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Don't want to make this a big deal, but for the past few days I've had a  light cough and some aches and this morning I work up with a mild  fever. Yesterday I did go get tested for Covid-19 and will know in a few  days.

The reason I'm saying this at all (I usually wouldn't) is because this  may affect my ability to work. I'm going to try to continue working like  I have been because I don't want people not getting the content they  deserve.



Michael Luxen

Best regards. I hope everything works out for you.


Nothing to fear spruce. Your chances of actually having covid 19 are so small placing a bet on it would earn you trillions of dollars on a 5 dollar ante.


Well, my mom tested positive last Thursday (she works in a mental care and health facility). So it's pretty likely I've gotten it from her despite trying to keep ourselves separated within the house. I better go make a bet though lol


I also work in a care facility for children with mental development issues. We had someone test positive two weeks ago and I was with that co worker just days before the report came out. You have a high chance of survival.


Oh I'm not worried at all. Whether it's covid or not though doesn't mean I'm not gonna feel like crap lol.




Be safe!