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So among the time I've been working on this place, I'm finding it's a little bit encouraged by the donations. Mostly just encouraging to know directly that folks are so interested. Lots of my writing in the past was me going halfway through something and then going "No, wait! This idea's better!" Most of the stuff that got anywhere was written with an audience in mind or with a partner or particular follower going "Yea, that's interesting stuff."

So thanks for showing the support. The Patreon's still mainly fueled by me, since my best stuff comes from passion projects. To help direct the ideas as they come, I'll be fishing for input in general from some more polls for a bit. So far: what's been your favorite story on  here? As always, feel free to comment or write in shit I might have forgotten or missed, or for secondary votes or thoughts.

And don't sweat it: I'm a few matches into Disney, halfway through Steele, and a few pages into the next Anklebiters.



Goblin Diaries, Dayzee, Rubber Maiden, Anklebiters, Overlord, Goblin curse.... TOO MUCH CHOICE!


I'm not gonna stand here and say I don't make a lot of great stuff. but the alternative girls with lovey stuff. point taken