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This sort of came into my head after recalling a few of the better The Scotsman moments in Samurai Jack, along with his army of daughters in the last episode and learning that he was genderswapped in one chapter of the comics.  Text below as usual.

"Oh, ya think ye're a right fine stud there, don't ya laddie? Ya arse-lickin', cum-suckin', chronic-masturbatin', limp-dicked, no ball-havin', panty-waisted lightweight fruitcake! Ah've seen wee schoolgirls with bigger cocks than you and your half-mast, wet noodle, clit-missin', bite-size dicklet of mini-man meat. I got half a mind ta go down the way and see if there's any schoolmarms who'll do me better'n that!

Ye what?! Ye know how I get when I've had a few! I'm right gantin when I'm pissed! Now git yeself back in gear afore I lose me other leg inside yer arse! You go an' find one of them wee twigs of a harpy if'n ye're lookin' for a cuddle like ye mum would give ye. But if'n ye want a lass who'll fuck ye right, then drop ye kilt and stick ye'self back inside this hard-drinkin', hard-limpin', big-eatin', wide-arsed, slut-punching, copper-headed, freckle-teated, cock-garglin', cum-lovin' healthy piece of woman, ya big, beautiful lug, before I come over there and take it m’self.”




William Duan

nice job capturing the Scottish accent lol


I get a little pleasure every time I get to write an exaggerated accent. One of my favorites was the time I wrote an amazon doing an impression of normal people