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It's the end of the month and time to do a review of all the works done 

⃛ヾ(๑❛ ▿ ◠๑ )

But, first of all I want to give some special Greetings to the patrons who supported me this month:

I have the feeling that this month was kinda shorter, not in days but I felt like days went faster than usual. Anyways, I've been able to finish all my goals for this month (I'd have liked to do another sketch before the end of the month but it was not possible😅).

Next month will be a very moved month I have a lot of things projected. Starting the summer there will be a lot of images about beach, ocean and of course pretty girls in swimsuits. I'll get another animation with voice acting (I'm still unsure what artwork will be animated, I mean, I have a lot of choices and that's why I can't decide which one to choose).

I missed to draw some Genshin Impact characters this month but for other side I feel kinda glad that I have much more content to work with right now. I can decide between multiple options like Star Rail, NIKKE, Azur Lane and a lot of other games/series that are being trending and that are coming in a near future. It doesn't mean that I wont work with genshin characters anymore, on the opposite I still have a lot of things to work with them.

Previews of May (2023) rewards:

- March 7th: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/108023922
- Ai Hoshino:  https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/108308113
- Himeko: TBP

Here is what you can find on this month rewards:

  • $1 - KOUHAI:
March 7th  -  Ai Hoshino  -  Himeko:
-  Sketches and source files (PSD)
-  Full Resolution Image
  • $5 -  SENPAI:
March 7th  -  Ai Hoshino  -  Himeko:
-  All Kouhai Tier content
-  Full Process
-  Bonus Versions (X20~)
-  Images without background (PNG)
  • $10 -  SENSEI:
March 7th  -  Ai Hoshino  -  Himeko:
-   All Kouhai and Senpai Tiers content
-  Bonus Versions (X51)
-  Source Files (PSD)



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