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More of wanting to dabble in Rapscallion Art's stuff. The idea that really stuck with me was The Gentrixa; basically this culture where in order to raise great warriors with epic destinies, their women are expected to give birth in the heat of battle. If there is no war going on... then they make one. So went with a fast forward of this concept, jumping between the stages of her conceiving and birthing this war-baby.

Based on this post https://twitter.com/Rapscallion_Art/status/1568446777459605504 


the genetrixa cradle to the grave

The people of Dunlukin were a strong and stoic bunch with a reputation for being full of great warriors. To outsiders, few were as fearsome and terrifying as their women. It wasn't so much that they were stronger than the men but they were far better known across the land.


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