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Some female vs male boxing set in a genderswapped version of Deltarune. That's the Undertale spinoff, which I never could come up with a good porno parody for like I did with Undertale Harem Run. 

Don't think you need to know too much. I tweak a few things to make it pretty comprehensive, but it's an excuse for a goofy, over the top boxing domination match. I actually dreamt about a weird female boxing game last night, so not sure if that flavored my writing for the day.

This also reminded me how fun a villain Queen was. Love an evil dumbass.

Kris had been through a lot getting this far. She and her friends had been fighting their way through the digital version of The Dark World. Thankfully, she had managed to convince Susie and the rest of his party to take a pacifist route, talking down or tricking enemies into letting them pass rather than fighting anyone. It had been working wonders as they drew closer to Cyber Queen’s fortress and ended up having to separate. Kris walked off on his own, counting on the generosity and good nature of his party to prevent any real fights from breaking out.

He wasn’t expecting to meet Queen himself. The tall and leanly muscled boi in tight, silvery blue briefs and a sci-fi visor stood in her path as Kris walked through the neon-lit cyber-alleyways. He held his breath, knowing this could go any number of ways. Cyber Queen was very powerful but also dumb enough to name himself Queen. It had been the highest rank that he could think of when starting his reign of dumbass tyranny.

“There you are, my little non-digital princess!” the mighty himbo greeted heartily.

Queen stepped up to Kris and threw a powerful arm around the armored, blue-haired girl’s shoulders. She blushed as she was yanked into a chummy hug, mashing her face up against his bare and buff chest. The pale skin was warm for what seemed like such a digitally focused creature.

“I was wondering where you’d wandered off to! Tracking you down has been so much fun, don’t you think? Like a big broad game of hide and seek!”

The friendly Queen raised a wineglass of neon green fluid to his lips, gulping it down with a chemical bubbling sound.

“Uh… pretty fun. Yea,” Kris muttered, trying not to provoke him now that he was all alone.

“I know!” he gushed happily. “It’s been making this whole conquering thing so much more enjoyable. So much more interesting than the weak little files I’ve been taking over so far. I’ve so enjoyed our little games…”

Kris jumped as a loud thud hit the ground nearby. She looked over as a falling arcade machine landed a few yards away.

“It’s why I wanted to help us both pass some time! More games!” Queen chimed.

“Since we’ve both found ourselves alone and away from that dorky bird girl, I thought we could enjoy each other’s company over a few rounds. If you can last that long,” he giggled.

“Uh… sure. Why not?”

Playing one of Queen’s minigames rather than another boss fight sounded easy enough. But as soon as she touched the controls of what looked like a standard fighting arcade game, Kris found himself teleported away. She stared blankly as she found herself standing in the corner of a boxing ring. She even found herself in boxer shorts, a short sleeveless top, and a pair of bright purple boxing gloves. She blushed as she heard the rowdy cheers of hundreds of digital fans making up the brightly colored crowd.

Queen manifested across the ring, smiling and wearing his own set of boxing gloves.

“You see? I know how much you humans love sports!” he gushed smugly.

“Plus I’ve been analyzing your exact fighting style this entire time, so I can expertly match and counter you.”

“I didn’t really fight this whole time,” Kris admitted sheepishly.

Queen’s visor gleamed menacingly.

“I know.”

With a bitcrushed zipping sound, Queen crossed the entire ring in an instant. A split second after the bell rang, he drove a wildly high uppercut into Kris’ jaw. Her head snapped straight up and back from the buff fuckboi’s blow, and she barely stayed on her booted feet.

A series of back and forth jabs to the face seemed to keep Kris on her feet, battering her too hard as she reacted to each strike rather than focus on falling. The momentum of each hit juggled her back upright, staggering one way or the other as her cheeks went red. Her dizzied eyes tried to focus, but all she could see was the incoming gloves and Queen’s femininely handsome face.

“See what I mean? My style’s perfect for not only beating your pretty mortal body senseless, but it’s perfectly entertaining for the audience. Isn’t that right, my subjects slash followers!?”

The audience rang out in a collection of cheers and whistles. Neon signs flashed things like “Long live Cyber Queen” and “Step on me, Queen!”, clearly showing whose side they were on.

“My countless surveys have shown that most fans of this genre look for a one-sided match. And we’re going to give them what they want like any good performers, right?”

“Ugh… wait, uh…” Kris moaned.

She was just caught with another hard hook, snapping her head to one side before she hit the mats. A highly muffled and outdated recording started to count down. “1! 2! 3!”

Kris forced herself back up by seven, dizzy but drawing on all her resolve to stay in the fight. He didn’t know what kind of consequences there were to losin to Queen, but in her punchdrunk state, she had to wonder what kind of humiliation it would entail.

“Back for more. Perfect,” Queen chuckled as he came back at Kris.

He wound up for a punch, just to suddenly snap his long, lean leg up in a high kick. Kris was ready to stop a punch but the boot caught her across the jaw, rocking her hard to one side until she was leaning on the ropes. She panted at her heaving breasts puffed and sweat heavily against the ring ropes.

“Did I mention I didn’t read all the rules on boxing?” Queen offered conversationally.

He moved in behind Kris, grabbing her by her dark hair to lift her face up. She looked listlessly at the cheering crowd, but shivered at the feeling of Queen’s bulging trunks and fit body grinding up against her backside.

“Come now! Time to put on a proper show!”

Queen threw Kris back into the ring by the hair, following up with more showboating punches. He slugged her in the gut, making her bend over just to catch her with a few more shots to the chin and face that kept her stumbling on her feet. Kris couldn’t find the space to throw a single punch before the bell rang somewhere overhead.

“Ah well. Time for a breather. Let our adoring fans and slaves reflect on our artistry while we steel ourselves for another round.”

Kris was too dazed to reply. She found herself teleported away again, but this time just back to her corner. A stool was already beneath her as she struggled to catch her breath and think straight, but all she could focus on was the fit femboy tyrant across the ring. He had several drones floating around him, towerling off his lean muscles and serving him more of his acrid-looking drink.

“No second for me, I guess,” Kris sighed. “At least nobody I know’s here to see this…”

“Hey, Kris?”

Kris tensed up and looked back into his corner. A white-robed boy with deer antlers was standing there with a towel and bucket.

“I uh… just sorta showed up here,” Noelle went on.

“Should I be doing something? Wow, you look pretty banged up though.”

“I’ll be fine,” Kris exaggerated, using it as an excuse to turn away in a hurry.

“If you say so… uh, good luck with whatever this is then.”

The bell rang again and Noelle vanished. Both fighters teleported back into the middle with Queen looking refreshed and Kris practically dead on her feet.

“Well we’ve had our fun, Kris. Time to stop fooling around and bow down to me!” the handsome, visored meathead grinned.

There was a blue streak of energy tailing his next punch, which drove right past Kris’ guard and into her belly. She huffed and doubled over, struggling to breathe so much that she dropped to her knees. She groaned and slumped forward, not even aware she was leaning right into Queen’s bulge as he flexed for the crowd.

“Excellent work, Kris. You look like such a crowd-pleaser in that kind of pose!” Queen praised the beaten heroine.

He took a short step back and unleashed a speedy barrage of punches. The violent straights caught her in the face again and again, giving Kris whiplash with her supernatural blows. A sudden and graceful roundhouse tagged her in the temple and Kris went down hard, face first into the mats.

She groaned and heard the muffled count start again, but it only got to four. At least that she heard before she blacked out completely.


Kris woke back up back in the alleyway. She was back in her weird adventuring gear and back to full health, but she was still face down on the ground. Queen’s heel resting on her back told her exactly how they had ended the match.

“There! Wasn’t that fun? The most fun I’ve had in ages!” Queen gushed happily.

“Just think about it! We could have that much fun every day if you joined up with me. Being boxed around the ring doing that funny little dance you were doing. You looked like you were enjoying yourself so much! Especially based on your browser search history…”

Kris blushed as Queen finally thought to take his heel off his back.

“Well, just something to think about. I should go make sure that my actual plans are going properly. Just text me if you decide to join me~!”

Queen waved as he strode off confidently.

“You don’t need my number! I monitor all your info so just text anyone~!”

Kris groaned and dragged herself back off the floor. She dusted off her armor as Queen’s offer echoed in her head. She blushed harder, realizing that after going through all that… it did sound kind of tempting.


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