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the idea of a huge, sweetheart wrestler lady. I got asked to join a collab thing of writing vaguely Valentine’s themed fight fics/pics, and I settled on this. I reshaped it a little to be a sort of first date, semi-flirty kind of match.

Definitely drew some inspiration for the champ’s behavior from Hercule/Mr Satan in DBZ. She’s a VERY good wrestler, which means she can survive more than a minute against Honeybear and pull some impressive shit. Winning though, is a whole different level of a feat… I don’t often do one-sided fights, but I can’t say no to a big chubby cutie. Actively had to shrug off my instincts to make ANOTHER gal with blind bangs or freckles.

Also had the passing thought of making it anthro, but didn’t really add or change much. It was just because of the cute name I thought fit a giant but nice wrestler gal, which sounding a bit like the Honeyboney story I did and using “bear wrestler” in some Hellbridge stories, I’m sure.

Honeybear was the next big thing in World’s Only Wrestling, with an emphasis on “big.” She was easily the largest and heaviest lady in the league, standing well over six feet tall and weighing over 350 pounds. The doughy mass of a wrestler was all smiles in and out of the ring, but she was able to hurl her opponents around like they were ragdolls. Between her massive size, impressive power, and sweet nature, Paula McGrizzly had quickly gained the ring name of Honeybear.

Backstage before their match, the WOW champion Miranda “Powerhouse”  Powers put the finishing touches on her ring attire. She had an olive skinned tan and incredibly athletic build, more traditionally muscular than an overweight beast like Honeybear. She was seen as powerful and gorgeous by the fans, dressed in a red and white two piece with high white wrestling boots and knee pads. Her long blonde hair was in a neat ponytail down to her shoulder blades. She was tall and curvy, or had thought so before seeing how much HB outdid her in all those respects.

The title match was taking place in the middle of February, being billed as The Valentine's Day Massacre. Miranda rechecked her boots, trying not to fidget out of nerves. She was the undefeated champ for nearly a year now, but in all honesty, she was praying that she wasn’t on the receiving end of the titular massacre. She had seen what the new girl could do. She was a star athlete but she couldn’t believe the strength that Honeybear could throw around without breaking a sweat. She had casually punched a deep dent into the side of a car like a cannonball had hit it as part of a promo! She’d feel lucky if she got out of this match without her bones being turned into a powder.

“Hi, Miss Powers!” a cheerful voice chined.

Miranda tensed up, which was the best she could do to not jump out of her seat. She took a moment to remember to breathe before she turned towards her cheery opponent. She swallowed hard as she sat on the bench looking way, way up at Paula.

Honeybear towered over her while looking another half a Miranda wide with her almost round-looking build. She had short brown hair that only lended more to her resemblance to a bear. She wore a honey-colored one piece with a few brown circles on her big soft belly to indicate a teddy bear face. She smiled in a way that filled her round face, her dimples making her eyes curl up until they looked completely closed.

“Oh. Hey there, Grizz,” Miranda replied.

She kept her voice as steady as she could, hiding her nervousness as if she were dealing with a real bear. She tried not to sweat thinking about the jolly giantess just smashing her head through a locker to secure her victory early.

“I just wanted to say hi, and good luck tonight,” she said in a sweet tone for her size.

The bigger wrestler blushed. “And that uh… I always really admired you and your work. You were a big inspiration for me joining the league in the first place!”

Miranda blinked vacantly at Honeybear. She had heard that kind of fan talk before, but she wasn’t expecting it coming from the colossal rookie. It caught her off guard, especially as she went on.

“I just thought you’re so strong and so cool that if I could be good enough to even get a shot at meeting you, I’d have the guts to say you’re always so cool and confident and nice to people despite all that… and I’ve had the biggest crush on you!” Honeybear blurted.

Miranda was so stunned that at the moment, all she could think was “Biggest was right.” After that, she was flattered. THAT part didn’t come up as often as people fawning over her celebrity and accomplishments and people asking to “step on me mommy.” The chunky challenger was all about her personality from the sounds of it. Miranda found herself blushing a little herself. Honeybear was huge, but she WAS kind of cute in a way…

“Oh! That’s… great. That means a lot to me,” Miranda said, cracking a more genuine smile as she was distracted from her nerves.

“It’s kind of why I asked booking to arrange this match on Valentine’s Day… sort of like our first date,” she laughed meekly.

Miranda sighed and let herself relax. For everything she worried about, the legendary rookie was still just a big fangirl. A teddy bear more than a grizzly. She patted Honeybear on one of her thick arms, even if she hesitated with how surprisingly firm it was beneath the layer of chub.

“Well I’ll tell you what. You’ve got a lot of promise for a newbie, and I’m seriously impressed. You show me what you’re made of out there tonight and we’ll arrange an actual first date. No commitment, just see what happens. How’s that sound?”

Honeybear’s serene smile went from ear to ear. She gasped and caught Miranda in a huge hug, lifting her off her feet and squeezing her against her big bulk. The champ grunted as her back cracked and she found herself blinded by the two potato-sack sized tits swallowing up her head.

“YES! Thank you SO much! I promise I won’t let you down! I’m really gonna give it my all tonight so you won’t regret this!” Honey rambled.

Miranda tried to tell her could hold back a LITTLE bit, but she was completely muffled by the huge fat tits around her face. A chime went off above their heads as Paula dropped the champ.

“Oh! That’s our cue! See you out there, champ~! I’ve been lookin’ forward to this for a loooong time!”

Miranda gave her a flimsy smile and nodded. She was still curious about dating the tubby amazon, but she was running out of ideas on how she could do that while still keeping her title.


They were in the ring before Miranda knew it. She’d done her entrance so many times, knowing how to best play to the crowd with her posturing, flexing and waving. Honeybear was met with her own burst of cheers. She had a few haters who didn’t care for her easy wins or plus-sized (or plus-plus-sized in her case), but it was hard to dislike someone as impressive and casually cheery as she was. She beamed and waved proudly to her fans as her huge figure jiggled its way to the ring. Seeing the busty gal in motion made Miranda blush again before hastily looking for strategies or weaknesses on her. There were disappointingly few possibilities she could think of…

The bell rang and there was no backing down. Miranda stepped up and circled with Paula, trying to get used to looking up at someone. She waited for Honeybear to grab at her first, darting back with all the agility and panic she could muster. She leaned back into the ropes, pushing hard on them before slingshotting herself back at Honeybear to use her speed to her advantage. She threw out a whipping kick at her side, but the bigger brunette grabbed her by the leg. One hand was enough to wrap around her entire ankle and given a quick yank, she lifted Miranda completely off her feet. The blonde went trailing through the air, her startled shout trailing after her as Honeybear whipped her around overhead and slammed her back down to the mats. She hit hard enough that she bounced off them, seeing stars as the audience popped from the powerful counter attack. Unfortunately, things were going about how Miranda had expected.

“Don’t worry, champ. You don’t have to go easy on me either,” Honeybear said cheerily.

Miranda managed to drag herself to the ropes and back to her feet. To her credit, Paula HAD knocked out some smaller opponents with a single power move but she was technically still in the fight. She ran a hand through her sweaty blonde hair and tried to think through her years of experience while she stalled.

“Heh… I’m just warming up,” she excused flimsily.

Honeybear just beamed, bouncing a bit in place out of excitement of the idea.

“Great! Let’s make this a match to remember! Honeybear and Powerhouse!”

“Ha! We’re wrestlers, not some 70’s rock band,” Miranda chuckled as she went for another maneuver.

She backed up against the ropes, just to jump up and nimbly land on top of the turnbuckle. She sized up Paula before she leapt off, going into a front flip right for her. Honeybear readily braced herself and grabbed at her in midair to spike her down again, but Miranda knew enough to see that coming this early in the match. She used the rotation of her flip to suddenly drop faster than she was going, touching down while Paula grabbed a few inches above her. She lunged in with all the built up momentum she had and threw a firm palm strike right into her soft belly. The blow sank in deep and sent a ripple through her doughy body from the force of the champion level hit.

Honeybear barely even huffed from the hit. She definitely didn’t budge. Miranda glanced warily up at her, hoping for some delayed reaction that didn’t come. Her arm bounced back out of the big girl’s gut just for her to grab her by the head between her palms.

“Cute little play punches won’t work on me,” she chimed like she was scolding a naughty child.

She lifted Miranda up, moving her off her boots completely before slamming her with a headbutt. The champ ragdolled in her grasp, eyes spiraling out of control. It was even easier for the chunky bruiser to flip her around in her grip, turning her upside down and bearhug around her toned stomach into a piledriver position. The audience’s excitement reach a peaking cheer as Honeybear hopped up and came crashing down, spiking Miranda’s head into the mats. Her body jerked and flopped onto her stomach, the surrounding fans and cameras spiraling with her dizzied gaze. She heard some muffled noises before she thought straight enough to hear “-the champ down already?!”

Miranda panicked again as she felt Honeybear grab her by the arm. She managed to tuck and roll, swiftly dodging out of her grip again. It made her head spin but the crowd cheered to see their champ impressively survive the early power move. The buff blonde cracked a smile and managed a wave to her fans without letting on how much she really just wanted to lie down about now. Of course, if she did, she’d let down her fans… including the one in the ring that thought the world of her.

“Heh… don’t expect to get off that easy,” Miranda scoffed as cooly as she could manage.

The crowd completely bought it, cheering on the champ’s boast. She pushed the nauseating dizziness to the back of mind for now as she took up a ready grappling stance. She was far from ready, but she at least had a grasp of the power behind her colossal opponent.

She kept near the ropes in case she felt like fainting, but she managed to keep her footing. Paula saw she was up and “ready” so she came barging towards her like a full grown rhino. Miranda panicked but years of ring experience paid off once again. She dropped back to the mats, hitting the deck to avoid a swinging set of chubby arms that, judging by the rush of wind through her hair, sounded like they’d have taken her head off. The champ acted out of instinct and twisted as she landed, lashing her legs around Honeybear’s and leveraging her towards the mats. Miranda winced as the incredible weight rammed into her leg muscles, but it tripped her up enough that the challenger went tripping out of control. She let out a short, startled gasp as the overly tall and heavy girl hit the edge of the ring and went tumbling over the top rope. She hit the ground outside the ring with a thunderous thud as she turned her own strength and momentum against her.

The audience went wild at her sudden and unexpected comeback. Even Miranda was surprised as she rose back to her feet. She still raised her fist to the crowd to reward their cheers like she had fully planned it. More than anything, she was tremendously relieved to finally have a moment to catch her breath while Paula recovered from the fall.

Unfortunately, that didn’t last very long. Honeybear only spent a couple seconds being distracted, and most of that was getting back to her full impressive height. Even the surprising fall didn’t keep the huge wrestler down for long. She only had to plant one boot on the ring apron to reach over the ropes and grab Miranda by the neck, lifting her completely off her feet in one meaty mitt. The champ gagged and pawed uselessly at Paula’s arm as she choked, saving her from the ability to scream.

“Nice one, champ!” Honey praised even as she climbed back into the ring.

She lifted Miranda up completely over her head, lifted like she was nothing more than a toy in her grasp.  She had no trouble lifting the normally heavy champ into place and driving her down into a torture rack. Miranda let out a shout of pain as her ribs and back were bent out of place, able to hear them crackling against Honeybear’s broad shoulders. The big girl stomped the mats, making her hefty gut and breasts bounce in place while rocking the champ into repeatedly slamming against her otherwise solid body. Miranda flopped and cried out, barely able to move in Honeybear’s powerful grasp.

She didn’t actually escape, but Paula lifted her out of the punishing hold. Miranda groaned as she was set back on her boots, Honeybear holding her up by one arm. She could barely stay up anyway, making her look more stable than she really was. She pulled on the arm for balance, making it look like she was trying to Irish whip the heavier rookie across the ring. It only inspired her to pull back, flinging Miranda effortlessly away and barreling after her. The champ’s back had barely connected with the turnbuckle before Honeybear’s bulk crushed her into place with a leaping body splash. The ring ropes creaked around her as they struggled to support the massive rookie’s weight.

Miranda’s weak gurgling was buried in her doughy boobs and belly, crushing into the corner despite their softness. When Honeybear backed off she collapsed into a seated position, her head spinning from the collision. She could still recognize the broad, blurry outline of her big opponent/biggest fan moving around just in front of her. It was tough for the downed blonde to realize she was turning around, and by then it was too late to stop her.

“Oh come on,” she groaned briefly before the stinkface slammed into her. Her whole head was easily buried in Honeybear’s massive cheeks, her senses consumed by the buns surrounding her. She was ground against the turnbuckle as she thrashed desperately, smacking and shoving at Paula’s pinning behind. It just made it jiggle around while Honey giggled to herself, blushing to have her beloved crush’s hands on her like that.

Miranda felt herself start to fade. Everything got heavier and harder to do as the pummeling and smothering all wore her down. It was painfully obvious that she was going down hard if she didn’t come up with something, and it seemed like the only way out was through her.

Miranda’s weakening arms grabbed around Honeybear’s thighs. They felt as thick as tree trunks but she tapped into her deep well of reserves. They were upsettingly dry, but she still flexed her powerful fingers and arms to grab as hard as she could, planted her boots on the mats, and forced herself to start lifting.

The audience couldn’t hear the hugely labored grunts, but they could see the results. They gasped as Paula not only started to rise but was lifted off her feet by a few inches. Miranda’s face was still buried in her lower back, which thankfully kept the crowd and her opponent from seeing her absolutely strained expression. She felt like she was going to have a hernia from lifting the half-ton Honeybear, but she kept her up in the air as the only woman in the entire league to ever lift the heavy challenger.

The audience was on their feet and Paula wide-eyed when Miranda finally grunted and slammed her down to the mats. The chunky rookie landed with a huge thud, her big body jiggling as she landed on her buoyant chest. She jiggled to a stop as Miranda let herself lean on the ropes, heaving down air and wiping a bucket of sweat (both hers and Honey’s) off her face. She shook out her hair as the audience started chanting “Champ! Champ! Champ!” and finally felt some hope about saving face.

Even laying down, Paula was still a huge woman to look at. She squirmed up to her elbows, with even the champ’s power moves barely keeping her down for a moment. Miranda couldn’t waste much time recovering so she leapt at her legs, grabbing and lifting one of her boots up to her chest. She gave it a firm twist like she was trying to open a pickle jar, but the thick limb proved even more stubborn than that. She gave another grit of her teeth to lift the heavy leg off the mats for more leverage, but even that was a struggle in itself. Honeybear’s leg was limply resisting, but when she caught on she swung her leg backward. She wasn’t about to let the champ get a solid grip on her, even if she HAD for the last several seconds to no real effect. Dropping her leg brought the tightly holding Miranda swinging down with it and smacking into the mats like she was along for the ride, bouncing her head off the ring.

“That was a close one!” Honeybear gasped, as if the champ could have even budged her solid leg.

She sat up and grabbed Miranda by the shoulders, dragging her closer to her to sit between the bigger wrestler’s legs. Honeybear raised her legs around Miranda’s middle and clamped them together, assuring her that she had some tremendous muscle beneath the squeezable softness. The champ gagged loudly as her stomach and ribs were pinched together in the body scissor, slapping and shoving at the legs with all she had. All she had was apparently not enough to escape as Honey just squeezed tighter. Miranda’s mouth dropped open to scream from the crushing pain, but fortunately Paula had squeezed the air required to do so out of her like a tube of toothpaste.

Miranda started to slump backward, struggling just to stay sitting upright. It just let Honeybear wrap her arms around one of Miranda’s underarms and her neck, the chubby limb squishing right around her throat. The champ flopped back, and surprisingly little changed by the chokehold. The throbbing sensation in her head was what really affected her when she found it squashed between her giant tits. Her ears rang from the huge melons flopping and bouncing against them. Her eyes fluttered as things started to go dark. She couldn’t tell if it was passing out and tunnel vision or if the huge tits were just blocking out the spotlights as she feebly spasmed in place.

She heard some muffled noises in her strange state of painful sensory deprivation. The earmuffing boobs blocked out a ref calling out to them and Honeybear suddenly released her. Miranda huffed down a desperate breath, her eyes watering as she came back to her senses. The screaming crowd seemed excited about something, and it wasn’t until she tried to rise that she realized why. Somewhere in her blind spasming, her hand had caught on the ropes. Honeybear had absolutely devastated her with that hold but she didn’t have the ring awareness that Miranda had to avoid putting on a submission hold in a spot like that. She would have liked to thank her ring instincts for the last minute save, if she had been conscious enough to make that choice.

The audience clapped and stomped to fire Miranda back up. It mostly made enough noise to wake up her headache and remind her that she was still alive. The champ couldn’t stay down for long before either Honeybear or the audience got bored. She theatrically rose to her feet and swung her sweaty hair back behind her as she leaned back on the ropes. She took a few deep puffs of air, her muscles bulging and tight just from staying on her feet. Honeybear leaned on her knees, ready for more with an excited smile on her chubby cheeks. She was clearly as thrilled as anyone that her beloved champ got back up for more.

Miranda rolled her aching neck and shoulders as she finally left the ropes. Before she did, she leaned back into them and bounced off to go into a full sprint at Honeybear. She couldn’t overpower the big lug, but she thought she knew her way around the ring and momentum better than she did after so much practice. She went into an impressive running leap, breaking through their height difference enough to go into a flying dropkick right into her chest.

Honey gave a soft grunt, but she didn’t even budge from the impact. It was like hitting a brick wall that jiggled on impact. Miranda’s boots just sank an inch or two into her huge tits before bouncing her right back like a trampoline. Tanking a direct hit from the champ was surprising, but her next move was even moreso. Miranda was desperate but she wasn’t stupid. She knew her move wouldn’t get her anywhere from hitting somewhere that strong and soft, so she backflipped along with the recoil to ride the momentum. The audience popped with excitement as she landed gracefully on the top rope (give or take a couple exhausted slips).

Even Honeybear was wide-eyed, joining the crowd full of similarly stunned fangirls. She barely kept from applauding, even as Miranda leapt off the top turnbuckle and went into a soaring roundhouse kick to the side of Honey’s head. The massive wrestle actually flinched from that one, stumbling a half step in what might have been her first actual hint of pain, however small it was. She reeled briefly enough that Miranda kept up her moment, putting all her weight on the kick and pivoting herself around behind her. She was a buff athlete, but she knew her way around some high flying tactics too. She didn’t bother letting her feet touch the ground as she hooked one muscular arm around Paula’s neck and pulled back with a chokehold of her own.

More cheers from the crowd as the champ seized her opponent. She leaned back with all the force she had in her and whatever gravity would allow. She had choked out bigger women before, if maybe not so huge as the hefty rookie. It could work…

If Honeybear wasn’t so solid she could stand completely upright even as the champ locked on her hold. She reached up and easily wrapped her hands around Miranda’s arms and lifted her up over her head. She let out a quick yell as Paula kept pulling, dragging her up and over until she was upside down in her solid grip. Miranda’s boots flailed wildly up in the air just before Honeybear sat down abruptly, piledriving the champ’s head straight into the mats.

Miranda jerked about on the landing and ragdolled, her body flopping onto the mats. Her eyes fluttered to stay open as Paula stayed on her. The challenger stepped over her hips and pulled the legs along with her, bending Miranda into a boston crab as she settled her butt between her shoulder blades to hold her in place. The champ grit her teeth as the pain snapped her back awake, the pain in her stretched out legs and back about as bad as Honeybear’s huge weight pushing down on her back. She clawed at the mats but the ropes were too far away to reach this time.

“Aggghh~! Can’t… fuckin’... breathe,” she gagged as she struggled to escape.

The sweaty, desperate champ had never been on such an absolute disadvantage, especially not for an entire match. Now that Paula was on top of her, she felt the crushing difference in their strength. The bear wrestler just leaned back further, landing her wide behind on the back of her head while she pulled on her legs. Miranda’s screams of agony were muffled by the mats and the burying layer of fat as her legs and back were bent hard enough for the toes of her boots to touch down beside her ears. Her legs had to be spread especially far apart to reach past the broad challenger, making her outfit ride up on her crotch in a way she hoped the fans wouldn’t notice. It helped that Honeybear’s huge bust was big enough to cast a heavy shadow over her groin in this position.

In fact, her hefty breasts fell into place right against her crotch. Maybe it was the lightheadedness or being dominated for once, or absolute fatigue washing over the champ, but Miranda felt her pussy throb from the soft contact. Honeybear’s boobs were huge and soft but they had enough weight to them to actually rub against her groin. The big brunette pulled harder on her legs, putting the pressure on the hold to show that she really had no idea how much she was unwittingly turning on the champ. Miranda moaned as the wobbling, grinding tits rubbed against her crotch enough to soak through the front of her bottoms, hopefully passing for a sweat stain with just how much moisture there was.

“OHHHH~!” Miranda groaned, her eyes rolling back in her head as she gawked and drooled.

It was hot and humiliating in a way she’d never felt before. As much as her back throbbed in pain, her groin pulsed with its own intense heat and excitement. She was struggling less and less as the audience mistook her mind-numbing arousal for intense pain. The audience shouted for her to fight on while cheering for what was easily the longest and most back and forth match they had ever seen Honeybear take part in. Those big heavy breasts just kept rubbing over her, the slight ridges of her costume and her areolas teasing right against her pussy lips through the spandex…

It appeared like Miranda had a sudden burst of energy that let her escape, assuring her fans that she was the top of the league for a reason. In truth, she wasn’t even aware she’d escaped. The steady rubbing on her spread out pussy had finally bumped against the unwittingly massaging chest enough that she orgasmed right in the middle of the ring. She was never an especially loud or messy cummer, which happened to work in her advantage as she shuddered violently through her orgasm. Her shaking and jerking made her legs move spastically enough to pop out of Paula’s grasp, surprising her enough to slide off the flattened and limp champ’s back.

Miranda lost any sense of time and space for a moment. She had barely met the big cutie and Paula had managed to beat the crap out of the champ and make her cum in front of countless fans. She had to give credit where it was due: the girl was incredible. She started to think that agreeing to that date wasn’t such a bad idea after all. If she made a big splash on their first night out… wait…

Miranda finally managed to remember where she was. She rubbed her head as she saw the huge shadow fall over her and start growing smaller. She heard the distant creak of the struggling ringposts supporting Honeybear’s weight as she climbed up them and went flying off for a colossal bellyflop. Miranda could barely tell which way was up in her exhausted state, but she knew she couldn’t be wherever she was in about half a second!

With all she had left, the blonde hurled herself to one side and rolled across the mats. She had to cross half the ring to be far enough that the chunky challenger didn’t crush her, but she went the distance and got away. Miranda felt the whole ring shake as she was bounced into the air from the impact of Honeybear hitting the mats without her to cushion the fall. The champ landed back from her tiny bit of airtime as the hefty rookie flopped back from her rough landing, rubbing her chest as she sat back down.

Miranda knew she wouldn’t have another chance like this. She darted in and pushed deep into Paula’s middle, pushing the big girl over backward back leverage more than strength while she was reeling from the failed body splash. She threw both arms around one of Honeybear’s legs and leaned into her gut, grunting with effort to lift her leg up and go for a pinfall.

“1! 2!”

The crowd was screaming in that last second, dying to know if the champ would keep her title or the behemoth bear would blitz her way through the entire league in one go. The hand went up one last time, but Honeybear’s leg kicked up sharply before it could come down. She raised a shoulder while the swinging limb whipped hard and fast enough to bring Miranda with it… and beyond.

“WHOA!” Miranda yelped as the kick out not only flung her off of Honeybear but into the air. She was sent soaring a few feet above the ring ropes, eyes widening with the hang time she got with one wild swing of her leg. She lost her grip and went airborne, left with a roller coastery shift in her guts as she reached her peak. She was momentarily alone at that altitude before Honeybear leapt up after her, proving once again to be shockingly nimble for a woman so huge.

Her fist came with her. It crashed into Miranda’s abs, making her wretch as spit flew out from her distorting mouth. Her eyes bugged out of her normally lovely face, and as her jaw dropped Honeybear shoved her meaty fingers into her mouth.

“I can’t believe I almost got pinned by the champ~” Honeybear chimed giddily as she locked in her Bear Mauler finisher.

Gravity was already drawing Miranda down when the huge woman’s oral chokeslam brought her smashing down onto the ring like a meteor landing. The ring trembled and Miranda wasn’t sure if it was one of the internal springs snapping, boards breaking, or just her spine doing all of the above as she sank deep into the sagging mats. Honeybear wobbled to a stop while her crushing grip kept the champ’s head down, her body bucking upward before it smashed down with the rest of her devastated body. Miranda’s eyes rolled back in her head as she trembled, drooling and foaming at the mouth as her body truly gave up. Everything went white, but not before she saw the honey-colored leotard over Paula’s huge ass blocking out the spotlights and smothering out her face. Honeybear went for the pin as if she didn’t have all the time in the world.


Miranda woke up in the backstage medical bay. She was sore all over, bruised from head to toe and in a neck brace to be careful, but nothing truly damaging. The medics were actually surprised after all she’d been through, but Miranda didn’t bother asking about the match. Her belt was gone, and the slightest glance at her phone confirmed that Honeybear was the new champion. Fans were still thrilled by the match. They were calling it one of the closest, most intense matches they had ever seen, clearly unaware of how many of Miranda’s moves and escapes had been blind luck and orgasmic spasms. Honey’s recent opponents had passed out or given up after half as many moves as Miranda had withstood that night, so even her absolutely hopeless match was being met with praise as if it were an actual close fight. The crowning of the new champ after Miranda’s long and successful run was being treated as the biggest thing to hit the league in years.

With her suspicions confirmed, she groaned and laid back in bed. “Better rest up,” she muttered.

“Don’t wanna miss that big date…”


Miranda was surprised by how well she got along with Honeybear… or Paula, outside the ring, she supposed. For a massive powerhouse, she was sweet, a fun conversationalist, and they shared interests in a lot of the same shows. Their first dinner together went amazingly well, even if Miranda decided to keep the fact that she’d cum to her in their first match under her hat for a few dates more. They hit the gym together, called each other, and soon they were a proper couple. As far as the league was concerned, Miranda was content to ease off the title belt for a bit, which fed a few rumors that she had thrown the match to some degree to give up the belt. They kept their romance out of the ring, mostly since either one of them was already unstoppable on their own.

And of course, after a few casual dates, Miranda found herself addicted to Paula in the bedroom. She was full of surprises, and so incredibly soft to the touch all over. She loved exploring her various folds and curves with her hands and mouth warming up the big bear wrestler until her libido overpowered her cute shyness. Their first time was an especially intense and exciting moment for the both of them as her chubby fan and the new champion got to sleep with her hero.

“Oh god… oh yes…” the naked Paula panted as her hips ground back and forth.


Buried somewhere beneath her thighs and drooping belly, Miranda’s hand came up and tapped rapidly on her thigh. It wobbled enough to catch the big girl’s attention as she slid back. The blonde’s head popped back out from under her bulk, taking a huge gasp of fresh air.

“Too much?” Paula asked meekly, blushing and smiling despite herself.

“Little much,” Miranda  wheezed, but she licked her lips despite herself as well.

“You taste so damn good though. You know I can’t get enough of that honey, Honey.”

She ran her hands affectionately over Paula’s stomach, feeling its soft curve before cupping both of her huge breasts. She had come up with the idea of Paula sitting on her face in the first place. Something about her being pinned by her huge lover just felt so good…

“So no facesitting?” Paula sighed, distracted by her lover playing with her nipples.

“We’ll work on it. But I’m not about to have you put me in another neckbrace just yet. How about the usual?”

Paula beamed and nodded. She slid back to lay aligned with Miranda, lining up her pussy with hers. The big girl lowered her hips onto her partner’s and started grinding, aiming the pressure of her wobbling body to aim it towards both of their clits. The women were soon moaning with pleasure, tribbing steadily as they humped together.

“Yes… yes… ohhh YEA~!” Paula started to squeak.

Her strong hands grabbed the pillows beside Miranda’s head. She started humping harder and faster, her thick body bouncing in place as the normally shy girl’s libido went wild. The wobble of her gut and tits started to flop higher with every intense thrust, enough that one huge tit went swinging past Miranda’s face. The former champ’s eyes went wide.

“Hey, uh… Paula? You’re getting a little wild there. Maybe reel in the bear a little bit, hon-”

“AHHHN~!” Honeybear cried as she gave an especially hard thrust of her hips.

Her big bottom wobbled to a stop as her breasts jiggled high up. They came slapping back down together, crashing into Miranda’s face on either side like a pair of wrecking balls. The huge, heavy orbs connected with the blonde, knocking her absolutely silly. She was knocked out by her lover yet again, ragdolling beneath the chunky champ. It wasn’t the first time, and as much as Miranda tried to prevent being KOed every time they got horny, she had to admit that her biggest orgasms still came from being treated so roughly by the infamous Honeybear.



Deliciously one-sided, there's always poetry in someone's reign at the top coming to its end, and nice to see the chubby powerhouses able to assert themselves.