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The EP is finally live! Can you help me share it, please? Here are some links: SC: https://soundcloud.com/inversephase/save-chiptune Tumblr: http://inversephase.tumblr.com/post/117261395266/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/inversephase/status/591639006275903488 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/inversephase/posts/10153275503747360 G+: https://plus.google.com/111317259136418339999/posts If you're writing a post yourself, I think it would be best to share the soundcloud link, since that's the most social-media friendly, but the other ones are there in case you just want to hit share/rt/reblog/whatever and be done with it. =] Every little bit you can do helps! Thanks and enjoy!


Save Chiptune Sampler by InversePhase

Get Save Chiptune NOW on Loudr: http://ldr.fm/bpvqe Here it is! A by-hand, by-ear, no-MIDI, no-helper-apps LICENSED translation of four of my favorite Fall Out Boy songs. Also featured up front is my second YM2612 track, and I've used SAM on the Commodore 64 to imitate Suzanne Vega's part in Centuries.


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