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Wow, so this one came out in like 2 or 3 hours total… so sorry to the early access donors I guess! I felt like I knew where this one should go next and ran with it. I didn’t want to go too deep on this one, mostly because the next voted stories might go a little long as it is and want to deliver on the sheer number of stories this month.  It's more story and fun than sexiness, but sprinkled around and leaving some setup for next time.

Once they were properly into the region, Linkle didn't think that Death Mountain was as bad as it sounded. She and Doro went hiking along the trail, starting up the path of the huge red mountain. "How are you idiots not dying out there!?" Midna blurted from inside Linkle's shadow.

"What do you mean? It kind of feels like home," Linkle said cheerily. "That last place was a little chilly for my liking."

"The grasslands?! That's what normal people live in, you desert nutjobs."

Doro laughed at the whiny imp. "Well why don't you come out and join us? You won't get used to it if you're always hiding."

"Hiding's what I do best, thanks," Midna grumbled. "I'll leave the sweating and hiking to you two."

"It takes a lot more than some walking to make a gerudo sweat!" Doro boasted, thumping a fist on her chest.

"Speaking of, I wonder how mom's doing on her trip."

"Probably found father by now," Doro guessed. "Finally getting some after so long."

"Getting some what?" Linkle asked innocently.

"I dunno. I've just heard the older ladies talking about that. I guess husbands give many gifts to their wives."

According to Midna, there was only one major village on Death Mountain. The trip went smoothly at first, though it got hotter as they went higher. Steam geysers blasted off while lakes bubbled and boiled, and Midna had to grab Linkle by the ankle before she could go to look at the "shiny red water" that was magma. They clearly didn't have volcanoes back in the Gerudo village. Apart from a few close calls, they reached their destination.

Midna had thought it odd that nobody was traveling the main road, but now it seemed obvious. The goron settlement was packed full of the earthy In many ways, Goron Town was surprisingly similar to Gerudo Village. It was a bunch of small stone structures with some stalls that were nothing but tarps thrown over a few slabs of stone for shelves or tables. There was even a few open pools of lava, though they were mostly confined to the far corners of the town. The gorons themselves were as Midna had suggested; round-bodied creatures with skin varying from red to brown and black, mimicking the colors of stone. Dull colors made up their hair and beards in similar shades. Brittle plates along their backs made for light but resilient armor like an armadillo or a lightweight turtle.

"WOW!" Linkle blurted as she stared over the scene. "Would you look at the hydromelons on that one!" The blonde pointed out one heavyset rock creature who jiggled with every step as she lugged a basket of stones on her shoulder.

"Linkle!" Doro hissed, putting her sister back in line. Still, the gorons were certainly round all over and they were not a modest people. They all wore loincloths, and at most they wore a cloak or hat to go with it. Even the men with their loping, muscular gorilla arms had pot bellies and broad chests. The women were similarly thick, but with their tits running overtime as they were rarely smaller than a sack of potatoes.

"What do you expect? They're a species that eats rocks," Midna snickered from the shadows. "They're gonna put on a few pounds."

"This is so neat!" Linkle said excitedly. She ran down into the village just to stop when she started to hear the crackling noises. She stopped and looked down at her feet, seeing the sandals smoking around the soles. "Uh... uh... Doro!?" she yelped, hopping from foot to foot. "I think I'm catching fire!"

A gravelly voice laughed from behind her. She looked up to see one of the vendor booths with a stout goron man, fiery red hair in a spiky ponytail so that it looked like a pineapple. He leaned on a table made of rock full of more rocks, gesturing her over with one hand. "Havin' some trouble there, miss? C'mere before you cook yourself alive!"

"Linkle," Doro warned but Linkle hurried over before she could stop her. The goron smacked a hand the size of a frying pan on his counter.

"Have a seat up here, smallskin!" he greeted jovially. Linkle quickly hopped and planted her butt on the countertop, peeling off her sandals and trying to wave clap them together to put out the smoke. The goron set a bowl of water on the table, letting her throw them into it. "First time up Death Mountain, huh?"

"Yea! Can you tell?" Linkle said with a meek smile.

"Well the comment about the hydromelons sure helped!" the goron boomed, breaking into loud and hearty laughter. Linkle found it infections, breaking into a loud giggle of her own. "Ain't your fault though. Hylians ain't got the stones to be built like a goron woman."

"Oh, I'm gerudo," Linkle explained. The big brown man furrowed his brow as he tried to process that. "Technically. Like a... honorary gerudo. It's a long story and I don't quite know all of it," Linkle added more sheepishly.

"Well no offense intended! Here. We're always welcomin' to tourists willin' to make the trip to Goron Town!" He reached under his counter and set out a pair of thick boots. They were made from a dense leather, but with layers of metal visible along the bottom. "Here. Courtesy of Tyvan's Trades."

"Oh, thanks!" Linkle pulled one on, just for her leg to instantly drop to the ground with an audible clank. Linkle winced and had to put in a real effort to lift her leg back up. "Jeez. They sure know how to make a shoe up here, huh?"

"It's one of the few things that won't burn up besides goron skin," Tyvan explained. "Death Mountain just gets like that the higher up you go. They say that the only reason we have ovens up here is because it's cleaner than just cooking it on the floor!" The goron vendor broke into another hearty laugh, catching Linkle up in his joke as well.

"Oh, can I get another pair?!" Linkle asked. "I brought my sister along for my adventure and I'm sure she'd like to come check on me."

"Sister, eh? I'm surprised so many of you light little-" Tyvan looked where Linkle pointed and nearly fell off his feet in shock. "Good gravel! That's a gerudo!? I didn't know they made 'em that big!"

"Oh yea. Doro's super strong. She's kind of the coolest," Linkle said quite proudly.

"Er... sure! Sure!" Tyvan fetched another pair of the ironclad boots and looked uneasily between them.

"Great! Thanks! Do you need me to pay for them? The bokoblins dropped a bunch of rupees, so..."

"Oh no! It's on the house. Can't have our guests scorchin' their toes off!" Tyvan insisted. His muddy brown skin grew a layer of red across his cheeks. "But ah... would you mind puttin' in a good word with your sister?"

"Oh sure!" Linkle chirped. "I think she's desperate for a voe at her age, so it shouldn't be too hard." She grunted as she hopped back onto the ground. Her steps were hard and heavy, but at least she wasn't catching fire. She rolled up the legs of her silky bottoms just to be sure. Hefting up the other pair, she lugged them back towards Doro.

"Thanks a bunch, little one! Enjoy the ceremony!"

With the girls properly equipped to set foot in the town, they went asking around. Thankfully, the gorons had plenty to eat. It was spicy and tough, but it was cheap and plentiful since the gorons had their own preference for eating rocks. A few drinking patrons at the canteen made it clear what the crowd was all about; the gorons were holding some sort of annual tournament to show who was the biggest and strongest of all. Linkle was excited to see what they had for their equivalent of Tar'vasa Day, but she remembered their reason to come in the first place.

"So has anybody seen a blue lady come by?" Doro asked the bartender. "Hood and cloak, regal look to her..."

"Zora," Midna whispered from the shadow.

"A zora, maybe?"

"Oh her," the squat goron behind the counter mused. "Saw a little of her. She came hurrying into town and saw the chief. Zora don't usually come here, from what I seen, and they definitely don't stay for long. Her though... she spent the last two days in the chief's hut. All I know is they kept bringing her water, cuz of them being fishy types and all. Other than that, you'd have to talk to the chief himself."

"Great," Doro said, dropping a few rupees for the food. "Thanks."

"But you'll have to wait until the tournament's over." Doro gave him a puzzled look. "The chief has to be impartial in the tournament. He can't speak to anybody for days before the fights, and not til the prize is handed over. Old tradition to keep things fair and all."'

"Great. Guess we're stuck burning our boots for a while longer, Linkle," Doro sighed. She took another gulp of her water when something poked her in the ribs. She looked down to see Midna's hair, stretched out into a hand to prod the gerudo.

"Hey," she whispered. "My plot sense is tingling."

"What?" Linkle asked, glancing down at her.

"I feel another... something here. Something important's in the village." The weird appendage tensed up and grabbed Linkle by her pant leg. "Outside! Quick!" The girls stomped out outside, metallic footsteps noisily exiting. A cluster of gorons were standing out in front of a raised platform where a pair of them stood. One was clearly older, wiry compared to the rest of his kind. Stringy gray hair hung heavy on both sides with a bald patch on top, and his boney arms leaned on a cane of thick stone. An eight-foot tall but more narrow goron (which was to say he was husky rather than fat) stood next to him with a treasure chest tucked under his arm. The elder swatted him in the leg with his cane, cuing him to start.

"Brother gorons!" the tall guy announced. The crowd replied with a rowdy shout, including the women. "I am proud to announce the Ceremony of the Earthen Trials will be starting soon! Any of you who feel that you are strong as the mountain and faster than flowing lava, we'll be setting out the signup sheet for the contests here. Whoever proves themselves to be champion will earn this!" He lifted the metal treasure chest up in the air as if it were a suitcase. "The rarest treasure to be dug up by the mining team all year long!" He dropped the chest onto the platform and pulled it open, showing a long sliver of silvery metal. "We're not sure if it's some kind of ancient toothpick or chisel or something, but we've put it through enough tests to say it's damn near unbreakable! An unmatched addition to any weapon or smith's tools!"

"That's it!" Midna hissed. "You see it!?" Linkle frowned and took the Master Sword off her back. She drew it and confirmed the material looked the same. She even held it up and angled it to see that the piece would fit in almost perfectly.

"So I wish you all the best of luck! Eat up and gather your strength if you're gonna win this year!" The speaking goron tossed the shard back into the chest and lugged it off while the chief tossed a long strip of leather on the edge of the stage. The gorons crowded in and quickly started grabbing pens and quills to scrawl out their names. Linkle started to slink her way through the bunch of boulder-backed competitors.

"Seriously, Linkle?" Doro scolded, folding her arms as she muscled her way in after her. "You're like a tenth the weight of the smallest of these people."

"Not with these cool new boots I'm not," Linkle corrected. She winced as she couldn't fit between two of the gorons, so she grabbed his shoulders and boosted herself up. It was unsteady with the clunky metal shoes on, but she balanced on enough heads to finally reach the front of the line and write down her name. "There. You want in too while I'm up here, Doro?!"

"Might as well," Doro sighed. "We're gonna have one shot at this piece of the sword, and someone's got to scrape you off the floor once you get flattened."

The contests started just an hour later, making sure everyone who wanted in had signed up. A large number of them happened to be women, though all sorts had signed up. People even laughed when they found the young Naruk had signed up to compete, dwarfed even by Linkle. Linkle was still getting used to her new boots, walking around and jogging in place to get used to the extra weight. Doro was big and strong enough that she didn't have to worry as much, but she kept getting odd smiles from Tyvan.

"Why is he looking at me like that?" Doro asked Linkle quietly.

"He's got a crush on you," Midna laughed from their shadows. "You're big and brown like they are."

"What? Why?" Doro hissed.

"Oh, he asked about you," Linkle said brightly. "I said you would be looking for a voe, so he probably had a good shot."

"What?!" Doro shot upright and scowled at her. "You little menuda! I'm not going to date a goron!"

"Why not?"

"Because they're made of rocks! I don't even know if that's possible with one of them!"

"It is if you're willing to stay on top," Midna snickered. Doro stomped on her shadow angrily.

"You are not helping! As usual, I might add!"

"Contestants! Please gather at the west end of the village!" boomed the announcer from before. They trotted over when another goron (a scruffy-bearded older one) frowned at them.

"You ain't competing in that, are ya?" he asked warily.

"What? Pants?" Linkle asked, looking down. "I just rolled em up so the don't catch fire."

"Well... yea. I mean pants. And shirts." The girls looked down to realize he was in nothing but a loincloth, a strange-looking letter painted across the crotch. They looked over at the gathering contestants who were all wearing the same. Even the few who wore vests or cloaks were throwing those off. "Ancient rules. The game is always just in your skivvies. Just enough to keep your stones out of sight, so the ancestors can just your body and soul."

"Oh..." Doro looked down at herself, then back at Tyvan. The merchant smiled and waved back at them.

"Well, when in Goron Town," Linkle shrugged, throwing off her top and stuffing it into her pack. Her perky pale tits were already glistening with sweat, not that she seemed to notice.

"At least get a loincloth first!" Doro insisted, grabbing her sister by the arm and pulling her towards one of the huts. "And if you're getting naked, at least go inside first!"

The girls were soon lined up at the edge of town, clad in nothing but the goron-style loincloths. They were surprisingly comfortable, at least in a sensory way. They were firm but soft and light, but Doro still pursed her lips and tried to ignore that her entire wobbling chest was exposed. "It's kind of liberating, huh?" Linkle asked, tugging on the flap of hers.

"You could call it that," Doro muttered. "Just remember, either one of us wins this and we're in the clear. So truce until we have to." Linkle had kept her gear with her, not sure what the game would entail to begin with. Seeing as nobody stopped her, it felt worth it to keep her staff and pack with her. They had left their packs off with Tyvan for safekeeping.

"Alright, this one's a classic!" the announced declared, walking in front of the row of gorons. "It's the downhill roll! The chief's waiting at the bottom of the old mining trail! The first eight to get to the bottom go on to the next round!" A few of the gorons hooted and cheered at the news, but more of them crouched down or bent over. One of the bustier ones' tits even pressed against the ground when he leaned into it. "So on your marks!"

"Uh, guys? We might have a problem," Midna whispered.

"what's that?" Linkle asked as she put her fingers on the ground for a sprinting positon, ass up in the air.

"Get set!"

"Gorons are natural rollers," Midna warned. Glancing over, a few of them were in face tucking their heads between their breasts and rolling up into perfect spheres, their rocky shells looking more like tires than pudgy people.

"Sh'vaq," Doro cursed as her eyes raced over the course. Something caught her eye and she quickly formed a plan. "Okay, not a-"

"GO!" The lead goron stomped the ground, making a burst of lava flare out from a small lava pool next to him. The gorons went bolting off the line, and while Linkle held a lead for a few seconds, they either flipped or rolled out until they went tumbling past her.

"Oh come on!" Linkle yelped. "I can't do that!"

"Nope!" Doro called, breaking off from the main track. She let the gorons shoot ahead while she grabbed a massive old cooking pot that was left by a guard post. She tossed it aside to grab the  oversized pot's lid. "But gorons don't know how to sand surf!" The bigger sister threw the iron lid onto the ground and jumped onto it as it started to slide. She spread her legs out and leaned forward, tilting it along as the ground spat up sparks and bits of stone, but it sent her speeding down the hill and passing the slower gorons.

"Ah, Doro! Not you too!" Linkle complained as she kept sprinting after them. She wasn't making much headway until she heard some crumbling behind her. She looked back to see Naruk, the runty young goron from behind, bowling down the hill behind her. He wasn't as quick as the rest, but he was still catching up to her. Linkle frowned as she thought quickly. "Hey, Naruk!" she called as the ball started to catch up to her. "How about a team up?"

"I dunno..." the kid mused.

"You'll get to look up my skirt the whole time~!"

Doro threw her considerable weight one way or the other, zipping past a few of the rolling gorons. She even hopped onto the lip of one of the cliffs, grinding on it to slip past one of the wider old women that wouldn't let her pass. She had easily gotten into the top eight in a few seconds, and she figured that if she got the victory, that would be enough for the both of them. Even if every big twist or jump did make her only garment flap up for everyone to see her big brown ass...

"Coming through!" Linkle shouted. Doro spared a glance back as Linkle stood on the smallest goron's back, feet rapidly running backwards. She was riding him like a clown on a beach ball, adding her own speed to his as they shot past the tail end of the main mob of gorons. "Naruk! Turn left here!"

"I don't know how to turn yet!" the little guy squeaked up at her.

"Uh oh," Linkle muttered, looking at the rock wall ahead of them. With a quick flourish, she drew her long staff and thrust it into the wall, bouncing them away before they crashed. "Then just keep going!" she ordered. "Fast as you got!" She had to pick up the pace on her feet, but she was able to jab her staff into the ground and walls to steer like a gondola.

"You little idiot," Doro muttered as she was suddenly rammed by a competing goron. She squatted down and gripped the lip of her shield, swerving with it and arcing back to cut them off and slide ahead.

"How are we doing?!" Naruk called, his voice trailing in and out as he spun around.

"I dunno... I think we're like tenth place," Linkle guessed. "We're not making any headway past these guys."

"Then I will! Outta my way!" A gruff woman's voice shouted as she came barreling up behind them. Linkle yelped and tried to steer out of the way, but her boulder of a body just turned to pursue them. They entered too narrow of a canyon to evade her.

"That's it!" Midna snapped. "We're gonna win this!" Her hair suddenly lashed out and wove around the various competitors. A few puzzled grunts escaped them as the hair hand grabbed the shell of the second-to-lead goron. "Hang on tight!" Midna shouted.

"To what!?" Linkle blurted.

"I dunno! Somethin'!" Midna jerked her arm, slingshotting the group as she pulled Linkle along by her shadow. She went screaming through the air, arms and loin cloth flailing in the breeze. Naruk went flying along with them, but his stubby body went flying off course and splashed harmlessly into a lava pit. Linkle couldn't find anything suitable so she simply braced herself and leaned back, her steel-soled boots screeching along the hot stone as she slid across the finish line like a human cannonball.

She was only in fifth, but that still qualified enough to pass. Doro had actually managed to cut into first place with a last minute kickflip over the lead goron. "Alright! Looks like our guests pulled some surprising rolls out there!" the announcer said merrily. "I hope you guys are as good at sumo as you are rolling!"

"Uh... sumo?" Linkle asked, tilting her head in confusion.

"Yea. Don't gerudo have sumo?"

"I can't say we do," Doro said as she tossed aside the now ruined pot lid. "What is it?"

"Ah, it's a great sport for movers and shakers. By which I mean, people who can move and shake people real easily. You go unarmed onto a raised platform and the one who can shove the other out wins! In this case, the four winners will go onto round three!"

"And... do I want to know what round three is?" Linkle asked.

"Boxing! Same deal!"

"Oh. Okay, we do have that one," Linkle said. She looked over at the other gorons who had passed; one of them was seven feet tall and an ass so big and firm you could serve dinner on it. Another was a more squat man with knuckles that dragged like a gorilla. Still troubling. "So what's the last round?"

"That's a surprise," the goron said with a wink. "But it's what we've been calling 'The Boiler."

"So it's probably not as much of a surprise as he thinks," Midna muttered. "They're gonna boil up water until one of us can't stand it. And I'm pretty sure it's gonna be one of us who doesn't take baths in lava. Hey, speaking of!"

Naruk came waddling over, the little guy still wiping some cooling magma from his skin like it was soap suds. "Hey, little guy!" Linkle called. "Sorry about the whole launcher thing. I didn't know she was gonna do that. My uh... shadow has a mind of its own."

"Oh, that's okay!" Naruk said proudly. "I just wanted to compete. I can't believe I came that close to winning!" He looked Linkle up and down, still smiling wide. "And besides, I got to look up your skirts the whole time I was down there. So thanks for that."

"Oh..." Linkle slowly started to blush. "I uh... guess you did, huh?"

"Yup. That answers a lot of my questions about gerudos," he said, striding off into town to get some more coal cakes.

Doro sighed and patted her sister on the back. "Maybe when we go home, we don't tell this part of the story."


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