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It's the end of the month and the time to do a review of all the works done 

୧༼ ヘ ᗜ ヘ ༽୨

But, first of all I want to give some special Greetings to the patrons who supported me this month:

This month I had a lot of days in which I could not work as much as I wanted. First my mother's birthday, then the birthday of my aunt and the birthday of a cousin. My family is very big I can tell that my mother has 8 siblings and my father 6, and everyone of them have at least 2 sons. Recently some of my cousins are having  sons so you can imagine how big the family is becoming that's why it's usual that there are months in which we can celebrate 2 or 3 birthdays (fortunately in my birthday's month there's no other celebration (ᗒᗨᗕ) ).

Anyway coming back to the topic, even with all those celebrations I've been able to work very fast to the point that I'm near to finish the Anis artwork I started some days ago. I'm really excited about this new way to work but I still feel like I need to keep working harder to get a much better level.

I think it's all for now, I might do another post in the next few days if I have news about the things I'm working on (It might be sooner if things go well).

Previews of March (2023) rewards:

- Toki: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/106076595
- Yae Miko: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/106317505
- Jean (Training Days): https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/106633136 
- Anis (Draft): https://www.patreon.com/posts/anis-draft-80694012

Here is what you can find on this month rewards:

  • $1 - KOUHAI:
Toki  -  Yae Miko  -  Jean (Training Days)  -  Anis (Draft):
-  Sketches and source files (PSD)
-  Full Resolution Image
  • $5 -  SENPAI:
Toki  -  Yae Miko  -  Jean (Training Days)  -  Anis (Draft):
-  All Kouhai Tier content
-  Full Process
-  Bonus Versions (X20~)
-  Images without background (PNG)
  • $10 -  SENSEI:
Toki  -  Yae Miko  -  Jean (Training Days)  -  Anis (Draft):
-   All Kouhai and Senpai Tiers content
-  Bonus Versions (X41)
-  Source Files (PSD)




Thank you soooooooo much my friend 🙏🙏🙏🙏 received the rewards and love them all ❤️❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘😘


I'm glad to hear that, I'll work harder to do much better works ♥