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Josh Whelchel is working on music for the upcoming game Oblitus (http://oblit.us) and he asked if I wanted to do something with his new tracks. I listened to his work-in-progress of the ingame forest music and it really stuck with me. So, here's my re-arrangement of that forest theme on two Commodore 64s. I really like the original...the atmosphere is really great and I'd recommend you listen to it first before listening to my version. I also had this idea in the back of my head for something that would really make you move, so I've taken a few liberties with it to merge what's in my head with the original. This is a paid post, so I will be messaging Patrons with a download code when the time comes. For now, I hope you enjoy, please feel free to share the link around!


C64est by InversePhase

Get it? 4est? This is a direct (and time-signature wrecked) dual-Commodore 64 arrangement of Josh Whelchel's Forest draft for Oblitus, an upcoming game. It got stuck in my head and then so did Columns (Sega) and then so did Narayan (Prodigy) and out popped this thing.


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