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Hey! Sorry it's been so quiet, there's so much going on and I've been working on catching up with gigs so I can get you all MORE CONTENT. Here's a livestream from just under two weeks ago of me populating one of my synthesizer boards, in preparation for the Muff Wiggler DC synth meet that was held at Rhizome DC.

In all honesty, this video could be edited down to about 10 minutes, so maybe it's better watched at low volume in the corner of your screen while you're doing something else. The point of leaving it as-is, is you get to see my "process" of setting up hardware and trying to lead you through the process. Also, I'd rather spend time on producing that OTHER video I should be working on. =]

Related, however, is an update on the synthesizer! The timer/oscillation code was repaired and the boards are working. Some (expected) addressing issues have cropped up and are being....ahem....addressed. I beefed up the dumb "organ" app that I wrote (I demo it towards the end of the video). It now gives you octave and instrument selection. It will get overhauled and implemented into my tracker as a "keyjazz" mode.

Now I am hunting for more chips. If you, or anyone you know, has any of the following, this is my official call for hardware:

  • Commodore 64C (newer model, not breadbin) for a SID 8580
  • MADARA or Esper Dream 2 cartridge for a VRC6
  • TI SN76477, usually found on rather old arcade or pinball boards
  • TI SN76489 and variants (SN76496, NCR 8496)
  • General Instrument AY-3-891x variants
    (especially a non-fake AY-3-8930)

I prefer hardware that is non-working with an intact soundchip so I am not destroying a working machine; I plan to use whatever else might still be salvageable on the hardware to repair other gear (a few of my commodore keyboards are shot, etc). Plus I am not mass-producing or selling this hardware. I do not want to contribute to the historical demise of anything uncommon or rare.

As always, feel free to leave comments or questions, I hope to hear from you!


Synthesizer build: Let's configure a module (live, unedited)

I'm building a chiptune synthesizer from scratch. I have single modules for each sound chip it will contain, and it's time to set one up. Let's see how this goes!


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