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Hey! I'm gonna keep this one short and sweet - I've gone back and forth on this a whole bunch and even posted and asked about it here and on social media.

Long story short: One of the things I've found out from asking around is that the "monthly maximum" system is too complicated for a lot of people, and they prefer to know exactly how much they're going to be spending each month on patronage, and for that to not be a fluctuating amount.

Also, while I think a per-creation Patreon makes more sense as far as
releasing my work, I think a monthly Patreon makes more sense with the
amount of work I eventually want to produce. 

I think both of these things are a roadblock for people to join. I want to reach more people and right now that isn't happening. I might switch back to per-creation if it doesn't work out, but I want to see how this goes.

I want to be completely transparent with you, as you are all my current patrons and supporters. I intend to keep rewards the same. Please don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions.

Thanks so much!


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