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Another patron reward because I finally had a few active days of writing. I say that, then look back at the 4+ stories I’ve done in a couple weeks and go “oh right…”

Picking up an ongoing pokemon belly punching storyline. With the new faces Annie and Oakley starting to kick ass and take names, two training gym leaders step up to put a stop to them.

Gardenia had been training with Flannery over the last few days, and she was starting to see some results. She was no boxer or anything, but she picked up a few tricks and some basic posture and the like. Skyla seemed to have ditched the idea of training with them, but after a few days of not seeing her at all, they got worried. Gardenia had half expected her to show up for another random challenge to a fistfight, but she was nowhere to be seen.

The gym leaders struck out to search for her. They went through the neighborhood before hitting the trails leading to the next city over. It took some searching before they spotted her bag hanging from a tree branch like it had been caught there.

“If it’s hanging from this direction… she must have gone that way!” Flannery decided, pointing off into the woods. She darted ahead with Gardenia close behind, leading them right to a rest station that was barred off with a simple sign of “do not enter.”

“You think she’d go in there?” Gardenia asked.

“If she left her bag there, she likely wouldn’t travel far without it,” Flannery shrugged. “We should check it out.”

The trainers went inside the small facility, quickly finding what it was they were looking for. Jessie, Shelly and Skyla were all tied up, hanging by their wrists and gagged in one of the side rooms. They were stripped down to their underwear with many bruises left on their stomachs and breasts. Gardenia and Flannery gasped at the sight as a pair of voices chuckled in the corner of the room.

“Just like we expected,” Oakley gloated. The silver-haired Team Rocket agent stood up with a confident hand on her hip. “The little flies come marching into our trap.”

Annie rose alongside her, tossing back her big blonde hair. “Looks like we’ll have even more pets for us to practice on,” she purred, breaking into a wicked grin as she eyed up Flannery and Gardenia.

“You won’t get away with this,” Gardenia challenged, reaching for her pokeballs. Flannery held up a hand for her to wait as she cracked a smile of her own.

“Don’t bother,” the fiery redhead calmly advised. “Let’s show them the results of your training instead.”

She met Gardenia’s eye, getting the grass-type trainer to nod. “I get you. Bring it on, you thieving bitches.”

Gardenia put up her fists readily. Flannery moved into a matching pose but the Rocket girls just grinned back at her.

“Oh you two are just too much fun already. We always love a new challenge,” Oakley welcomed.

“Not that this will be much of one,” Annie added before the thieves darted towards their latest victims.

Well away from the hostages, Annie engaged with Gardenia by feinting a blow at her face. The redhead flinched and went to blow it, leaving her midsection wide open. The blonde Rocket sent a fist at her stomach just for Gardenia’s other hand to suddenly catch her by the wrist.

“Won’t be that easy!” Gardenia warned as she snapped punch across Annie’s face. The blonde’s head whipped to one side before the Grass-type fighter slammed a knee into her exposed midriff. Annie grunted loudly as she doubled up, both arms folding protectively around her stomach.

Gardenia grabbed two handfuls of her opponent’s hair and started to slam knees into her belly, spiking them upward repeatedly to pummel her guts. Annie grunted with each speedy blow, left stunned and breathless for a while before she used her lower position to her advantage. She swung an uppercut right into Gardenia’s crotch, robbing her of any momentum as she let out a loud and pathetic wail. The redhead cupped her aching pussy as Annie pulled herself out of her grasp.

“You’re not as tough as you think you are,” Annie boasted. She started smashing punches into Gardenia’s belly, driving her back towards a wall.

Flannery had her hands full enough with her own opponent, keeping her eyes locked on Oakley rather than her teammate and student. The silver-haired Rocket drove Flannery back with a few jabs, making her dodge and backpedal to avoid them. The redhead sidestepped one of them but Oakley lashed out, catching her by the hair and interrupting her evasion.

“Got you now, red,” Oakley taunted as she pulled roughly on her handful of hair. Flannery let out a pained cry as she was yanked off balance, stumbling right into a sucker punch to the guts from her thieving opponent.

“UHFF!” Flannery blurted, nearly bending over the fist. She had tightened up her abdomen as best she could, but the punch still pressed harshly against her stomach muscles. Oakley appreciated her dumbstruck response enough to slam a few more repeated punches swinging into her gut. Flannery shook in place, her body rocked as it was held up by her hair. She managed to lash out with one of her hands, shoving Oakley’s next punch aside to make it hit nothing but air.

Oakley was momentarily surprised before she had bigger things to think about. Flannery snapped an uppercut into her chin, knocking her head back and up in a stunning moment. Oakley brought her focus back on the fiery trainer just in time for her to grab the short silver locks and spin her around.

“Let’s see how you like it!” Flannery snapped. She swung Oakley by the hair, throwing her across her extended leg to toss her to the floor. The Rocket landed with a rough grunt, disoriented from the hip toss as her opponent mounted her from behind.

Oakley pushed at the floor to try and force her way free, but Flannery’s fist buried itself into her side. The Rocket huffed and crumbled back down as her stomach and kidneys were battered on both sides, blindly trying to protect herself.

“Now I can see why you bullies like beating on people so defenseless. It sure is fun!” Flannery sneered as she drove another blow into Oakley’s ribs. Skyla gave a muffled complaint from the part of the room with the other prisoners, but it went ignored by the fighting foursome.

Oakley finally managed to sharply roll to one side, knocking Flannery off of her. She landed by her side and the thieving trainer quickly pounced on the redhead, pinning her down by one shoulder. The other hand formed a fist and landed right in her exposed navel, the meaty slapping sound echoing through the room. Flannery’s body bucked with pain as she let out a gasping spray of saliva, her back driven into the floor below.

Gardenia had her back against the wall, fumbling to form some kind of defense as Annie worked her over. Her fists kept striking into her breasts and belly, tagging the redhead with the occasional low blow to keep her guessing.

“All’s fair in love, war and pokemon battles, they say,” Annie snickered. She pulled back a pace just to launch herself forward again, driving her knee into the exposed flesh of Gardenia’s tummy. It caved in from the impact, bending her guts inward as the wind was knocked right out of the gym leader. She clutched her stomach and slid down to her knees, arms hugging her stomach as she gasped for air.

“This’ what you get for messing with the best!” Annie boasted. She struck Gardenia across the face with another punch, sending her head spinning to one side and crumbling to the floor. She landed awkwardly on her knees before Annie stamped a foot down on her back to squash her into the floor.

“Going down so easily? We’ve been so lucky finding such easy victims,” the blonde taunted Gardenia. The redhead gym leader flinched from the pain and pressure, but her training hadn’t been for nothing.

“This is what I hate about you Rockets,” Gardenia grunted. “You never shut up!”

She suddenly twisted to one side, sending Annie’s leg off her back. The blonde looked startled as her balance was thrown off as well, leaving her legs spread out awkwardly above her. Gardenia sat up and headbutted Ann squarely in the crotch, and while not the most pleasant experience, it was even more effective on the shocked blonde. Annie gawked and crossed her legs as soon as Gardenia removed her fist, letting the Rocket agent drop to her knees.

“Don’t act so high and mighty!” Gardenia bragged as she stood back up. “Remember that one punch is all it takes to turn the tide!”

The redhead snapped a one-two punch across Annie’s face. While it rocked her head around, she was still frozen in a look of bent-over agony. She remained stuck doubled over until Gardenia grabbed her by the hair, shoving her head and back against the nearest wall.

Oakley had straddled the winded Flannery, snapping punches into the redhead’s chest and belly. The pinned gym-leader raised her hands, barely blocking a blow from hitting one of her in the cheek. She landed a hard hook perfectly into the spot where Oakley’s breast met her ribs, forcing a gasp from the rival Rocket.

“It may not be a Fire Punch, but I’m sure that burns like crazy,” Flannery growled as she sat up abruptly. She rammed her shoulder into Oakley’s stomach, knocking more wind out of her as she knocked her onto her ass. More importantly, it got her off the Fire-type trainer long enough for her to scramble back to her feet.

Oakley started to rise, one arm clutching her aching chest. “You miserable little… UMFF!”

The Rocket girl couldn’t get both feet under her when Flannery shot a kick into her jaw. Oakley tumbled over the floor, ending up on her hands and knees as she rubbed her freshest injury. The blue-haired thug didn’t have the time to recover as Flannery charged in and slammed a soccer kick into her stomach, hitting hard enough to lift Oakley off the ground. Her eyes widened as saliva sprayed out past her lips, forced out by the deep blow to her gut. She flopped back limply to the floor at Flannery’s feet.

Gardenia was continuing to have similar success on Annie. The stunned Rocket was pinned against the wall by her hair as the short-haired gym leader pounded her with rapid punches to the stomach. The fair skin was quickly turning red from all the stinging impacts and making her squirm on the spot.

“Stop! Fuck! Let me… RRGH! UGH! Would you STOP!” Annie shouted.

The blonde took a wild haymaker of a swing at Gardenia’s head, but her training had paid off. She saw the furious blow coming from a mile away and ducked under her, planting her feet and lunging in like a striking Arbok. She threw all her weight into a diving punch that hit so hard Gardenia thought she felt the wall on the other side of her opponent. Annie huffed noisily as she doubled over, holding her belly as her ass thrust out and pushed against the wall.

Annie could only form feeble gagging noises as Gardenia smiled at her handiwork. The pokemon thief looked utterly ruined, and it felt good to be on the winning side for a change.

“I guess Team Rocket’s still the joke they always were,” Gardenia taunted. The bound Jessie gave some gagged objection from her suspended position, but the combatants continued to ignore her.

Gardenia grabbed the bent over Annie by her big blonde hair buns and drove a knee into her stomach. She huffed and bounced in place, but the blows kept coming as they pelted her gut again and again like a piston.

“St-stop…” Annie gurgled out, any real defiance missing from her voice. “P-please…”

“Don’t go looking for mercy after you ambushed us and kidnapped people!” Flannery’s voice cut in from behind them. While Annie’s face went pale with dread to realize her partner was in the same position, Gardenia’s face lit up with an impish grin. Flannery had used a set of ropes to bind Oakley’s hands over her hand, hanging her from the same suspending hooks that Jessie and Shelly had been attached to. Flannery tossed a set of matching ropes to Gardenia, nodding up at an empty spot right beside Oakley.

“Oh, were these going to be for us?” Gardenia teased, holding them up in front of Annie. She shook her head, suddenly very meek between her pain and breathlessness. Gardenia bound her wrists up tighter than a Tangela before forcing them over her head, leaving her suspended back to back with her partner. She dangled helplessly like a slab of meat at a butcher shop. Or more specifically, like a punching bag.

“You should really try out this one,” Flannery offered as she walked over to Gardenia. “Her belly’s all tenderized so it’s like punching a pillow by now.”

“Ooh, I need to try that out. Come mess around with blondie then. It’s so funny watching her crazy hair bounce when you hit her.”

“What?! No!” Oakley pleaded desperately. “Let us go! We’ll free the prisoners! We’ll leave you alone!”

“We can free them ourselves,” Flannery reminded her. Shelly and Jessie briefly perked up at the news.

“But we’re going to turn all four of you in to the Jennies. See what they want to do with you.”

The two groaned again as Flannery and Gardenia stretched and cracked their knuckles. They immediately went to work punishing their assailants, trapped and helpless to defend against their barrage of recklessly powerful blows. Their bodies bucked from the harder hits, just making them bump into each other and bounce back for more. Their dangling bodies and naturally exposed midriffs made easy targets for the gym leaders to demolish at their leisure.

With a final, synchronized cry, Gardenia and Flannery took a readying step back and charged back in. Their final, powerful blows hit the Rockets’ stomachs hard enough to send a ripple across their skin, getting a huge huff from both of them. It petered off into a pathetic gurgle as their eyes rolled back into their heads, hanging limply as they finally passed out from the pain in their bruised bellies.

“Well that was therapeutic,” Gardenia sighed, shaking out her hands to get some feeling back in her knuckles.

“Already gave our location to the poke-police. They should be here to clean them up, so we can wait for them outside,” Flannery reported. She slapped Shelly on the stomach, getting the bruised Aqua agent to flinch and jump in her bonds.

“Not like these losers are going anywhere soon.”


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