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Hi team

we built out a new framework for a new crypto portfolio. before we unveil wanted to share some inside baseball with the community here

1) the SCP scores changed radically month over month (matic back to 3rd from 5th)

2) Compendium scores more or less the same

3) Potential multiples are a focus on risk reward eg what can 3x vs 2x vs 5x

4) new TA score using IAIS

5) Distance from ATH - and the Q is will some assets ever regain ATH

6) overall composite score

The winner in terms of risk reward remains BTC (low risk avg reward).  Second is SOL.  Yes we are aware it has issues but when we look at all the factors that go into SCP (tons of items) it still crushes everything. The Q is the risk (monolithic platform that has had 2 outages in 8 mths worth it and has reg risk (compendium score)?)   Answer is yes. 

We focus on Quant here to remove all emotions and check our theses daily. 

Net net the top 3 are now BTC SOL MATIC. 

AVAX and EGLD have different issues that would dissuade me from touching eg trust and ghost chain elements) and even though ETH does not score as well it would be #4 above these 2. 

Allocations coming soon but it will be the order of 65% BTC 20% SOL, etc etc



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