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Story of a half-minotaur, half-goblin raised in a traveling carnival. I got to explore a lot of existing ideas with this one that came mostly out of nowhere. A discord buddy mentioned a half-goblin, half-cowgirl clown as a sarcastic topic we’d been discussing, but it stuck. Goes to show I’ll never turn down hearing an idea…

The story was originally just her getting a crush and hooking up with them, but I quickly realized there was more than just one story’s worth to Netty. She’s not especially deep a character, but she has a lot of character and her own weird set of morals that I think shine through. She’s a good girl at her core, but a raging mix of gobotaur hormones and her strange upbringing make it hard for her to come to terms with that. I very quickly shot down the idea of her being an adopted orphan, and the Merrytyme traveling carnival became more and more of just a cool (if a little trashy) place to explore.

Also her name is a dumb pun on “the net is gone,” since her dad was a goblin acrobat. It’s probably how he had the courage to woo a minotaur in the first place.

As a whole, researchers had basically labeled interbreeding between the monster species as a crapshoot. It was entirely possible and would generally produce healthy offspring in most pairings, but their physical traits would wildly vary and the rate of getting pregnant was much lower than within their own species. Still, persistence tended to pay off, and there was a slow trickle of hybrids starting to appear around the world.

Netiz was such a case. When a traveling carnival’s goblin acrobat and minotaur rodeo clown entered a long-term relationship, it was just a matter of time before “Netty” was the end result.

As a half-goblin, half-minotaur (or just a “”moblin” or “gobotaur” to anyone who asked), she was still squat and green all over. Some of her extremities had bovine features; a short tail, horns that poked out an inch past her stringy, long cow-like ears, dark brown hair, and matching fur that only coated her lower legs from the knee down before turning into small hooves. For a goblin, she was huge at 4’9” and built wide and solid. She had slightly pudgy features, but her broad shoulders and wide hips and chest made her look much more brawny than she was fat. Of course, between both of her races, the short woman had tits like a pair of loaded potato sacks hanging off her shoulders. They were even wider than the rest of her, visible even when looking from behind her.

Netty was well beyond caring much about her appearance. Her dark hair was long and stringy like a mass of thin, burnt pasta. The bovine ears coming from the side of her head had three mismatched earrings each, another ring pierced in one nostril and out the other. They made wild accessories to her huge and baggy tank top and hip-hugging jean shorts hanging low-enough for the tail in her lower back to stick over her pants. She had plenty of cleavage and sideboob hanging out, which was speckled with blotches of much darker green on her paler flesh. While she was missing most of her minotaur mother’s fur, the cow-like patterns had translated over to her skin.

She was born into the traveling carnival and truly loved it. They went from town to town in trailers, lugging around rides and attractions with a self-taught, technically licensed mage to throw up some fair weather so they could set up just about anywhere all year round. Netty’s parents weren’t officially married but they adored her and the mobile community of carnies, contortionists, barkers and all-purpose crew were her family and friends. She had even spent time with the clowns and acrobats and picked up a strange little fashion trick of painting her face, sporting a blue star painted around one of her purple lime green (and the back of her eyelid) and a pink diamond on the opposite cheek.

“C’mon there, folks. Try an’ squirt in my mouth for a bucks,” the busty goblin cowgirl droned out to the passing customers. She sat in her booth, her wide behind resting on the wooden plank between the customer and the gaping mouths of plastic, cartoony gorgon heads. She knew how to do all sorts of things at the carnival after spending over twenty years working and living there, and running the games was pretty middle of the road. Easier than fixing the tilt-a-whirl or cleaning the gryphon rides, but tougher than running the popcorn booth. At least her goblin cow tits did half the job by getting everyone to stare.

“How ‘bout you, champ? Fancy yourself a hot shot?” Netty offered a staring human. The guy shook his head to snap out of it.

“Sure! I got a few dollars,” he agreed. He fished out a bill and passed it off to her. Netty smiled and winked at him, flashing her star-painted eye. She stuffed his cash into her cowprint cleavage and stood up on her booth, her hooves clopping and weight creaking the board.

“Thank ya, handsome. Who else is here to see how wet ya can get?! Lookin’ for a few more cuties to blast me and my girls! Bigger the group, bigger the prize!”

Netty went on ranting for the passing crowd. She clopped around and swung her hips, making her breasts and booty shake around and catch everyone’s eye. Her first customer stared at her jiggling jugs that appealed to almost every sense of his. He went from being captivated from her heavy tits nearly flying out of the sides of her loose shirt to realizing that there was an actual sloshing sound as the milk splashed around inside.

“I don’t want to be offensive or anything, but are you a regular goblin?” the waiting human asked as others started to investigate the ruckus.

“Moblin, bud. Mama was a minotaur. Daddy was a very brave goblin. Got the best of both worlds,” she summed up quickly like she’d answered it many times before.

“Oh. That’s cool!” he noted brightly. “You carry it well. And I like your tattoos,” he said happily.

“Oh this?” Netty asked, gesturing to her face paint. “Just paint. The tattoos aren’t anywhere you can see. Not for two bucks, anyway.”

She grinned at him as she plucked a fiver from somebody and slipped change from her top. “Ya could always take me out to dinner. Or at least meet me behind the ferris wheel when I’m on my break.”

Netty drew a decent enough crowd before she hopped off and switched on the mounted water pistols. “Alright, folks. Take aim and wait for the buzzer then shoot for the gorgon’s mouth. Winner gets choice of the entire booth or a kiss on the cheek.”

She flashed a grin at the attending crowd before letting the game begin. She kept an eye on the race and had become a quick judge of who was going to win. There was one guy with a slight lead over a young kid, and she knew he was mostly trying to win to impress her. In a quick judgement call, Netty folded her arms under her boobs and bounced up and down, making her nipples rub against her shirt.

“It’s gonna be a close one! Neck and neck! Keep on pushin’ it, boys! Milk it for all its worth!” she egged on. Her old trick worked as it made her nipples get hard, sticking against her top. The guy in the lead’s eyes wandered to see not just her nips pushing at her water-speckled top but the huge, door-knocker shaped nipple rings hanging onto them. It was enough to throw off his aim as it trailed away from his target.

The buzzer went off again as she waved an arm towards the kid.

“Number 3 wins! Nice shootin’, kid! Hell of a stream you got goin’ there!”

Netty blew a kiss to her sabotaged runner up and mouthed “Thank you,” before heading to the young man barely shorter than she was.

“So pick of the litter. Whatcha want?”

“Uhhhh… the Yummy doll or the kiss….” he thought aloud, staring between her and the plush. Netty sighed theatrically and rolled her eyes.

“Allllright. Looks like it’s double prize day,” Netty decided. She grabbed a pole and unhooked the top shelf toy. “You’re lucky you’re cute,” she warned, passing it off to him and kissing him on the cheek with a noisy smooch. The boy blushed and giggled as his mom helped him off the stool.

“That kid’s gonna get a fetish,” Netty mused as only the first guy stayed behind. She shook her head and looked back to him. “So I’m on break at 2. You still gonna be around for a quickie?”

“I’ll be there,” the guy grinned eagerly. Netiz flashed him a finger gun as he went off to amuse himself until then. Netty took out a cigarette and lighter from behind the counter, and lit it up between her pouty lips. She was far from addicted; nicotine did next to nothing to a goblin with how rapidly their bodies ruined and digested toxins. The popular brand with goblins was a specialized herb that only affected them for whatever reason and caused a very mild sense of calm. It was originally something to do with rituals before it was commercialized as just a pack of Dullers.

“Lucky bitch,” laughed a lazy voice from around the corner. Netty leaned over the counter far enough to see her neighbor Jilaquen at the candy roulette game. The elf was skinny as a rail and wore a snug tank top, her blonde hair shaved down to nothing longer than an inch. She always had bags under her eyes and her arms, legs and upper chest were covered in tattoos. Some of them were runic in nature like you’d expect from her species. Some were much more crude, like the busty ghost yelling “Boooobs” and some Rammstein lyrics.

“Not all of us got monster tits to throw around for attention.”

“If you wanna drain these milk tanks every day, you’re welcome to have ‘em.”

Jil reached out across the open air between their booths, offering a cardboard container of loaded nachos. Any of their shallow teasing was quickly dismissed as usual as Netty snatched it up. She stuck a few cheesy bites into her mouth before passing the box back to her tattooed friend.

“So which one are you fuckin’ next?” Jil asked, nodding towards the crowd in general.

“Last guy,” the demigoblin said with a similar nod. She licked some of the sticky, unnatural orange from her fingertips. People didn’t know Netty for long before finding out she’d sleep with anybody given half a reason.

They swapped the nachos back and forth, sharing stories and the beer that Netiz had hidden under her counter in an unlabeled cup. It was the day before a holiday weekend which meant things were slow and they weren’t expected to pull in much pay. They pulled in a few more sizable games before it was getting close to Netty’s break. Her hooves were scraping against the floor of her booth when Jil knocked on their shared side.

“Hey. Tom’s coming,” the elf reported curtly.

“He’s what!? Quick, how do I look?” Nelly’s eyes lit up and a smile broke through her attempts to hide it. She leaned out over the counter to look at Jil, brushing her thick fingers through her stringy hair.

“Kinda greasy,” the elf replied, sipping their stale beer from the foam cup.

“Well duh. But cheesesteak greasy? Engine greasy? Sweat greasy?” Netty pressed urgently.

“Hmmm… little of each?” Jil shrugged.

“Perfect!” she hurried out in a whisper. She wiped some of the water from the squirt guns off her shirt and spotted cleavage before she leaned her elbows on the counter, trying her best to look distracted by something else on the horizon. A broad orange knuckle rapped on Nelly’s stand and she pretended to just notice the massive cyclops with white facepaint around his singular eye.

Tom-Baro had been a new member joining the carnival, but he was a warm and handsome sort that made friends quickly. Netty had been especially quick. He was dressed in some tight black pants and a striped shirt with suspenders in a more casual mock-up of the usual mime outfits. For a guy who had an interest in the performing arts, he was a 6’7” and packed with muscle. Slick, dark blue hair hung around his singular eye and horn.

“Hey, Net!” the big lug greeted her happily. “How’s your day?”

“Ahaha~!” Netty laughed as her cheeks blushed bluish green. “Oh, it’s um… good. Another day at the circus, right?”

“Yea, I guess you’re used to it.” The cyclops smiled broadly. “But I think I’m starting to get the hang of this place. I’m mostly getting used to letting kids kick me in the ankle without interrupting my act. Thanks for showing me around.”

“Uh huh,” Netty nodded vacantly, her smile glued to her face. Her minotaurian ears and tail flicked excitedly as she stared at him.

“You thank her every other day, my dude,” Jil pointed out. The tall elf leaned over and plucked the cigarette from Netty’s hand, took a drag, and stuck it back between her fingers. The moblin didn’t seem to notice.

“I don’t mind!” Netty interrupted. “Nice to… REALLY nice to see you, Tom.”

“Yea! Same,” Tom confirmed. “We should hang out sometime when we’re not at work. I mean, we live here and all now, but you know what I mean. Longer than a break.”

“Yea yea yea,” Netty nodded, making her jugs jiggle on her countertop. Her tail was wagging like a dog rather than its usual idle swaying. “That’d be great! Sounds like a lot of fun… whatever you were thinking, anyway.”

“Cool! I should have your number on the Merrytyme contact list, so I’ll call you sometime to eat or whatever. That sound good?”

“Yea!” Netty repeated. “Good.”

“Cool. See ya around then. I got to swing by the south end and scrub down the unicorn.” The towering lug waved and saw himself off, distracted as he waved at a passing goblin child and parent. The little girl waved back before grabbing a discarded popcorn back and dumping it into her mouth. Between all the noise, bright colors and littered food, goblins were a huge market for the carnival.

“Well, that was… pathetic,” Jil pointed out. Netty snapped out of her grinning stupor enough to at least look at her friend as she grinned.

“What? He’s nice, is all.”

“No, I’ve seen you meet nice people. I’ve seen you meet bulls you wanna ride. I’ve seen how you look at a blown up cotton candy machine. This is different.”

“It’s closer to the cotton candy one,” Netty muttered.

“So why’s this himbo so special? And how long did it take you to fuck him?”

“Uhhh…” Netty rolled her eyes away as the punky elf stared her down. “Maybe never?”

“What?! Net, are you feeling alright!?” Jil theatrically reached out to rub Net’s forehead before giving it a gentle slap. “How are you goofballs over this guy and not just climbing into his pants?”

“I dunno! This is new to me! I ain’t had a crush before!” Netty blurted. “It’s like how mom and dad are bumpin’ all the time but it’s just with the two of them.”

“I know. Unfortunately,” Jil confirmed. Netty had only recently gotten her own trailer in the caravan. It had to some mix of her DNA, upbringing, and sound-proofing spells that had tolerated the passionately in-love interspecies couple.

“But he’s just nice and cute and he actually lives where I live now… he’s not some piece of road tail out to grab me by the horns. He’d actually stay a while.”

“He DID sign up to be a mime,” Jil reminded her. “So maybe not the brightest bulb in the funhouse…”

Netty’s hoof kicked into their mutual wall as she finished off her smoke.

“I’m just looking out for you, Nets! If you want this, go for it. But when you do, maybe just… be direct with him? Not that subtlety’s your thing anyway. And if it goes screwy, at least there’s always more cyclops dicks in the sea.”

“If that’s the case, then the ocean’s more fucked up than I thought,” Netty sighed. Her phone beeped and she hastily snatched it out of her pocket, hoping for a response from Tom already. It was just her alarm going off to let her know it was time for her break.

“Right! Almost forgot,” she sighed. She fished the cash out of her cleavage and stuffed it into the booth’s lockbox. “Break time!”

“Did you forget about the Ferris wheel guy too?” Jil reminded her.

“Ooh, right…” Netty pulled the shudder down over her booth as she bit her lip. Her hooves shuffled uncertainly on the grass. “I mean it’s not like I’m dating him or anything… yet…”

“You are not,” the elf confirmed casually.

“And seriously, somebody’s gotta milk these bad girls…”


As a young girl growing up in the traveling carnival, Netiz had learned all the best places not to be seen. There were a few of her fellow carnies that were unofficial security and lookouts, but they always had intentional blind spots to give their coworkers and friends some privacy. Netty caught up with her human customer and caught him by the hand, wasting no time in hurrying with him towards one of the tents in the rear. She knew most of the schedules by heart, so she knew the performance tent wouldn’t have anything going on right now. The magic show wasn’t for another hour, which gave her plenty of time to slip in and out. She lifted the back flap and held it up with her horns as she waved the human under with her. Inside was some assembled bleacher seats and a large wooden ring in the center with a stage erected within it.

“Alright, buddy. No need to beat around the bush. Unless that’s your thing, then all power to ya.”

Netty peeled off her top, gladly exposing her enormous jugs. Her darker green patches spread from her cleavage to her belly and armpits, and nipples like pink, extra large gumdrops topped off her broad, pinkish-green areolas. Each was pierced with a large, door knocker-like piece of brass that gently dangled from her nips, tapping against the out-thrust flesh of her breast.

“Alright, buddy. Let’s get the milk flowin’,” Netty urged as she stepped up to him. Her hard nipples rubbed against the fabric of his shirt and the slight pressure already got them to leak some thick white cream againt the lower half of his shirt.

“I mean my name’s Troy if that…” the human started.

“Nuh uh. Everybody’s ‘Buddy’ with me,” she warned. She booted herself up on the tips of her hooves to kiss him with a wet smack of her lips, cutting off any potential arguments from him. He moaned and ran his hands down her bare back, rubbing her thick but rubbery skin until her tail rose to wrap playfully around his wrist. She ran her hands under his chin and drew him deeper into the kiss, rolling out a tongue that was almost as wide as his palm. It sloppily licked over his lips on its way into his mouth and he started to remove his pants. The shorter cowgoblin started to rub his crotch encouragingly until his warm, naked rod was in her waiting palm.

Buddy pressed himself into her, hugging her naked body tightly to him. The second thing he noticed was the subtle trickle of milk soaking into his short. The first was a high-pitched honking noise that came from Netty’s tits when they were pushed hard enough.

“Um… what was…?” Buddy pried awkwardly.

“My tits honk. No idea why,” the painted carnival moblin explained curtly. “Now are you in or out?”

Buddy just swallowed hard and nodded.

“Good. Then prove it,” Netty purred. She grabbed his neck and pulled him down far enough to kiss him again, shoving her overpowering tongue into his mouth. He moved to match her enthusiasm, grabbing her by the hips and pressing his into her. Netty gave an agreeable grunt as her hooves backpedaled until her wide ass bumped against the stage. She gave a small nod up towards it, tugging at his lips with hers to make the gesture as clear as could be. Buddy grabbed her by her meaty ass cheeks through her jean shorts and hefted her upward.

He only got about halfway there. Most goblins were “all slime and rubber” as Netty’s dad put it, making them incredibly lightweight and durable. Netty had that plus an extra hundred pounds or so of beef, making her just as solid as she looked. It was something Netty liked to pull to mess with city boys, but she caught the edge of the platform herself and boosted herself the rest of the way. Seated on the stage, she took his head and hugged it between her massive tits. Buddy moaned noisily and shifted his face between them, kissing and licking at the bittersweet sweat of the gobtaur’s jugs.

His hands roamed over her chest, teasing her pierced nipples and giving them some firm pinches. Netty groaned from deep in her chest, the noise vibrating against Buddy’s face as she locked her fuzzy legs around his waist. His hands squeezed her tits more boldly this time, already prepared for the chewtoy-like squeaks that came from her milky rack. They were still thick and heavy despite the playful noises, giving him plenty to lift and mold around before taking his mouth right to Netty’s spigot.

He sucked greedily at the fat, leaking nipple, and Netty was all to appreciative with her noises. She arched her back, shoving her tits bigger than the city boy’s head into his face. The green flesh swallowed him up with another set of honks as he chugged down her milk. It had a sharp and sweet taste to it despite how thick the lactation was, vaguely reminding him of an ice cream float more than anything. She moaned loudly and subtly moved her shoulder, bobbing her breast against his face. They kept wobbling from the gesture even as he went to her other nipple, which was already forming a few trickling waterfalls of its own.

“That’s a good boy,” Netty moaned as she ran her fingers through his hair. Her foot brushed between his legs, rubbing at his erection with the space between her cloven hoof. The firm but smooth substance slid over him cock until he lowered himself to his knees. He pulled down the moblin’s shorts until she had to lift her hips one at a time to get them out from under her. Her skimpy, bright red thong barely covered up her full-lipped pussy. While most goblins were hairless below the eyebrows, she had a tiny patch of light brown pubic hair. A tattoo on her inner (and strangely thick and muscular) thigh had an arrow pointing to her crotch saying “Pitch tents here,” a couple inches over where her leg fur began. An assortment of stars and moons were inked over each side of her lower belly as a mismatched set of womb tattoos.

After taking in the view for a moment, Buddy pulled aside her thong and buried his face into her pussy. His tongue licked and parted her labia, getting the gobtaur to gasp softly. She humped his face and brought her tail around her hips, stroking its fuzzy tip along his neck enticingly. Her thick and musky juices smeared on Buddy’s face, leaving him with a strong scent that wouldn’t fully wash out for days.

“All the best food’s at the fair, right?” she moaned softly, gripping his hair to pull him in more roughly. Her thick, hard clit pushed between his nose and upper lip “So eat that pussy up! Suck that clit like a good scrawny chunk of humie.”

Buddy was too caught up in the moment and went on kissing and sucking her pussy. Between his drool and her running juices, plus the milk running freely down her chest, it was a wet and noisy mess down there. He withdrew back with his lips soaked and panting for air, wiping his mouth as he rose back to her level. Netty grinned at the familiar, glassy gaze of a local boy blinded by lust for her. It was always something she was after.

She slid her wet thong off and kicked it away as the young man mounted her. He leaned into her to try and push her over but her solid form stopped him once again. Her tits honked as the blocked him like airbags, giggling as her hefty hips held strong. She still let herself lean back and spread her legs wide apart, showing off much more flexibility than her bovine legs ought to. Buddy climbed on top of her as she allowed him and stuffed his cock into her leaking pussy, a satisfying squish accompanying his warm and smooth entry. He moaned as the trashy moblin ran her hands over his chest.

“Don’t tell me you’re a one-pump chump, pardner,” she teased. “You know how to treat a lady, don’t ya?”

His hands grabbed her tits from either side and mashed them together, locking his fingers underneath her nipple rings. He pinched and pulled at the piercings until the oily fur of her legs clamped around his hips.

“Moooo yea ya do~!” she gasped in a high pitch as a grin spread across her face. Her twisted nipples stretched and bent with their convenient handles, spilling more of her pale milk over her blotchy green chest. Netty never cared if it went to waste, so long as it got drained out periodically. It was such a relief it always got her horny, so it was always best with someone there to help.

Buddy kept plowing into her pussy, leaving her panting and raving beneath him. While she was large and sturdy for a goblin, she was still a wet and tight fit for a human at her size. His hands groped and even slapped at her udders, getting her to drool from her mouth and tits alike as her eyes glazed over in her own lusty haze. Her pussy clenched around him for a firm squeeze, feeling his precum leaking among her own slimy leavings. She pulled back a couple inches, just to turn and planted herself on her hands and knees. She raised her meaty ass to him, her tail perking up and offering him her dripping wet pussy.

“Saddle up, cowboy. You’re not gonna find a better ride in this whole fair,” she promised.

Netty ran a hand over her meaty ass, squeezing it and dragging her nails over it to show she wasn’t shy about getting rough. Her molded her thick ass cheek before letting it plop back into place, more than enough to get her human riled up again. He grabbed her by the tail and smacked her ass, sending the thick booty jiggling as he thrust himself back in. Netty gave off a husky wail in surprised arousal as the spanking barely stung her thick and squishy hide at all. She could hear his hips slapping into her as he pushed in and out of her sopping wet pussy, her tail and ears wiggling with excitement.

“Fuck yes… fuck yes… rope me in, stretch! Blast that chunker in me!” she egged him on.

All her wriggling parts apparently caught his attention. He grabbed Netty by the hair and made her head arch back enough to grab her by her thinly-furred cow ears. Netty gasped but tilted her head back with it, moaning and humping back firmly with more wet splats. The moblin had plenty going for her with sex appeal, but nobody could say she was lacking in handles.

The boys’ grip went to her solid horns, holding their base as firm grips so he could plow into her. They both moaned and gasped as it let him fuck her at a slightly different angle, something fresh that kept both of their genitalia at peak arousal. It was the same when he held her by her belly, squeezing her soft gut and massaging her womb tattoos. Same for her tits, leaning over her to pinch and pull at her hanging udders until they were honking rapidly with each squeeze or hump. Her milk spilled over the stage as she wailed, only interrupted when his fingers roamed up to her face. She moaned and sucked the sweet cream from them, running her thick cow tongue over his digits. She found herself nuzzling instinctively into his wet palm, her nose ring sliding between his fingers as she huffed their mixed scent of sex. Her nose wasn’t as powerful as a normal goblin’s, but she still reveled in the smell of cum and milk as he finished inside her.

Buddy shot his load, painting the inside of her womanhood with his warm mess. Her meaty pussy clenched shut around it, squeezing all the jizz out of him as it wetly snuggled around his cock until her own hot cum squirted out through the cracks. Netty groaned long and deep until it turned into a low moo, her sturdy limbs holding strong as her trashsnatch held onto him until her own twitching and quivering. Her wet lips finally relaxed enough for him to pull out with an audible squish of their mixed juices.

“Hot damn. Not bad for a local,” Netty hooted as she turned to sit back down. “You’re no Rook the strongman, but I wouldn’t kick ya out of my trailer.”

“I guess that’s good,” Buddy sighed as he caught his breath. He leaned on the stage as he pulled his pants back on and Netty grabbed a spare cleaning cloth to clean her juices off.

“Good as you’re gonna get for now. I gotta go swipe some lunch and get back to my post, so if you don’t mind leavin’ first…”

Buddy nodded and went ahead of her. She heard him trade some casual words with someone, likely making up an excuse as to why he was in there. Netty gave herself a quick wipe down with the rag before she redressed and shook out her stringy hair. Deciding she had cleaned up enough (which might explain why her pubic hair was such a lighter color than most of her hair), she trotted casually out of the tent.

Tom-Baro was there, the cycloptic mime waving at her casually. “Hey, Netty.”

“AHH!” she yelped. “I mean, uh, hi, Tom! What uhhh whatcha doing here?”

“Oh, I heard the tent wasn’t being used, so I thought I might work on my act in there. I didn’t know you were busy in there.”

“Yea, uh, little busy. But it’s all yours now!” she insisted, hoping to avoid what she was doing in there in front of her crush. Her face was already blushing into more blue.

“Cool. Thanks,” he said with another big smile and a wave. “Hope you enjoyed your time with your boyfriend.”

Netty blushed harder than she could remember, being such a shameless flirt, goblin and carnival folk as she was. She was nearly purple in her cheeks as she hugged her arms around her freshly-drained tits, getting another honk out of them. She hurried away from the tent, letting Tom take it over and power-walked back to her booth. Jil was there to wave a fistful of cash at her friend.

“Yoooo! Suck my DIIIIICK!” Jil shouted in as deep as her voice could go. “I just made twenty-six bucks off that guy at the candy wheel. Dude still didn’t win a thing! What are the ODDS?!”

The tattooed elf paused as the dark blue-faced moblin unlatched her booth and hastily hopped inside. She slammed her thorned head onto the plank of wood in front of her with a resounding crack beneath her thick skull.

“Oh. Sooo your new Buddy was…?”

“Fine,” Netty groaned. “And Tom was there when we left the tent.”

“Ohhhh. What’d he say?” Jil asked with a wince.

“He said he’s glad I found a boyfriend.”

“Oof. The meathead’s blessing.”

“Why am I such a screwup?” Netty groaned

“You want the truth?”

The gobtaur nodded, dragging her forehead over the board.

“You’re a hybrid of two of the lustiest species alive, raised with loose morals and looser legs at a circus with a dumbass like me as your best friend. This is not the first time thinking with your pussy’s gotten in your way.”

“It’s usually my tits doing the thinking,” Netty grumbled. Her phone buzzed in her pocket and she groaned loudly. “Ughhhh. Stupid phone! I already went on my break!”

She dragged it out listlessly and went to switch off her alarm. She paused as she saw the text that had come out instead.

“Hope you’re doing good,” Tom’s number encouraged. “You looked kind of peeved back there, so I hope I didn’t do anything to annoy you. Let me know if you need to talk about anything.” He added a smiley cyclops emoji to it for good measure.

“What was that?” Jil asked as Netty lifted her head.

“It’s progress,” the crossbreed said with a smile brightening across her face.


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