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I finally got over the anxiety bump and got all this audio together. Originally I wanted to "soundtrackify" it more, include a remix, etc. 

Lots going on over here at the (proverbial) ranch though, namely my main workstation being out of commission at the moment. So, I need to focus on what's important; replacing parts in a PC and getting it to work. Plus I have some upcoming appearances at VCF East and ATparty. I want to make sure my presentations are comprehensive and engaging!

Anyway, Jordan Mechner released classic Prince of Persia with the stipulation that anything derived from his release be noncommercial and not charged for, so pop over to my bandcamp and collect yourself a FREE copy of the Prince of Persia audio!


Prince of Persia (un)official BBCOST, by Inverse Phase

Prince of Persia (un)official BBCOST by Inverse Phase, released 10 May 2018 1. Prince of Persia Title 2. The Story So Far 3. Let's Begin 4. Player Death 5. Potion of Healing 6. Guard Death / Get Sword 7. Player Death by Sword 8. Potion of Life 9. Stage Complete 10.


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