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Don't you wanna bet anything else?... Master~ 

You can see some previews Here: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/80550932


After thinking for some time I've decided to Release all the "kouhai" Tier content of every work I finish in the moment it's done.

This is made to give you more feed content and bring you better content than just a preview  and making you wait till the end of the month to get it. At  the end of the month I'll do a post compiling all the "Kouhai" Tier content  for making easier the download of all of this content.

I won't do the same thing for "Senpai" and "Sensei" Tiers. This is because it could make harder to find any rewards for patreons, and it'll be tedious to scroll and scroll and scroll every time you want some work. That's why I'll continue making the post with all the content for this tiers at the end of the month (at least for now, I could find another way to bring you the content faster). 

Last but not least, some patrons have been asking me for the sketches on the "Senpai" and "Sensei" tiers. That's why from now on I'll include the source file of sketches (Psd) and the sketches in the Packs I bring you instead making you search on other posts for it, It'll make you easier to get all the content. 



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