tesla #Q2Earnings #WhyTeslaSoldBitcoin



Investors are very happy about the BTC dump... They are shooting up 🚀 Ran just said Tesla may have triggered the extreme liquidations of BTC. Which makes me think Elon has been very harmful to BTC rather than helpful. 4 D chess? Or just accidental casualties?


By my calculations, Tesla had 0.25% of the BTC market cap and sold around 0.19% of the market cap. How could that trigger market liquidations?


With that said, a lot of things in Elon's life have been "accidental casualties". Remember, go hard and break things.


Whatever they said Im not mad if my business needed money i would have done the same. Oh wait freaking celsius has my BTC