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You know, I'm not sure if I ever showed this on any of my regular blogs or anything beyond a signature on my Freecatfights profile. It was a long running joke I had with an online buddy before we agreed it was a fun idea and found an artist. The comic's essentially dead at this point, since the artist had to go back to his teaching job and couldn't afford to work on it. We talk about retarting it some time, but that's mostly a budget we can't really consider right now, especially with my other projects still in the works.

The title was three words I threw together when I tried to bluff him about an anime I watched; Giant Queen Sakura. When he pressed the matter, we developed it into a magical girl whose power was to turn into a 300 lb, 6 foot tall woman who could throw cars at evil and uphold the principals of the goddess of Bigness, all while keeping her social life and the school's female sumo club afloat. I might do a longer explanation of what we had in mind; we'd had it loosely scripted out from start to finish, and a good... 30ish chapters written out panel by panel. We talked about how we'd know we'd made it big when we had panel girls handing out GQS ads asking for people to "join the sumo club." Still a fun read, and some neat art; we wanted it to feel like it was something we'd actually importated over rather than created, so I found someone on Deviantart who had a style that "looked like it came straight from a How To Draw Anime book."

Again, it's something we might pick up down the line if I end up with some kind of sway to make something like an American ecchi manga parody fly. 


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