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Inflationary pressures have been broadening from food and commodity-related prices to the stickier categories like core services.

Nevertheless, commodity prices across the board (in the chart: blue/orange/green) still contribute for a good portion towards the high US CPI prints.




I'd like to learn how to short oil. There will come a time when that will be a good trade.


If you really think about it, virtually every dollar. pound euro represents "energy" and the economy for the last 276 years (Since James Watt improved the steam engine) depended on two "pillars" 1. Unending CHEAP abundant dense fossil fuel energy (Oil) and 2. Unending cheap credit for business growth to match the growth in productivity (Debt in other words). Both those pillars collapsed in July 2008 and nothing has changed. If your business is plugged in to the old fossil fuel engineering platform (Which never got above 22 % real return (Japan in the 80'S) your earnings and profit are tied to a declining productivity platform that is now claiming back 276 years of ignored externalities in the "system" in the form of the revengeful "Entropy bill" the levelling force of climate change and unthinking exploitation of the only habitat we know of that can support us.


I've never heard anyone say something like that before. Thank you!