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I just felt like a comfy lesbian pic from https://twitter.com/groc3ryb4g. I got their take on Kumatake and Ayami from The Bully Code doing a combination of lesbian memes (the assisted makeup and "my witch gf, me doing whatever she tells me"). I liked them as soon as I wrote them into the story. Kumatake has something wrong with her where she can't really express anything more complicated than awkward affection and violence. Ayami is open and blunt and acts like everything's normal in her own special kind of stupidity. And the fact that she gets that out of the big blonde and wants to support her "hobbies" so she joins her street gang without batting an eye is adorable. Then realizing she has to take some steps to cross those gaps, and when she ends up taking out a whole gang on her own and Kumatake just weeps without changing her stony face, it's just a real strange sweetness.



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