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I've been working on this soundtrack and Shawn&Co (collectively, NuChallenger) have been working on the game for over twelve years, and honestly it's huge to say this is finally done. You can already play the game, which came out yesterday. Even if you bought it when it was "Episode 1" on Steam, you get the Ultra Remix DLC for free, which effectively triples the content in the game. 

Speaking of triple the content, the soundtrack is also nearly triple the size (over 30 tracks)! And I'm releasing it tomorrow, on Bandcamp Friday, when I'll get 100% of the revenue. This is Patreon though, so if you're in the $4 or higher tier I will send you a download code for the album. I prefer sending them on Discord (link your accounts!) because it gives me a chance to catch up, but if you'd like it some other way just let me know with a comment or message.

Also, if you're in a lower tier, I'll send you a download for one of the tracks on the OST, just let me know which one you like the most!

For now, I have some audio cleanup to do. So punch some helicopters for me and I'll see you soon.

♥ Inverse Phase




Hell yeah, man! Awesome!