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Ultimate Guide to Keeping Your Crypto Safe: 20 Point Guide everyone should follow!

https://www.patreon.com/InvestAnswers #CryptoSecurity #SecuringYourCrypto #KeepYourCryptoSafe #20PointGuide Ultimate Guide to Keeping Your Crypto Safe: How to lock down your security 20 point guide. 0:00 RISKS (the biggest one is yourself) 0:30 Scammers Are Everywhere For more info, check out my video: 1:00 Remember the Golden Rule If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. The Giveaway Scam over 130K views - rem it is always DEPOSIT FIRST AND THEN WE SEND YOU YOUR DOUBLE ETH :D 2:00 Watch Embedded Advertisements! This one surprised me embedded ad not a google ad - deposit 10 BTC and we give you 10 BTC - not sure if it is a total scam but I am 99% they will swindle you some way or another thru terms and conditions. PS Love Lyn 3:00 I will NEVER follow or reach out to you. This is NOT me. I am INVESTANSWERS on Instagram. 4:00 Step 1 Passwords The world is moving away from PWs Never use the same PW more than once PW Strength is VIP Password-crackers can rifle through 350 billion guesses per second. Use a random mnemonic generator to create a passphrase, 5:00 Step 2 Use 2FA Raivo OTP for 2fa. Have separate 2fa for sign in and a separate one for funding/transfers 6:00 Step 3 Use Google Voice For 2FA How do they get your SIM / One of the reasons SIM-swap attacks have been so successful is that many mobile phone carrier representatives are extremely easy to socially engineer. 6:30 Step 4 Social Media Be careful what you post online (esp how much crypto you have) Don’t let people how much crypto you own. 6:50 Step 5 Never Share Anything with Anyone Social engineers, people pretending to be apple or google or coinbase Eg Coinbase: you cannot reach customer support - do you think they have the time to call you? 7:20 Step 6 Never Let Anyone Control Your PC Remotely Turn off remote access to your computer 8:00 Step 7 Check for Cryptojacking Malware could be on your PC or phone. A quick list here on how to detect crypto-jacking 8:30 Step 8 Email Create a dedicated email for exchanges eg protonmail Dedicated Gmail on Yubikey Lockdown your email eg with a Yubikey Have a 2nd key or a passphrase (eg Google) 9:00 Step 9 Computer Dedicated computer for exchange trading Keep offline when not using Make sure you have updates turned on Don’t let kids / others use your dedicated machine Watch what Apps you download (Macs are far safer) Windows - older versions are full of vulnerabilities. Make sure you are not logged in as an Administrator (prevent virus’ from admin privileges) Make sure you have updates turned on - things like Java are notorious for vulnerabilities Never use open networks (eg at a cafe or restaurant) 10:00 Step 10 Open Networks 10:30 Step 11 Network Strong password for network router Wifi is ok but wired is preferable Use WPA or WPA 2 on router if wireless Make sure your router firmware is up to date Use a 3rd party DNS server (avoid phishing sites) Use a VPN 10:50 Step 12 Centralized Exchanges Centralized Exchanges like Ameritrade make sure they call you before any transfer happens Configure U2F technology if they have it If not use Google Authentication for CEXs Banks and CEXs are insured, Crypto Exchanges are not. Hence targets 11:00 Step 13 Hardware Wallet (Cold Storage) We are going to do a more detailed vid on this in the future 12:00 Step 14 Software Wallet (Hot/Desktop) eg Metamask Best never to store anything on a hot wallet eg Metamask But fine to use Metamask for transfers 13:00 Step 15 Risk Mgt: Transferring Crypto Do a small test first Check the blockchain Whitelist your address book When you make a transfer check the end address is the address you are sending to eg Ledger or Trezor it will show the address on the device 13:30 Step 16 Use Security Key Yubico’s Security Key YubiKeyGoogle’s Titan Security Keys Thetis’s FIDO U2F SoloKeys’s to lock down your crypto exchanges and email 14:00 Step 17 Enable Address Whitelisting 14:30 Step 18 Beware of Fake Wallets Famous ledger case - ledger customers now receiving fake wallets in the mail. Make sure you buy from reputable sources and have them mailed to PO Box 14:50 Step 19 Store Seed Phrases with Utmost Vigilance Seed Phrases are your coins!!!! A Bip39 seed phrase is that curious string of 24 words from which you can derive a private key. Meticulously record your steps, so your loved ones can recreate 16:00 Step 20 BE PARANOID





Ledger Nano X -


Binance.US gave me some trouble but I finally got all my BTC out of there and over to my Celsius account! Already feeling safer after that move.


Cheers brother ✌🏼 keep up the great content!!!


I still can’t get coins off of Binance.US… no response from “customer service” …


Struggling because IT'S COMING HOME 😭🙌 catch you in the morning! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿


Call your carrier for a sim lock or sim freeze, piece of mind.


Excellent video. As a network Admin and DBA, I always tell people as well, not to use admin accounts on their PC’s. Thank you so much, James!!


Having huge problem with my Trezor One. Multiple tries different PCs and cables, but won't connect. Waiting for a replacement, then I think I'll move my coins to Celsius.


Really great video, much needed. I had no idea about not using admin account! I’ll be sure to re-watch and follow steps closely in the coming days…. Thank you for all your hard work, James, truly wonderful!


Can a check list be posted that lists these steps? And for those of us who struggle with technology, can some of the steps be explained more fully? For instance in Step #3, do we replace our telephone numbers everywhere with a Google Voice number, is that safe, and how does it even help? In Step # 6 a suggestion was made to not take a computer in for repair - but then, what do we do when the computer needs repair if we can't do it ourselves? In Step # 7, what is cryptojacking and how do we check for it? In Step #9, I have no idea how to check to be sure I am not logging in as an administrator. How do I check that? Etc. For Step #16, I'm going to order a Yubikey right now and hope I can figure out how to use it! Thank you for helping us learn to be far more secure.


Thank you for the increased volume. I can hear you loud and clear.


does anyone have opinions on using the same seed phrase on multiple Nano X's and then placeing them in various locations to protect them?


new mic. Bought 2 and will try another one tomorrow. Thank you for your patience. Investing is easier than sound would you believe for me :D


Wolf of all streets. YouTube is a mess, comments section is a cesspool of scammers.


Thanks James, such needed advice , especially now.


There is nothing inherently wrong with that, but the seed phrase is the gold. If you are worried about losing your Nano X, just buy a backup. You can initialize it any time you want. I think a superior approach is to use a different seed phrases on each and spread your crypto around. Remember, your crypto is NOT on the nano, only your private keys are there. That way if you somehow manage to compromise one key phrase all your eggs are not in one basket. Anyone who gets your key phrases gets your coins!


I found this interesting. The Trezor can be hacked.. https://www.coolwallet.io/kraken-hacks-trezor-in-15-minutes/


Nano Ledgers are the best in the industry. Only buy from there website.


Guys Seriously. Nano Ledgers are the Best. DYOR and then buy one. Zero history of being compromised.


Trezors are known trash in the industry, they don’t take security serious.


In the past you mentioned Coinbase …? Cold storage …? Is that still worthy ? TIA


This is not good news even though, apparently, the attackers would have to have access to the physical unit to break in. I use a Trezor since it's straightforward and I can understand how it works. I just ordered a backup in case I lose it or if there are problems with the original one.


This is not entirely correct. Ledger have not had crypto taken before however their customers database was compromised and people's details sold on dark Web. Those people have to live with constant Phishing attempts and email threats with their personal details included, I imagine this would be unnerving for these people.


Zero, firstly your assumption of my knowledge level is more a reflection of your own bias views as opposed to my lack of knowledge. If you cared to read my reply you will note that I have acknowledged Ledger has not compromised any crypto however, rather then make a blanket comment that "ledger is the greatest" I felt it important to advise other members that other parts of Ledgers security HAVE been compromised.


Use of encrypted email like tutanota and protonmail. Hardening your browser will reduce the risk of phishing and embedded adverts in youtube videos. I use brave browser so I can watch youtube in peace!!!


We strive to have a respectful community here with civil discourse. Let's all have a glass of wine and focus on math, money and freedom :-)


The topic is about Crypto being compromised NOT email or even physical addresses … Trezors hardware wallet which stores crypto was hacked in 15min … Ledger has yet to be compromised … That’s all that matters regarding the topic of keeping your crypto safe. My delivery of this was probably not the best and May have ruffled your feathers a bit and I apologize if that was the case. All I am saying is that Nano Ledger is the best hardware wallet for keeping your crypto safe. The data shows it.


Hello James, what are your thoughts on Atomic Wallet? You mentioned that you would look into Exodus Wallet… could you please look into Atomic as well if you have not already? Thank you!


James I am so grateful to you for all of this amazing information you are constantly giving us. I am learning so much and upping my security with all of your suggestions. I've been scammed a few times by online trading and it took losing a lot of money to realise if they are making their money selling a service to me, they are not making money trading. Thanks for being a shining light amongst the deceit and darkness in the trading world.


I find your statement- "Trezors are known trash in the industry"-to be a massive generalization if not an outright falsehood. Many knowledgeable people have recommended them-James included i believe. Short of someone with evil intentions having physical access to my Trezor-Im not worried. I think losing ones keys, transferring to incorrect addresses etc are far greater challenges-so stop with the shilling of Ledger. Everything has its pluses and minuses-its all about risk v reward- a personal choice.


Ellipal has an interesting concept for a wallet. It’s a cold wallet that connects to an app on your mobile device. If you want to send any crypto, you have to send it to your mobile device first and then on to another wallet, exchange etc. Also, they give you a metal plate with letter-pieces to construct your seed phrase and store it inside a metal container. You can close it and lock it. I have one, but have been more comfortable with small amounts on exchanges up until now while I was moving.


My advice is simple - do not use Binance. I have been trying to sell ethereum for an hour. The Binance morons designed an update that prevents further trading until approved. The problem is that on my android, approval is not possible. I press the accept/approve button and it just hangs.


Also, do not forget about Juice jacking - avoid free charging station and accepting airdrops for free tokens.


James fabulous advice. I'll be spending the weekend building my fortress :)


I myself use both with satisfaction. Never had any problems.


Trezor also has metal plates and metal containers, etc. Seems to be the new standard, I guess.


Something I come across lately, which is new for me, are websites like these: https://bitcoinevolution.live/ If you look at the different sites and check the prices then yes, the numbers add up. The first website (implementation.top) is the scammy one. I don't care that much for office licenses, they are pretty easy to get in the UK, I think. Would be good if a few of our UK people could reach out to officials and have those sites investigated. I did this once, but from abroad it's a bit more difficult.


Can anyone help with SIM swapping? This is the one point I'm pretty unsure about, because lots is depended on the carrier. My carrier doesn't have a password or freeze option or anything like that. In addition, what I came across is something called eSIM. Isn't this even worse? I don't have the technical know how. First impression though is like it makes sim swapping even easier. Could someone elaborate?


At last Binance.com have issued some responses to the recent FUD and scrutiny by so-called regulators. As the biggest exchange they are, of course, the biggest target.


Any recommendations for a good and inexpensive VPN? I live in the Middle East and it usually slows things way, way down. Any suggestions are appreciated.


Is this something interesting for you: https://www.vyprvpn.com/ ?


I have wondered about using a vpn. It’s good to hear it from someone who isn’t getting paid to advertise one.


Hello James, I am trying to understand more about your recommendation to use a Google Voice number instead of a mobile phone for 2FA. Can you go into more detail about how that would work using Google Voice instead of our mobile phones? I have never used Google Voice. Does the Google Voice option work in lieu of Google Authenticator? Thank you!


Google Authenticator is preferred. Google Voice would be for places that have only SMS 2FA. From articles I found many banks will not send SMS to Google Voice or so they say.


I have 95% of my coin on Trezor One, and now when I plug it in, neither wallet.trezor.io or Exodus will recognize it. Any suggestions appreciated!!


Thanks so much James :) Really helpful.


Missed the discord chat today - can't wait for the recording!


So called regulators, as in the actual regulators. Binance isn't following the rules so they are getting a time out.


Square to move ahead with hardware wallet for bitcoin https://seekingalpha.com/news/3713929-square-to-move-ahead-with-hardware-wallet-for-bitcoin


Ps. I use a NitroKey usb for ultra secure data storage as well.


Thank you James


Still trying to figure out where to store my crypto. I’m honestly more nervous about losing it when I move it around with self storage. Is it really that dangerous to keep the crypto on different exchanges?


Late comment, but this was a great video. Important topic.


totally, I was the same way until a few months ago... now the exchanges are acting weird eg Binance


Thank you for looking out for us