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I got more art from  artyellowcat#8214  on Discord, an artist I found recently who did the earlier Bella and Zeru tribal women art. They were a pleasure to work with on top of some of the cheapest and quickest art I've run into. So I hired them on for the cost of a usual full picture for "a week of work." Considering that this came in a day... I'm going to see how many we can get out of this and do a few runners up. I'll admit that Scrappa and Steve's pic is coming up next, and I may throw up a tiebreaker poll for any further work or just... figure out what they're best at.

I had to keep pushing them to get Boona's boobs even bigger, and every time I look at Bitsy, I think she looks a little off before deciding that I like how weird her curvy little proportions are.

And the cast, in summary:  

"Boona was their tank, passing for a human in most respects. She was a big girl for sure, making her perfect for getting in the way and causing distractions. She had enough of a belly that she needed specially made armor to fit into, but she had plenty of other reasons to cause that. Wide hips, a thick body that was 7 feet tall, her overstuffed belly, tits near the size of Bitsy's whole body, and big bushy red hair made her easy to spot in any crowd. She had a round and pretty face, lugging a huge battle axe and shield on her back. Her bulk could pass for human, if an especially strange one, until you really went poking around and found the short horns beneath her hair and the furry tail she kept tied down underneath her armor. There was a lot of understanding "Ohhhhhhhs" when she explained to the party that she was half minotaur. She was a happy soul, always up for adventures and way to prove her strength just to go back home and eat and drink a place of business out of house and home.

>Boona had claimed a bikini-like two piece linked with a brass ring in the front of her chest and on each side of her wide hips

Tombei Iceshatter was very much her opposite. She was the practical thinker and the thinnest built of the party, at least when you kept their halfling's proportions in mind. She was fairly average height, but her long and straight ears were shown off by her short and trim blonde hair. Her clothing hugged tight to her body, but despite lacking the raw power of a beast like Boona, Tombei was absolutely ripped. A flat and toned chest lead into her tightly bulging arms and legs.

>Tombei was wearing a loose, dull green robe not unlike a low-cut cocktail dress

Bitsy Backbite was a short and sweet thing at a glance. She was a halfling with the standard fuzz-topped feet and soft, maternal build and thick limbs, though few people took notice of them with one of her various cleavage-bearing dresses on. She had big brown eyes and a big smile with long brown curls going down her similarly bared back. When Tombei's business-like demeanor failed them, Bitsy was always there with sly charms.

>Bitsy had taken her creativity to the clothing and managed to create her own sling bikini out of a few quickly bound together tops. They each wore a pair of sturdy leather sandals to complete the look."




I gotta say, I love the natural concept of a natural meat tank in a fantasy RPG!