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Lots of new info has come to light over the last 7 days. 

Rumors there could be an option 3 i.e. the Simon Dixon plan i.e. cash out now for a haircut or hold on for better returns

With the release of recent docs it is pretty clear Alex was a dishonest scam artist who fooled millions and openly knew since July 2021 the business had issues. 

I plan to ask him about more numbers, times, realistic expectations and what advice he would give to the community based on his inside knowledge of facts. it is only a matter of time before Simon is NDA'd into a quiet period so it could be a last oppty for now. 



I really don’t see the point. Celsius is in bankruptcy court now. Was Celsius just a Ponzi or just incompetent?


uncomfortable with his personal financial motives. I don't know why, but feel he would elbow us retail plebs out of the way without a second thought.... just my take.