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Starting the next wrestle kingdom, but we need opponents! Who's defending the swamp of the Wrestle Witch? Pitch in your vote and enjoy the preview if ya like.

Manda trudged through the world of Wrestle Kingdom, now with an extra player in tow. She would never have expected meeting Mollie, but it was a mixed blessing now that she’d found her. The tan and curly-haired girl had happily tagged along, and while she was well informed about the game’s mechanics, the peppy boxer wore her interests on her sleeve.

“And there was the time with the frog girl,” Mollie rambled.

“We had to fight in a mud ring and she had all these dirty kickboxing moves! I got my face shoved down into the muck and my crotch kicked in soooo many times~! I tried to put up a little bit of a fight, but it turned out I hit a lot harder than I thought and won by mistake. You know how it is!”

“Nooot really. I just get my shit stomped in by the princess and clobbered by the item merchant,” Manda grumbled.

“YOU got to fight Princess Plex!?” Mollie gushed excitedly. “I didn’t even get the offer! How did you pull that off!?”

“I uh… mouthed off to her?”

“Wow, I should really try something like that more often,” Mollie said with an awestruck tone to her voice.

Amanda groaned as she rolled her head backward to stare at the sky. She’d have felt even worse, but Mollie knew her way around the game. Being able to look at her phone and see the blinking indicator of her quest marker at least gave her some hope she was going in the right direction. The road was blocked off by magical barriers so there weren’t a lot of options on where to go, but it was assuring all the same. The gossip they got from the inn was leading them to the Wrestle Witch, who would be able to provide them with… something.

They clearly started to get close. The sparsely decorated world of sunny fields led to a thick, distinct patch of darkly colored trees. Even Mollie paused in the spot where the smooth dirt path abruptly turned into one of finely packed mud.

“You think there’s mud wrestling here?” she whispered back eagerly to Manda.

“Don’t really care. Let’s just get it over with. Maybe if we hurry we don’t have to fight anything.”

Manda shrugged and stepped ahead of her teammate.

“Aww, but where’s the fun in that?” Mollie mewled as she hurried after her.

Manda kept marching on until another screen popped up in front of her. “Random encounter!” it announced, followed by some faint feminine giggling from among the murky trees.

“Oh another intruder? Well you’ll need to best the guardians of the swamp to get by!” a playful woman’s voice chimed.

The menu popped up to poll her stream chat again: a fiery elemental, a short girl with monkey ears and tail, and a dark-colored mermaid.

Amanda flinched at the implication but then remembered. She had Mollie with her. She took a large step back and patted the curly-haired girl on the shoulder of her thick hoodie.

“Oh! That’s… that’s ok. My meatshield… er, tank…”

“Punching bag?” Mollie added helpfully, a giddy squeal to her voice.

“Teammate is going to fight for us here.”

There was a moment’s pause as the voices in the trees fell silent. Several more broke into a whisper a moment later.

“Oh you’re a party of two then! Excellent! A team match it is!”

“That’s not what I mea-”

The poll blinked away and came back with refreshed options.

>sister elementals

>monkeygirl monk guardians

>mermaid and dryad ambush

The first showed a lean woman who looked to be made of fire with flickering flames for hair now stood next to one of waves and water shaped like a curvy, curly-haired woman.

The second showed two short but curvy ladies with especially long monkey tails. One was red and one was brown, both with gold and red-patterned martial arts garb. They looked short like the goblin Amanda had faced earlier but looked far stronger and more agile.

The gray-skinned, green-scaled mermaid stood with the tip of her tail submerged in water, looking grim and annoyed just to be there. Beside her was now a girl with thick leaves forming her hair and skin the color of roots and bark. A palm frond bikini covered up any of her naughty bits (assuming she had them as a plant girl at all).

Amanda sighed, not liking either of the options ahead of her when she was expecting to weasel out of it.

“Chat, I’d say don’t screw me on this one… but not like this game gives me any GOOD choices.”


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