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This story got a lot of buzz and a couple requests for more, so dropping another for a bonus. This was originally a short story as part of that Gobtober marathon for Necromancer, sort of revisiting my Overlord’s Harem or Lusting Swarm from another angle. Also touches of Frankenbride, except Rek is sort of a mess of magic and a single dead goblin over a curvy cougar with control over her patchwork parts. It’s part of a lot of things, but its own story enough to revisit a little.

I have no idea how this guy’s dungeon works, by the way. He has employees and seems like he doesn’t actively kill intruders so much as he magically studies/tortures them to learn more about his magic. So he’s less cruel than Lord Gareth but more so than Lord William… though with a businesslike sense about him. Maybe running a dungeon is a legitimate business in this world?

“Hey, Addy! My boob fell off again!”

The chalky pale goblin stepped into the necromancer Aderand’s dungeon. Her hair was messy and black, apart from where his overuse of magic on her had turned blotches of hair white. She wore a loincloth and a lop-sided scrappy top, for obvious reasons. The master of the dungeon sighed and cut off the black lightning that was coursing into the tormented soul in front of him.

“Excuse me. This should only be a minute,” he apologized. The spirit nodded quizzically, simply glad to have the necrotic agony stop. The tall and narrow man in his dark cloak spun around and squatted down to Rek’s level. The undead goblin held her detached breast over her head like a pet with a trophy of a catch, one side of her chest perfectly smooth skin where it was missing.

“I thought we’d used the good spells and extra stitching on those,” the necromancer frowned. He took it from her and looked over the jiggling orb. Rek briefly snickered at the sight of him holding her disembodied boob.

“Yea, but y’know how you said I shouldn’t fight the adventurers?”

“I did,” he said, narrowing his eyes.

“So I saw some while I was dustin’ the cobwebs on the bottom floor.”

“How did you… why… never mind. Go on,” Aderand grunted.

“So I started yellin’ and ran away so they’d chase me right into the traps.”

“Still more than I’d asked.”

“So I jump over the spike trap and run off to hide, but my boob smacks right into the corner on my way out.”


“And it stays on for a while, but I keep jigglin’ all the time.”

“Hence the extra stitching.”

“So now this one’s fine but I whoaaa~!”

Rek cupped her remaining breast and jiggled it in her palm, only to suddenly stumble to one side. Her center of balance on her lanky body was clearly built around her oversized breasts and hips, so missing one sent her comically close to toppling over. Aderand sighed again.

“Okay, this may take longer than I thought.” He turned back to the disembodied spirit and re-embodied it with some hissed words and a few gestures. The soul was thrown back into the lifeless body of a warrior chained up beside it, who suddenly woke up with a gasp.

“As much as I’d love to gather more information, I don’t quite have the time left for you. Heckle? Cackle? Give him a light beating so the poor guy doesn’t have to go tell his friends we just let him go. Then dump him off down the chute.”

“Ay, boss,” one of the partly necrotic gnolls gurgled. They stepped into the cage with the prisoner while Aderand scooped the staggering Rek under his arm. She giggled and kicked her feet playfully.

“Are ya mad I ruined your boobjob?” she asked as they started back towards his operating room. “I promise I can still titfuck ya with just one boober.”

“No, it’s fine. I am still annoyed that you keep trying to get yourself killed,” the necromancer replied patiently. He set her roughly onto the rune-covered slab and gave her a slap on the ass for good measure. Rek giggled and squirmed with glee. Even before the undead thing, goblins liked a little rough treatment.

“Just makin’ sure I’m useful to ya, Addy. I don’t take my job as first minion lightly!”

“You should. You’re a minion,” Aderand said as he traced a finger over some of his shelves. “You know, I have some spare goblin bodies. I could just give you a new pair and see if the fresher flesh sticks better.”

“Ew. Gross.”

“You,” Aderand pointed out with a steady pause to keep her attention. “Are a goblin corpse. My spell’s all that’s keeping you almost alive.”

“I’m plenty alive! I get horny and happy and hungry… what else is there?”

“Heartbeat, skin tone, having half a brain,” Aderand muttered as he took a mason jar out of a cupboard. He shook some black powder into his palms and rubbed it in. “And I’m still trying to figure out where you got the hungry part. Your stomach shouldn’t work.”

“Then where’s all that cum goin’?” Rek asked with a grin.

“Clearly to your dusty brain. Open up.” Rek spread her legs on command. “Your mouth, Rek.” She opened her mouth on command. He grabbed her tongue and pulled it out, rubbing it over the long muscle that was slightly drier than it should be.

“Wha tha?”

“It’s dragon coal. It should held your nerves with reintegrating with your old flesh.” Once he had a solid coat on it he let her slurp her tongue back up. She smacked her mouth before looking at one of the utility mirrors nearby. She licked her lips, giggling as she saw her newly blackened lips.

“Hey, Addy. Check it out,” she giggled.

“I know,” he said dismissively as he pushed her onto her back. She spread her legs again instinctively, but he just pressed her breast into place and started to rub his hand around its base. She purred and squirmed, making her big pale jugs wobble from side to side. Aderand had to keep a hand firmly pressed on the top of the replaced melon to keep it steady while he worked. He finished up and gave her nipple a firm flick. Rek squeaked and jumped in surprise as it immediately grew hard.

“Retaining sensitivity. That’s a good sign,” he noted dryly. He still smirked as his underling squirmed on the slab. He grabbed her replaced breast and gave it a firm squeeze, letting the pale flesh swell up through his fingers. Rek mewled and kicked her feet anxiously at the rough teasing.

“Can you feel that?” he asked with a clinical coldness. He kneaded her breast tightly, tugging her areola and nipples between his thumb and forefinger.

“Definitely!” she chirped. “Like you’re tryin’ ta milk me!”

“Good,” he said, releasing it and letting her flop back to the slab. He took her by the hip and rolled her onto her belly. The plump jugs puffed up beneath her chest like a pair of pillows for her arms and chin.

“Let’s just make sure the rest of the body is responding normally…” Aderand reached under her loin cloth and hooked a couple fingers into her slit. Rek gave a shrill cooing noise as the sorcerer reached up to his knuckle inside the undead shortstack. Her hips perked up higher to let him reach as deep inside her as he wanted, her sludgy pit of a pussy plenty wet from his teasing.

“Bit warmer than usual, but your lubricant’s doing fine,” he assessed as if she were a car or cattle rather than his favorite toady. “Now time for the stress test.”

“Ooh! I love the stress test!” Rek piped up excitedly. Aderand pulled back his cloak and undressed behind her, the goblin zombie watching him with wide and milky eyes through the mirror she’d been playing with. She wiggled her hips excitedly, trying to tempt him into hurrying through his disrobing. He finally mounted his worktable and plowed into Rek with one firm thrust. The squealing goblin tensed up immediately, clenching her pussy around the shaft of a man twice her size.

“Ohhhh~! Boss, that’s so much! You got me burstin’ at the seams!”

“That better be a turn of phrase,” Aderand warned, a bit short of breath himself as her wriggling body tugged on his shaft. Her sloppy pussy slobbered over his cock until it was drooling her pussy juices down his thighs and balls.

“Nuh uh! I’d never turn nothin’ on you, Addy!” Rek swore. Her head bobbed listlessly back and forth, almost ragdolling as she shook from her master’s ramming thrusts.

“Just let me know if anything starts feeling loose,” Aderand warned as he reached around her torso. He grabbed both of her breasts and started to knead them roughly, the soft orbs bending and stretching to the touch.

“EEEE! No way! It fits too tight to feel loose!” Rek rambled.

She braced her knees enough to start grinding back on his deeply pressing cock. The goblin’s body was always a bit on the cool side to start, but enough strokes of his hot dick warmed up her insides like she had a pulse again. Rek even panted like she was in heat, even if she had absolutely no need to breathe in the first place.

Feeling her goblin clit thickening against his cockhead, he spared one of her breasts to grab Rek’s multicolored hair. She kept her face buried in the slab, panting and drooling as her pale eyes rolled back in her head. With the extra leverage, he quickly came inside her. The shot of heat rushing through her freshly warmed insides Her whole body broke into an aggressive shaking fit, babbling as her pea brain was overloaded with pleasure. She squirted her cool orgasmic juices over his lap, squeezing her legs around his hips to hold him inside her. It left her suspended off the slab between her legs and his grip on her replenished tits.

“Looks back to normal to me,” Aderand sighed. He slid back out of her snug but soaking pussy and released her tits, letting her flop back onto the table contently. She tried to roll over, just to flop back down again. She looked at her lower half to see one of her legs still draped over the human’s hip.

“Woops. Mighta overdone it,” she pointed out. Aderand sighed and picked up her disembodied leg like it was a simple piece of wood for him to work on.

“Alright! I’ll be back with a potion in a second. And no stress test this time around.”


“Ok, a short stress test.”

“Yes! Quickie!” the shortstack zombie cheered.

Aderand shook his head. “You’re lucky you’re worth all the work, Rek.”


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