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May as well throw this up while I’m at it. Old and new ideas as always. Still hoping to fit a holiday story or two in before the end of the holiday but like to get this out before I overthink it to death.

Also got Winterfang in the works for a paperback version, just waiting on that for approval. I’m sure I’ll ramble about it when it happens somewhere.

Command Grab; VR CG: busty FGC gamer girl Command Grab tries out her new VR headset for her stream. Her pesky younger neighbor and his friends wander in and have their fun with her while she can’t believe how real the virtual reality feels.

Mighty Milfin Mama Rangers: a milf sentai/power ranger team juggling their personal lives with crime fighting. Some of the rangers decide to intervene when they hear their kids are being bullied, teaching them a lesson in costume.

Welcome To Monster Town: an adventurer young man finds himself learning that monsters are much more civilized (and sexy) than he expected. He starts to settle into Tunnelston, pawning his weapons since he won’t be needing them here. He tries to make a deal with a goblin shop owner and the back alley goods of The Selkie Sisters.

Zelda’s Mask: envious of each other’s lives, Princess Zelda and Chieftess Urbosa use magical masks to change places for a few days. The regal hylian princess learns what it’s like to live among the physically affectionate gerudo while Urbosa tries to control herself now that she’s outside a city of nothing but women.

Yuri Sumo Love: sumo wrestling, pain-loving girlfriends start up a cosplay wrestling league. They decide to host a tag team match as part of the tryouts for some new recruits, testing themselves against someone besides each other for once.


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