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The graphic is a ranking of what I look at from my master list - FX Oil Gold SPX etc ranked by top performers of the day.  This is how I get a feel for the market moves at a glance. 

Federal Reserve is expected to increase the official cost of borrowing by 0.75 percentage points for the first time since 1994. This is a big move but market seems to have it fully priced in at this race and the market is front running the announcement.  100 bps and we will tank.  

CryptoPocalypse (crypto systemic contagion) continues with more shoes left to drop.  Celsius have shored up their collateral on WBTC to $14K liquidation price.  Celsius are also working with Citibank to examine offers and alternatives.  I pray Nexo will take it over and make Celsians whole or at least 80-90-95% whole.  There is no coming back from this as there is no longer any trust. 

Tether right now could also have exposure to Celsius and has been bleeding out customers for quite a while now. 

MSTR have pledged more collateral. 

Tron USDD will go down. 

3AC is a hit to the market and more shoes will drop. Everything is cascading. 

In good news - OIL is down at 116 and MSTR GOOG TSLA are rallying.  Bitcoin Dominance continues to fall. 




I really hope Celsius gets its stuff together and is able to save our crypto. I took most of my stuff off but still have SOL and MATIC there. Sadly, I convinced my parents and brother and best friend to put crypto there. They are all stuck. I’d feel horrible if anything happened to their bags! I wouldn’t mind waiting to get our crypto back. I’d wait months if needed.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-22 20:13:05 Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but you'll be lucky to get 10% back of your crypto and it will likely take years as it did with Mt. Gox & Quadriga.
2022-06-16 18:39:28 Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but you'll be lucky to get 10% back of your crypto and it will likely take years as it did with Mt. Gox & Quadriga.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but you'll be lucky to get 10% back of your crypto and it will likely take years as it did with Mt. Gox & Quadriga.


Lesson #1 - Do not give investment advice, esp to family and friends.