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Hey all, I know many of you are stressed right now, esp those that have just gotten into the market. Please watch this video—stay strong. 💪 


Quick Message to Patreon - Hang Tough



You are a good man, sir.


Thank you for being a voice of affirmation during these times of uncertainty.


Thank you James!


Thank you, James. My issue now is I don’t have enough to keep buying the dip! :-)


Thanks James 🙏


Such a kind heart!


Thanks, James. Great work and you stay strong too. #notinvestmentadvice haha




Appreciate you 📈


Thank you for this 💕 It’s hard to admit, but it does get scary. I’ve learned a very valuable lesson, to be patient. I spent too much of my money and saved none for any potential dips at this level. Very frustrating watching the price shoot down and not being able to buy any! 😥


Thank you ❤️


So many of us only started investing in *anything* seriously last year or now hence the proliferation of free exchanges. It's good to have encouragement/guidance to look at different resources in order to make these difficult decisions. Thanks, IA community!


What’s stress? 😂😂😂 we love you James


I would be grateful if somebody would give link to discord


Diversification doesn't help in a bear crypto market LOL


Feeling scarily excited and taking so much confidence from your messages - thank you. Started in crypto a month ago but doing some DCA.


Thank you for checking in on us James.. take care of yourself as well brother!


I really appreciate the time and care you put in to all of your videos. I am a believer too! 😊


Thank you! Info. much needed and appreciated!!


Added to all my positions today especially BTC , ETH , LINK , SOL . Hanging on to last of my dry powder to see how these next few weeks play out 💎


Cheers James. Appreciate your insights.


I’m staying strong, not planning to give my crypto to the 🐳 🐳 I worked to hard just to give my coins at half the price.


Hey James! It’s been amazing being part of this group especially through this dip finding clarity. Are you of the belief that this is a healthy correlation with one more rally or that this could be the start of a bear market?


Really good IA, Exzellenz!!! starke Hände!!! For you Dawg! Thank you!


Thanks James, I got in with wealth creation in mind, I focus on my coin # goals BTFD DCA and your alerts! Keep on HODL’ing!


Find your Patreon Invest Answers email "Congrats, you're now a patron of InvestAnswers" in this email is the instructions for joining Discord ;-)


Well said. I am holding from previous purchases


When market dipped this morning. Luckily i was watching it every second. Re upped on ethereum at $1800. Holding until 2030


Good message.


I really appreciate that you take the time and have the empathy to give back like this. You show a great example for us all.




Thank you as always. We appreciate you!


Wish we had more money to buy! Watched eth go down and it’s hard to watch it go up slowly!!!! Thank you for sending this message out, it does help : )


Volitility is your friend. Galaxy is looking attractive to Buy.


When I start to freak out I go back and watch your BTC fundamental videos on YouTube. The big names all concur the underlying fundamentals are still in play. Hodl and chill... Or so I think I’m chillin!


Thank you :)


I don't know how you and others who have YT channels manage it. I feel stress from all the friends and family I convinced to get in over the last month more than for myself! I just send them your videos and hope they don't throw anything at me!


Thanks James! Holding but not buying any BTC and ETHE got some ADA at $1.11 this morning. Crypto is the future, I believe


Thank you James!


Thanks James. Your a good human for caring 🙏🏼🙏🏼 I'm holding and look forward to the future !!


Thanks James, by seeing you I have peace




Thanks James. Good karma for all you do. Math, Money, Freedom!


I got in at$12000 - $20000 last bull run then panicked I got in at 40k this bull run this time I’ve learnt from my mistake. Thanks James it means a lot that you stay in touch in these volatile times especially for those of us that feel we have missed the boat a bit. Dollar cost averaging now and adding a slightly larger amount every time u send out a TA.


Thanks for the incredible yeoman's work you've put into this content. "...manipulation to get you to sell." The most important message in the video. There is so much pressure to institutionalize crypto but most institutional money is really late. If you truly have a long-term outlook, I recommend disengaging from the usual financial media outlets when it comes to their crypto coverage. All FUD will be magnified to extreme degrees. They exist to promote the views of the large institutions that are desperate to launch crypto vehicle for clients before pricing makes it too tough of a sell.


Thanks James. Your hard work and commitment to this community doesn’t go unnoticed. Thank you for all you do.


I am having weak moments sometimes but then when I think about the long term future is see a bright one. HOLD THE LINE EVERYONE and don’t let these crocks take your freedom


If the sell-off blows out the fad chasers (paper hands), then that's a good thing. We all know there are lots of people jumping in because its current, trendy and they want to slap some laser eyes on their profile pic. While this is exciting and fun, it's definitely not a game. No asset with sky-high vol ever is.


I have a lot of open orders, as low as $3900 as high as $29k. I agree that the long haul will be worth it.


Appreciate the video James. Obviously my timing to get in was not the best but I am in it for the long haul. Hope I can look back on this and laugh in 5-10 years :)


Thanks James...your insight is fantastic to get past the short term down period.


Thank you, James. In it for the long haul.


As per Plan B: So what happened in May? Weak hands sold ~1M BTC in May at $30k-35k .. which they bought in April at $55k-60k: a staggering ~$20B loss. The good news: these 1M #bitcoin are in strong hands now.


Used the fibonacci retracement and placed 15 limit orders on various coins. Got 14 out of 15. Waiting for BTC to hit $30,012. Looks like I won't get that one.


Our crazy wonderful world needs people like you for balance!! Thank you🙌🏻


i'm thinking "good time to buy MSTR LEAPS?". contrarian INTJ over here...


We are going down to 20K


it is actually sad as they were all new retail investors who bought high and sold low. they may never get another chance.


Thank you James.


I really appreciate your approach by giving us such a detailed breakdown for each coin or company. For me, during this time of FUD...I keep referring to the management teams you've presented to us like Mike Novogratz (Galaxy Holdings), Gavin Wood (Polkadot), Charles Hoskinson (Cardano), Jaime Leverton (Hut 8), Silvio Micali (Algogrand), etc...and it reminds me that there are REAL PEOPLE behind each of these projects who are whip smart and doing all that they can to make sure that their companies succeed. Aside from investors, they have personal friends, family, colleagues...not to mention government regulators...to answer to as well. It's easy to get caught up in thinking everyone is out to screw you or have access that we don't. That may be true in some cases and yes, there are "dementors" (the "unknowns", the "anonymous", the "market manipulators") who feed and thrive on FUD, and they're scary because we can't see them, yet we can feel them. However, it's comforting for me knowing that contrary to those "dementors", there are people that do want to change the world and equal the playing field through DeFi and DAOs. The more I research each of these management teams, the more I become confident in what I'm investing in OR at least I become more aware of what does or doesn't align with my own values (outside from making a profit); and the FUD seems to subside within me. They say the most valuable commodity is INFORMATION...and in your case...it's literal. Thank you for these gifts James! Much respect.


Great forum. Keep the support going. HODL Hold, hold, hold. With halving on the horizon, and staking your coins you can easily make 12 percentage APY. Then the prices will all go back up come July when the institutional investors take to the forefront


I invest with the most articulate and ingenious minds, They are certainly not political lackeys or bank appointees of a rigged system that abhors freedom of thought and choice. Hold BTC....Tightly.


Great stuff James - thanks for your wise words and for being so awesome at communicating with us all in these busy times. Liked your point re TAX. I panicked a bit - and took out around 30% of my BTC holding earlier in the week, and then immediately felt FOMO - and have been buying back in since then! Bottom line is don't sell! Taking 39% tax into account - I am no further ahead - and have lost some more hair over all the drama!


Very calm


Great video and as always I appreciate the advice you give us all. Since I've been in Crypto since 2017 I've learned to chill and HODL through these times, but it always helps to hear it from you too. I first bought ETH at $153 and now I'm excited to buy at $2000!


Big drop is an oportunity - stack more. Your ta helped me immensely to fill at $37 and $34. Looking for more dry powder again thank you James




Thanks for the video, James. You are leading us well in these turbulent times...thank you!


Of course after waiting all weekend for a big dip I bought 20k btc last night and awoke to find the price had finally dipped to my strike level this morning. Frustrating.


Mate... stay strong, I used dry powder, TA and patience to add more BTC, ETH and LINK to my portfolio on yesterday’s dip. EXACTLY as you’ve taught us. You’re a legend buddy. Thanks


Even though I’m also a strong believer (invested quite some money into this over the last months), it is very stressful to see my portfolio go in the red so fast and so deep. I’m absolutely going to keep investing, but it is really appreciated to get this update. It does help staying calm ☺️👍🏻


Thanks James, really needed your voice of rationality and calm today. I unfortunately got in to GBTC and Bitcoin at the near highs. I am holding. Wish I had more dry powder. I won't go beyond my 10 perceny allocation for crypto to be safe. Appreciate you. Chad


Thank you James for your head up video. You are a clear leader of your patreon. I am in the crypto since 2017 but must admit I was stressed. I took the opp to invest. again. I am now an owner of SOL too for example. Also because of your good video about SOL. Thanks Jens


Thank you for the video. You may have mentioned it in the past but, I would love to know how u store ur crypto. I watched ur video on crypto storage methods, but did not hear ur personal choice. Thanks in advance!


Love the Bitcoin picture in the background.


As always, thank you.... 🙏🏽 I managed to increase my portfolio in this resent dip.


Thanks James!


Thank you James, I think €10 a month is worth every Penny & happy to be a member. More people should contribute for all the hard work you put in. (in my opinion).


You have one bitcoin, it’s located in different places. Be careful on the option of selling, because if you sell you may have to pay taxes depending on if your in profit or not.


Thanks James. Wonderful message.


Thanks James! At least SPCE had a good flight test :D jeje


Absolutely. And as Jason Hamlin says: "Remember that losses aren't losses if you don't sell and realize them. "


Thank you James. Sorry you feel overwhelmed. Hope we do not discourage you from continuing what you do for us.


If we break 38k on BTC we could be clear. And/or 2.5k on ETH. Keeping my limit buy orders in place in case we head lower again I'm adopting an exponential DCA all the way down to 1.5k on Ethereum. Only Ethereum, not getting cute with any other crypto here. Stay strong.


Thanks James, as always. I am sure you are a very calming voice for those newer to crypto. Yes, it can be stressful watching the market nosedive, but its also exciting when it rockets. Thats why we are all here. Investing has never been so much fun!


Thank you James. Recently joined and very happy to contribute to all your hard work and FAB TA Lessons. Much appreciated. FYI - In the future I intend to set up a company teaching children about money, something I feel is lacking in today's society. So you are helping me to help others !


So true. The price is relative to the perspective you take.


Thanks for this 🙏


Hi James, It would be interesting to do a quiz (like the ones you did on which alts to analyze) on at what level we all entered Bitcoin and Ethereum. Don't you think?


As newbie discord member, I’m delighted to see everyone working hard to help to calm, encourage and support one another. We are all strong believers that everything will be just fine- even for late investors like me haha. Keep calm and carry on everyone 😌


Are you on discord yet? the crypto thread people would be glad to help you decide. The ones that James already analyzed are great and I own them. I have others too, like Atom, TRX and DASH


Thank you James. As someone who got into crypto at its highest points over the last couple of months your words of wisdom are much appreciated! Sorry that you feel overwhelmed - I hope you can keep enjoying what you do as we all value your content so much! Cheers!


Regarding DYOR, I'll try again with this question, James, any thoughts about The Green Swan event/conference 4-6th June? Just look at the prominent speakers, most powerful people from financial world. How could that impact Bitcoin regarding narative of Bitcoin "environmental impact"?


https://www.coindesk.com/events/consensus-2021 Potential price catalyst


Thanks James ....i can well guess it's even more stress for you trying to support so many people here as well as dealing with the the actual management of your positions. Investing is a two way street ....it's tough when things are going down by such large amounts in short time frames ...but we all have to accept both the good and bad days and manage our investments accordingly. If it was easy then everyone would be millionaires and markets would never go down! Keep up the great work and the calming words of encouragement....better times will return eventually.


Buy the dip! https://itsblockchain.com/bitcoin-whale-bought-3521-bitcoins/


Hi James, Thanks for the word of encouragement. I've just recently gotten into crypto and it's been a bit painful, but I wish to stay long. Can you comment on TechLead's concern for a crash and the ponzi scheme he says that bitcoin is? Apparently he's made millions on BTC, but is now out completely because of links with Tether which he feels is corrupt. I'd appreciate your input here.


As always sound advice if these peaks and troughs are too hot to handle stick to FTSE or SP 500 etc


A calming message in the storm is much appreciated.


i love this and was aware of what Ark and Twitter are planning also in July - all roads


so funny that is what Mike Novogratz said last week - if investing was easy everyone would be a millionaire. Good point.


i received 100 articles over last few days - going to 12K , a scheme etc. It is all BS. I honestly don't read that type of stuff. I do my own analysis and never let my opinions be colored by nonsense.


James you are a voice of reason as always!


You know the waters are choppy as James is sat down. I'm a big fan of walking towards the camera. Dynamic and not seldom seen as an intro video move. The fundamentals haven't changed and large draw downs have been seen before and will again. Hodl on.


Totally agree James! Have to think long term, and don't get over leveraged. Only invest what you can and in the long term you will be good. It's the ones that want to be millionaires from a $500 investment in 2 months that get squeezed!


Good morning everyone. Hopefully everyone is well this morning. Yes we are in a bit of an up phase, great to see. Hopefully it continues. I’m sure some know waves analysis suggests potential for down as well. That is all part of the game. It can be hard when things are not going the way we like. We should listen to James, understand things WILL BE BETTER. I trust what he says, I am an idiot and even my own research suggests things will get better. Just a little patience, hope and faith that brighter days will be ahead. Let’s stay strong together, there will be great potential ahead!


Thanks James, my wife was very impressed with your lounge room and wants to buy a Bitcoin painting! Bless you mate, fantastic advice!


Future is looking bright! Grab those shades! https://www.coindesk.com/institutional-crypto-exchange-lmax-digital-hit-record-6-6b-volume-on-bitcoins-black-wednesday


Goldman and Coinbase scratching each other’s backs: Goldman says Coinbase is a buy and the stock can jump more than 30% https://www.cnbc.com/2021/05/24/coinbase-stock-initiation-goldman-sachs.html?__source=iosappshare%7Ccom.apple.UIKit.activity.CopyToPasteboard


This is what planB and James would agree on : LONG term vision: https://twitter.com/100trillionusd/status/1396759186172747789?s=21


James what are your thoughts on “buying the dip” right now into GBTC through a Roth IRA? For those people that don’t have any dry powder to buy bitcoin out right, is this a good way to be able to buy the dip through your retirement account that would also end up being tax free earnings upon withdrawal at retirement?


How did you know Monday was going to be such a big move in the crypto market?


I did just that. I bought GBTC through my SDRIRA at a big discount.


Hope or illusion? https://twitter.com/wclementeiii/status/1396853112384724993?s=21


I feel like no one is addressing this angle. Can’t find any new conversations about it during this massive dip on Reddit or YouTube.


IA made a video last week suggesting to buy GBTC on the dip and discount. Not sure which video, however.


Got to say it's been lovely HODLing while reading everyone's comments. My input: I always buy winter clothes at the beginning of the summer. Massive discounts on primo clothing. Then the summer goes on and on and on but I never freak out because I know "winter is coming" and I'll be sitting pretty. Much the same when playing in the dippy dip. Just wait out the season!


Bank of England's Andrew Bailey calls cryptocurrency 'dangerous' https://seekingalpha.com/news/3699565-bank-of-englands-andrew-bailey-calls-cryptocurrency-dangerous THE FUDMASTER GENERAL SPEAKS : apparently his fiat is gold. I am reminded of Shakespeare: not all that glitters is gold ( or fiat) by far…


Thanks pal.


I would like to join the discord, if you would have me.


I think you need to become a patron. It will be the best money you ever spend and it all goes to the animals. James is the real deal. I'm sure the Patreon descriptions will tell you which levels include discord.


I believe I am on his Patreon. Don’t you have to be to be in here?


I’m on the Patreon on the capitalist level. Is discord a different app?


This is good training for the bear market. That's the time to plant seeds of true prosperity. 🔹


I figured it out


The membership will pay you back 💰💰


Out of all my subscriptions; Seeking Alpha, Glassnode, WA, TradingView. This is my most valued!!


Another tweet from Elon, at least it's good news this time.


Adding some positive news this time. It will increase interest again for investors who were on the fence. It should push it to 42k by the end of the day I'd imagine. Still the puppet master from the looks of it. It won't do Elon ego any good knowing he can still manipulate the market like this.


Anyone know how to join the discord group? Not an app I’m familiar with? Thanks in advance for the help!




Go to the top of IA patreon. Click tab for 'My Membership' gives instructions how to join it. See you in there!


Just came across this article on twitter: https://twitter.com/twocommapauper/status/1397106939193085952 Very interesting read! That's how market manipulation is set up and executed.


Hi James I referred back to this video to see the emotion that you projected regarding the massive losses that some people incurred after being liquidated. I wanted to make sure that you knew how much your transparent actions and genuine care for the people in your community were appreciated. I look at other content creators like BitBoy and see him pushing ByBit to all of his followers glorifying the rewards of leverage trading all while knowing he is getting paid (WELL) to lead them to almost certain liquidation. I hope that you never associate yourself with the likes of him! Keep up the great work you are doing something that is truly wonderful!