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Less days in a month means get rewards sooner and this time has come  ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ♪

But, first of all  I want to give some special Greetings to the patrons who supported me this month:

This month was shorter, but fortunately I've been able to finish all the artworks I had planned. 

For the next month I'm planning to start again with the character polls, for now I'll try doing one in the month, but since I don't have much clear what characters will enter to the poll I'm thinking on let you suggest the characters you want to see. I'll use all my Socials to know what characters you want to see, and if you want you can comment on this post the character you want.

I'll let you know more about it on the next days.

With that said...

Previews of January (2021) rewards:

- Jean: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/87617161
- Rias (Valentine): https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/87757052
- Ganyu: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/87985778
- Kurumi: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/88105103

Here is what you can find on this month rewards:

  • $1 - KOUHAI:
Jean  -  Rias  -  Ganyu  -  Kurumi :
-  Sketches and source files (PSD)
-  Full Resolution Image
- Rewards: https://www.patreon.com/posts/february-2021-1-48124404

  • $5 -  SENPAI:
Jean  -  Rias  -  Ganyu  -  Kurumi:
-  All Kouhai Tier content
-  Full Process
-  Bonus Versions
-  Images without background (PNG)
- Rewards: https://www.patreon.com/posts/february-2021-5-48124682

$10 -  SENSEI:

Jean  -  Rias  -  Ganyu  -  Kurumi:
-   All Kouhai and Senpai Tiers content
-  Bonus Versions
-  Source Files (PSD)
-Rewards: https://www.patreon.com/posts/february-2021-10-48124973




Lately I've been thinking about Olga Discordia or something from Naruto - MHA


Thanks for your hard work!