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Time won't stop and we are here again. Time for Rewards! 6((((≧▽≦))))9

But, first of all  I want to give some special Greetings to the patrons who supported me this month:

It's a shame that this summer is ending, I was having a lot of fun doing the "summer party" theme for Genshin Impact's girls. There's still one work to finish about this (Shogun Raiden) but I might do some more on December - January (Since there are other countries in which this is the Summer season). I hope you liked this theme as much as I do.

I'll move to another theme now, September would be a month to school girls and chill and october of course is a very special month due halloween so there's a lot to choose.

Last but not least, after the patreon update I've been finding a lot of bugs in the site, so if you are experimenting some issue with the rewards or something else you can tell me and I'll try to help you as soon as I can. Remember you can get access in the Discord server and talk to me every time you want 

P.S. Ahh I almost forgot about this. I would give free access to my discord server, of course just to the public channels. Rewards channels will stay as now.

Previews of August (2022) rewards:

- Yae Miko - Summer Party: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/100243565
- Hu Tao - Summer Party: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/100498565
- Aqua: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/100766637
- Shogun Raiden - Draft: https://www.patreon.com/posts/aqua-draft-70668636

Here is what you can find on this month rewards:

  • $1 - KOUHAI:
Yae Miko (Summer Party)  -  Hu Tao (Summer Party)  -  Aqua  - Shogun Raiden (Draft):
-  Sketches and source files (PSD)
-  Full Resolution Image
  • $5 -  SENPAI:
Yae Miko (Summer Party)  -  Hu Tao (Summer Party)  -  Aqua  -  Shogun Raiden (Draft):
-  All Kouhai Tier content
-  Full Process
-  Bonus Versions (X18~)
-  Images without background (PNG)
  • $10 -  SENSEI:
Yae Miko (Summer Party)  -  Hu Tao (Summer Party)  -  Aqua  -  Shogun Raiden (Draft):
-   All Kouhai and Senpai Tiers content
-  Bonus Versions (X37)
-  Source Files (PSD)



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