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Huge burst of writing today! Got all this in one shot. All of it started with an image of a kindly lady in the forest warning “There’s monsters in these woods…”

Built from there and with some suggestions from a Discord perv, pieced it into this idea. A strange and sweet milf that meets a feminine guy in the woods and variously coddles, teases and fucks the hell out of him. Beginning to end: I do not know what this woman is supposed to be. I treated her kind of like one of those yokai that’s just a spooky lady for some reason. Or a really horny witch, or some variety of succubus. Her mystery’s the appeal, I say. Clearly not a regular person by the end, but largely genuine in her rough affection.

Glen never was an especially brave or strong boy. He had a slight and feminine build with blonde hair down to his rosy cheeks. He had been teased for his girlish looks as a child, but people seemed to outgrow it even while his feminine looks remained. It didn’t matter much anymore. The young villager had settled into a comfortable job at his neighbor’s store, delivering supplies on the horse and cart. He was plenty thankful for it; he got to visit people around town, and he was more suited to moving the light packages and bundles. He would have never lasted as a farmhand with a scrawny build like his.

After all these years, he wasn’t sure what compelled him to walk into the woods outside of town. Perhaps it was boredom after never doing a brave thing in his life. Maybe it was just a lovely view with the sun starting to set and he wanted a closer look. Either way, something called him towards the trees after that normal day of deliveries.

There was a rough but clear walking path that wove between the trees. Glen found it refreshing at first; nothing too difficult and with plenty of space. The trees were tall and wide, letting the fading orange sunlight trickle through in illuminating patches.

It wasn’t until he was a good hour into the woods that he realized his miscalculations. He wasn’t an outdoorsy boy, and he hadn’t thought to bring a lantern for when it got this dark out. The light was replaced with far weaker moonlight, and the gentle breeze now seemed to make every branch creak and snap in a way that made him break into a cold sweat. He could barely see the trail at his feet… or hoped he did. The light wasn’t as forgiving as it had been on his way in. He tried to turn back, but soon he wasn’t even sure if he was heading out or deeper into the trees. He second-guessed his every turn, shivering as he made a sharp turn at what might have been a familiar-looking tree.

He didn’t expect to run into someone, especially not face-first into her wide bosom. He gave a shrill shriek of surprise as she caught him by the shoulders. Her grip wasn’t especially powerful, but she was firm enough in it to convince him not to run out of instinct.

“Careful, child,” the woman’s low and gentle voice warned. “Whatever are you doing out so late?”

Glen stopped himself long enough to look at the stranger. She definitely wasn’t from town. She wasn’t an especially tall woman, but she was still bigger than he was in many ways. She stood a few inches taller with broad, hard-working shoulders while still looking like a gentle woman. She had pale skin and thick black curls that spiraled to her shoulders. She wore a long, wide dress with many practical pockets sewn into them, a full figure pushing out wide at her hips and chest. Despite her broad body, thin and graceful hands held onto Glen’s shoulders so he was staring right at the birthmark on the inside of one of her gently drooping pale breasts. Short but complex earrings dangled from her lobes, and sleepy-looking eyes of a deep, dark brown color studied him calmly. She was so intensely calm and gentle that for the first time in what felt like ages (though really closer to a half hour), Glen started to relax a little. Something about her unshakable confidence felt contagious.

“H-hi. Hello, miss,” the slim boy panted. “Didn’t mean to startle you.”

“You didn’t startle me,” she said, a gentle smile crossing her full lips. She spoke softly and with such care that it made her words linger in Glen’s ear as if he was savoring the sounds. It reminded him of the voice his mother would use when she was reading him bedtime stories as a child. The deeply ingrained sensation made him break into goosebumps.

“Whatever are you doing in these woods?” the woman repeated calmly.

“I was just… taking a walk. Then I think I got lost,” Glen admitted. There was no point in lying to her at this point. He lost any reason for shame since he had already shrieked like a girl in front of her.

“That’s terrible,” the woman cooed sympathetically. She brushed a hand through his hair, combing it with short but keenly trimmed fingernails. Glen’s breathing picked up a bit as she plucked out a leaf that had somehow gotten stuck in his golden locks.

“You really must be careful. There are monsters in these woods,” the woman warned with her same sleepy tone.

“M-monsters?” the teen asked with another small shudder. It seemed to be getting colder outside, but her hands felt so warm on his head and shoulder.

“Mmhm,” she noted calmly. “Strong, hungry things that would gobble up a weak young man like yourself in a flash. Very dangerous. Monsters in these woods…”

Her words stuck with him like she was speaking poetry in every sentence. She seemed so sweet and trustworthy… but that rose the question.

“What are you doing out here, miss?” Glen thought to ask as he glanced up at her. She blinked at him a few times with her long, dark lashes, like she didn’t understand him. Or she was thinking something over.

“I live out here,” she told him. “The townsfolk can be so noisy. I like things here, In the dark and quiet.”

“And the monsters don’t get you?” he asked curiously. She tilted her head again in some subtle confusion without breaking her lazy stare.

“They do not. They respect me.”


“Mm.” The woman reached into one of her pockets, fishing something out and placing it into Glen’s hand. She squeezed his fingers shut around it before he could see what it was, but it was soft and warm. He swallowed hard and opened it to find a couple of small, gold-colored mushrooms.

“It smells very strong to them. Keeps bad things away,” the big brunette assured him. “Can’t have any of those monsters getting you.”

“Thank you…” Glen said with a nod. He rubbed his free hand over his chilly arm. “But I don’t know which way is home. Can you point me in the right direction?”

“At this hour?” she asked, a hint of surprise to her voice. She rested her hand against her pale breast, unconsciously tricking Glen into staring at them again. “I couldn’t possibly. You could trip over a root or worse, you poor little thing. Why don’t you come to my house? It’s safe and quiet with a warm fire and a tasty meal waiting for us. You can spend the night and we can take you back to town whenever you’re ready in the morning.”

It was so generous, but too tempting to pass up on. It was that or keep stumbling through the darkness. “Thank you, miss. That would be wonderful.”

“Wonderful,” she echoed as she took him by the hand. Her short nails rubbed lightly over his palm, causing harmless scratches to run up his arm down his spine. “Then let’s go warm you up.”

Glen followed her lead. She knew the woods better than he did, so much that she didn’t seem to need a light to navigate them.

“I’m Glen,” he brought up, trying to stay polite to his rescuer.

“A lovely name. I am Mother Meadow. You may simply call me Mother if you like.”


Mother Meadow had a lovely little cottage not far from where she’d found her guest. It was every bit as warm and cozy as she’d promised, a fire already going beneath a pot of filling soup. She quickly saw to warming up the poor young man. She seated him on the overstuffed couch by the fire before serving him some soup and mead. All the heart-racing panic had him hungry and thirsty, so he happily accepted. She watched him eat with a proud smile before she pinched two fingers at the front of his shirt. Glen wasn’t sure why it felt so good until she let it go, letting the sweat-soaked fabric stick to his skin again.

“You worked up quite the sweat,” she noted in her same gentle voice. “You poor, scared little lamb.”

It felt like something his classmates would have called him in school, but coming from the doting mother figure it felt closer to an affectionate pet name.

“Yes, Mother. It was really scary out there,” he admitted. “I’m so glad you found me before the monsters.”

“You must frighten easily,” Mother Meadow chuckled. She leaned over to pinch his cheek fondly, having the unwitting side affect of shaking her hanging breasts in front of him. “I’ll get you some clean clothes. Though I’d be surprised if any of them fit a tiny little thing like you.”

Glen blushed modestly, drinking up the last of his soup. Between the filling meal and the sweet, light alcohol, he was starting to feel all warm and fuzzy. He barely noticed Mother Meadow coming and going, returning with a slim and silky purple nightgown. One clearly meant for a woman, given its light lace and color.

“I found this in my old things,” she explained, running her fingers over the soft fabric. It was practically a dress on the smaller boy, and just seeing the delicate garment made him blush again. “Should be just the thing while we wait for your clothes to dry.”

“You mean… I would wear that?” he asked warily.

“Of course. Unless you’d rather spend the night with me wearing nothing at all,” she mused. The words made him swallow hard. When he didn’t protest, she simply thrust the silky gown into his arms and undressed him herself. She wasn’t strong so much as far more decisive than he was, having his shirt off before he could fully register what he was holding. It really was incredibly soft and smooth, slipping gently between his fingers as he held it. He had to set it down for her to get the shirt off his arms.

Mother sat next to him and wrapped a slender arm around his narrow waist. She undid his belt and tugged at his paints until he got the point, shifting his hips to let her take them completely off. His erection poked straight out from between his soft and girly thighs.

“Sorry,” he muttered as politely as he could without making eye contact. Mother didn’t comment, whether she was too embarrassed herself or was remaining too professional to notice. Or perhaps it was exactly what she wanted. The woman only seemed to become more mysterious the more time he spent with her, but he felt it was clear she wasn’t out to harm him.

Mother slid the nightgown over his head, helping Glen tuck his arms through the narrow shoulder straps. Even as one of her older garments, it went past his knees. The loose fit made the soft fabric rub against his skin whenever it shifted, so smooth and delicate that it felt heavenly after all the sweaty, rougher clothing.

“Better, love?” Mother Meadow asked as the dark, pale woman settled into the couch beside him. Glen couldn’t contain his cracking grin as he nodded.

“Yes. Thank you.”

“You’re very welcome,” she noted warmly. She ran her fingers through his hair, getting him to sigh and lean into her touch. Her nails were hard enough to feel just like a soft comb, and after feeling so vulnerable already, he was desperate to trust someone with a softer touch.

“Rest easy, child,” she mused softly in his ear. “My poor little morsel of a man. You’re safe with Mother.”

“Mmhm,” Glen mumbled sleepily. He was putty in the plump woman’s hands. She had no trouble shifting his scrawny body into her lap, seating the girlishly dressed femboy in between her crossed legs. He sighed and moaned softly as she preened and groomed his hair, doting on him like some maternal beast tending to her young. The raw scent of herbs and the woods was on her curly hair as it spilled over Glen’s shoulders, something he found himself sniffing deeply in between quiet breaths. Mother Meadow only chuckled softly, making her pillowy bosom bounce against his back.

“You like that, love?”

“Uh huhhhh,” Glen sighed, barely finding the strength to nod. Mother ran her hand across his chest, her nails scraping gently across the fair skin. He barely even twitched in his deeply relaxed state, humming as he ran his hands over his lap. He rubbed his palms over the silky nightgown, shifting it over his thighs and lingering erection.

“Such a good little creature,” Mother Meadow purred. “So docile and weak. You’ve nothing to fear from Mother.”

“Yes, Mother,” he replied almost automatically.

“Good boy.” She nuzzled her face against his cheek and neck, getting him to giggle from the teasing touch of her lips. He squirmed in her lap, writhing his back against her wobbling breasts.

“Just relax,” Meadow whispered to him as she slid a hand under his sleeping gown. A slender hand squeezed his cock and balls, her fingers long and his package small enough that she could almost envelop all of it. Glen gave a mix of a sigh and gasp as she gently kneaded them, feeling his precum readily springing forth to meet her touch.

Mother ensured he was properly leaking before running her tongue up his neck. The escalation made Glen give off a high-pitched cry before trailing into a moan as she rolled his cock between her fingers.

“Easy, little lamb. Mommy’s got you. No more monsters are going to get you,” she promised gently. The words blew across the damp skin, making Glen mewl and shiver but remain still and erect in her hands. Mother wrapped her lips around his neck around, sealing her mouth to suck firmly at his tender flesh. The overly sensitive femboy shivered, but that only made her suck harder and squeeze him around his waist. Her hand roamed up to his chest, raking over his chest until he squeaked and squirmed. It became a vicious cycle as she stroked him off and scraped her teeth over his neck muscles, rewarding him at the same time as she increased the gentle pains she put him through.

“Yes, mommy,” Glen panted, unsure what else to say. His brain was practically leaking out his cock from all the mixed but wonderful sensations she was putting him through. Her biting and aggressively marking hickeys combined with her soft body and gentle jerking made his primal brain go mad with curiosity and want, soon humping her hand like an overly eager bunny in heat.

“Good boy,” she purred as she parted her lips from him. “Mommy fed you. Now let mommy feed.”

“Uh huh!” the femboy whined witlessly, his horny brain not even sure what she meant by that. Mother bit more firmly on his neck, hard and deep enough that he struggled to breathe for a split second. He choked out a breath before she drew back, licking something red from her lips before she shoved him onto his back. The delicate man stared at her wide-eyed in wonder, his finite sexual experience never preparing for someone like the mysterious milf. She tugged quickly at the shoulders of her dress, letting her watermelon-sized breasts bounce out as their faint pattern of beauty marks and freckles danced across them hypnotically.

His gifted night gown rode up from the rough landing, exposing his hard and leaking cock. The woman descended on it like a ravenous predator, and he even thought he saw a flash of fangs behind her full set of lips. Her thick curls hit Glen’s legs and lower belly, sliding over the smooth and hairless skin as she wolfed down his cock. He was always modest about its size, but the bitesized morsel seemed to be just what the woman wanted. Her head bobbed rapidly, shifting her hair like a thick curtain around her aggressively lusty act. She grunted and moaned loud enough that it wasn’t even shameless; she almost seemed proud of her hungry noises. The wet sound of her slobbering and drooling over it making it painfully clear what she was up to behind her hair and whipping head.

Not that he couldn’t feel it, of course. Glen’s fists were clenched, digging his fingers into the fabric of the couch. Her rolling tongue painted his shaft and spread her spilling drool over him. Her lips hugged and tugged on it when they closed tight enough to trap his dicklet inside her lips. It wasn’t long at all before Glen panted in a high-pitched voice, bucking his hips and squirting a quick dose of cum into her mouth. She gulped and slurped noisily before she simply kept going, mouth-milking his cock for more.

That was one small favor he had in his advantage; Glen wasn’t hung and didn’t cum very much, but he could go again and again. His high panting and gasping rang out as he felt her teeth squeeze his cock possessively, tugging and growling.

“Yes, mommy!” he yelped, hoping he interpreted her nearly feral hunger properly. “Take all you want! I’m sorry I kept my cum from you for this long! Take it all! Eat my naughty cock right up, Mommy! It’s more than I deserve for all your kindness. Take my entire body if you wish, mommy~!”

His pleading and crying only seemed to make the woman more savagely hungry for him, something he didn’t think was possible. Her tongue ravaged his entire crotch. Her mouth wandered beneath her veil of hair, squeezing and tugging his balls between her lips or stopping to flick her tongue rapidly over his tip. Glen would just wail and whine whenever he wasn’t encouraging her suddenly lusty outburst. He came again and again for her, giving his thirsting Mommy Meadows fresh doses of his wasted seed. She greedily drank it all down, the feasting mystery woman sounding like a hungry wolf tearing into a piece of meat. The feminine boy might have feared she had simply bitten it off in her mad hunger if not for how impossibly good it all felt to him.

Glen had no idea how many times he had orgasmed in that short period of time, but it seemed to be enough. After he barely spat out a teaspoon of cum on his last shot, Mother Meadows seemed to pick up that he was drained. She drew her head back slowly, milking any last drops she could before brushing her curls back from her face. Glen thought he saw a sheer blackness to her eyes like a pair of night skies, but she shook out her hair and blinked. She was as normal as when he met her, if her dress and hair slightly amiss from all the action. Just a trick of the light, he realized. He was definitely not thinking with a clear head, after all.

Mother Meadows licked her lips before curling them into a broad smile.

“What a precious little man you are,” she cooed. “I wouldn’t have thought I’d find such a sweet-tasting meal out in my forest.” She ran her hands up Glen’s hips to his chest, making his shudder and let out a mindless moan for her.

“Yes, mommy,” he mewled. “I’m so glad you liked it.”

“Very tasty,” she purred as she laid on top of him. She rested just to one side, leaving space between them for one hand to gently cradle and toy with his small cock. “I do hope you’ll visit me here in my lonesome woods.”

“I will,” he panted, nodding limply. “I promise.”

“So polite too. It’s so easy to tame you town boys.”

“What… what’s that mean, Mother?” Glen asked meekly.

“Don’t you worry,” she purred. She stroked his hair back from his sweaty forehead, adjusting his night gown to keep out any draft. She laid with Glen, petting him as his heavy eyes started to overpower him. “Mommy’s got you. No other monsters will get you.”

“Thank you, mommy,” he muttered as he curled up against her, burying his face between her breasts.

Mother went on stroking his hair, taking all the time she needed. Morning wouldn’t come for a long time. At least, not until she was ready. The woods tended to listen to Mother Meadows. She was powerful and respected in her forest, and the other monsters knew not to go anywhere near her prey. Normally she went after larger game; other monsters or strong men she could tempt into the woods. They had more meat to them and were still far too weak to resist her fangs and magics.

But when she found the delicate boy who trembled at his own shadow and seemed so desperate for someone to control him and toy with him like she enjoyed… he wasn’t something she wanted to consume or destroy. She could satisfy those urges any time with whatever she pleased. Having the little morsel of a manlet with her felt far more rewarding, and he was overflowing with such delicious fears and feelings. It was like a human raising a cow instead of catching a deer.

Mother Meadow licked Glen’s cheek as he slept, savoring the overloaded trembling of his body between her arms. She smiled proudly as she ran her finger over the marking hickeys all over his neck. She would definitely enjoy milking her delicate new cow for a long time to come.


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