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I've teased this one here and there for a long time now before finally getting the nerve to get a cover and publish it. Winterfang of the Valla's the story of a farmgirl Amber in a basic fantasy setting whose family dies in a carriage crash. She's found and taken in by Bella, a towering, primitive warrior woman who takes her back to her tribe. She's declared one of their own and now she had to rebuild her life from scratch, making new friends and family while she learns to fight and hunt like the rest of the valla people. On top of all that, she starts to slowly discover she has some mystical connection to Winterfang, a long-dead monster of a wolf.

I'm going to hold off on sharing it on here like I did with Heranes. It's not really smut and it's my own/its own thing. I really want it to stand on its own as best I can because it's one of the more legitimate things I've made and I'm very proud of it. It's sweet and funny and vivid and reminds me I can do real books despite how fun it is hanging out on here with you all.

But enjoy the clean cover art anyways. Thanks for sticking with me, gang.

It's available on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08QY4Q2X3/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=winterfang&qid=1608257552&sr=8-1 



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