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Time for another braindump! At Blipfest 2006, they had a cool horizontal pixelwall below projected visuals behind performers like in http://youtu.be/xrNe6pA0BJw ... then in 2007, they did a similar thing, but they turned it vertical and put projected visuals to either side, like so: http://youtu.be/AcxYBtz2k-0 Not all chiptuners are active on stage (I plan to work on that) but also, you gotta admit, cool visuals happening on stage help out quite a bit. That's why most chiptune shows book visualists (often as if they're performers) to do the visuals you see NOT on the pixelwall part. I was inspired, however, by How To Destroy Angels. The performance is like a sort of audiovisual art installation. HTDA set up a giant LED screen behind them and set of fiberoptic "curtains" in front of them that they moved around. The result produced cool 3D effects, but it also gave you lots of different things to look at. Some of their visuals were even very demosceney, which is a background that oldschool chiptuners (like me) really identify with. At a chiptune show you might have to look through the performer to see visuals that are happening behind them. Especially if there's only one person on stage, sometimes we have to focus on technical aspects of our performance and we're not very exciting to look at during that time. So, I got an idea. The "cool visual device" that I've been envisioning is basically a mini-pixelwall that will attach to the back of my laptop, and rather than being controlled by a visualist, I can sync it to music and control what "mode" it's in while onstage. Then people will have something awesome to look at whenever I'm not quite as interesting, plus I create the opportunity to flex my chops on visuals. The $512 goal, by the way, is one of two things, the one most closely related to this post is a portable (but larger) version of this to go behind me at shows that don't book visualists. The other one will be revealed later.... =] Before I end the braindump, I want to shout out the kickstarter for Beatdown City. The first one didn't succeed, but it's back up on kickstarter and actually has only a few hours left. Please check it out before the campaign ends at http://beatdowncity.com/ and if you like what you heard in the EP at the beginning of this year, help us spread the last-minute word! More good news soon....



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