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IA Weekly, 10 min Live of the most action-packed #CryptoNews - see you at 9:40am PST $COIN #Bitcoin #Uniswap #Solana #Ethereum #Visa #ETH2 and more https://buff.ly/2ZHrhzI


IA Quickie: Bitcoin to 100k? ETH news, is SOL Eth2.0, UNI and $COIN

00:10 Luscious Green01:00 Bitcoin Illiquid Supply RSI02:00 $100K Bitcoin Target Plausible?03:00 Meltem Demirors - says $100K in Q4 04:00 New Competitor - Cr...



🍵 and IA great way to start the day!


Love a quickie ;-)


Sol on fire✨️✨️


Cani wait


Exciting night here in Thailand. Loving my Luna💕💕


See you in a minute. Hope you are having a nice weekend!


Loving Solana in Japan 🥰


Jaaaaames, do we still DCA in??? I still have some fiat. Or stop buying for now.... ?


Hello Everybody !




Woo-hoo! So excited to be part of this community!


Love being a Capitalist!


James- Have you been to Cambodia??


Cambodia is a beautiful place with equally beautiful people. Good memories of morning walks before the sun, meeting smiling faces, and others for their morning nature walk.


Looking forward to it.


Love this community


Such a great community!!


James- If you had $10k to put in today, where would you invest it I have .7BT / 3 ETH / 14 SOL / - edu-tainment of course :)


Hello everyone


Please could you just for once knock out a really crap video, I just want to see if you have it in you.


James and Co. Appreciate all of the content as always


You’re hitting on things that keep me up at night bud. The water situation is real and terrifying. Same with the shadow game with China. It’s scary


Excellent quickie post. I feel like I just had a good cup of coffee. 👍 Time to walk the doggie 🐕‍🦺


Great video, James. I appreciated the touch points on water and China news. Keep it up!


I’m glad that you share actual real news with us. Good bad whatever. Happy Saturday everyone


Aww what a great show, concise, fast, so much important news and serious stuff. You are the best.


i would equalise my SOL and ETH bags if I could. They both will win the day but SOL will prob go faster


DrT - I could not sleep last nite worried about Taiwan. V worried. This is not a game. Water I've been worried about for decades now


thank you - I know people hate hearing about Geopolitical and medical issues but they are so important in the InvestAnswers Investment game.


We are on the same hymn sheet James. I have been saying this for years now. Property/land & especially water…. I see these as ‘the’ thing to have (after BC) for our future & safety. Well said. Most YTubers wouldn’t touch these subjects. But people need to know.. Thx 🙏


Bonjour . we need to send our crypto 'to outer space, to find another race'


Crypto is for financial freedom but please everyone, try to strive to be self sufficient and have the ability to live off grid. Probably sound mental but you need these other aspects to increase your overall freedom. Its very difficult to control people who are not dependent on the system.


Where does that wonderful proportioned chart comparing crypto - BTC, ETH, SOL come from? Today is all green. Where did you find that?


James, it's so important what you're doing here. You're bringing people together from all over the world that share, one way or another, the same concerns and, perhaps, principles. Thank you so much. #VisitPortugal


Add me to your count of new whole coiners, as a direct result of IA!!! I honestly wouldn't have purchased my first $100 of BTC if it were not for James. It was through listening to his Youtube channel and his enthusiasm to help people, particularly women, that I had the courage to invest for the first time in my life. I do feel like my financial future will be completely different from the dire position I was in just 6 months ago. Thank you, James!!!! You truly are changing people's lives.


Way to go Debbie for acting on it. There must be so many of us who have more financial hope for the future. I got my wife to watch the one about woman as it was so fab ( and partially so she doesn't think I'm mad)


@Debbie- Great job on the WHOLECOINER!! I was out of town and didn’t have a way to get to my investing so I missed the many after delayed funds finally came thru. I’m close though. I’m so proud of you for pursuing that vision! I have never invested on my own either even though I’ve taken many classes on Stocks and options. But with crypto and James’s guidance especially in regards to bitcoin I felt like it was do or die in this case!! Keep going! This is our fight and our path to staying free!


@InvestAnswers- James, so much thankfulness that your YouTube streamed across my view back in March. I watched others but chose you to make my daily consumption. My husband and I really appreciate all of your words, your vision and your awareness of what has been taking place while we all slept. We truly feel better about the future as much as possible. I wanted to reach out today and thank you for that incredible video you just did because the words you’re saying we’ve been hearing about but so few are taking action. You make a true and palpable difference. And water… one day soon, it will be the asset that many will envy but a few will hold. So proud to be in this likeminded community.


Looking forward to seeing your whole coiner announcement soon! Persistence pays off.


Thank you James for all you do! We are so blessed to have you in our lives.


James LOVE LOVE LOVE the quickie format!! You rock! 🎧


Folks on Twitter should follow Gordon Chang. CCP is our enemy. Being informed (and alarmed) is preferable to being asleep at the switch.