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Hey everyone! With Beatdown City about to hit the books, two Patr(e)on-supported items will soon be behind us. So far, I like this. But do you like this? Is there something else Patreon could be for us? What has the process like been on your side, as a Patron? Simple and straightforward? Any speed bumps? I just want to know so I can make this a good experience for everyone. We can also send the feedback to Patreon, they're great people and they've listened to some of my rather specific feedback already. Also, if I may, I'd love it if you could help me spread the word about my Patreon. Just a sentence or two about me and/or why you're supporting me on twitter or facebook would do the trick. There are some cool things coming up this year and I want to share them with as many people as possible! Thanks for everything so far!


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