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The pic votes are in! Zhang-Oh vs Katsumi will be the first official art for you all, at 4 votes. Dayzee, Lily Max vs Glass Joanne, and Scrappa's babies get honorable mentions at 2 votes each. 

I've already got somebody on the artwork and my man works fast, so expect something this week. I do have a few contacts that I'd like to try out for various images, and I frequent the 4chan commission threads (mostly selling my wares). I'll even take recommendations for casual commission artists, so we'll likely see some different styles showing up here. Spreading the wealth and all.

Got any thoughts on the process so far? Should I offer fewer options to minimize ties and widespread votes next time, or do you like the variety? Should the pic be shared with the world since we've reached the mark, or just the donors who helped make it happen?Input welcome and appreciated as always, and thanks to everyone for helping make this happen.

And speaking of popular votes, expect the Pokegirls story within a few days tops. The other voted stuff is in the works, likely to show up in a month or two: I've got a rough cast list for the multiverse, Lily's next Punchout! opponent, and a premise to Sarah Steele written out.


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