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Just checking in to make sure the website (sprucemoki.com) has been working well with folks. It looks like I have 339 out of 500 patrons signed up on the site which is super promising!

I'd like to know if there has been any confusion in navigation or you're happy with the improvements over what the old site offered.

Also, if you have any suggestions!




Liking the new site a lot, very easy to navigate so far. Maybe make the search icon a bit more visible? I almost missed it at first.


I like the menus and how easy it is to navigate to paid content/animations/art/interactives! I was not even aware of the search feature before reading the above comment; so making it more visible is a good idea imo. only thing that's missing is just the rest of the posts!


I made that adjustment! I will be making a theme matching search results page soon now too :3


last time i tried the site a lot of the older animations didn't work it just asked me to leave a comment, but ill give it a go again


I can't seem to actually log into the site. I verified in the patreon settings that I'm logged into your site with it, but your site keeps showing me as not logged in. Is there any ongoing issue like this that you know of?

Spencer Greenway

It seems to run just fine on my end. Great layout execution and everything too Spruce^^